
"Infertility" affects 1/6 adults worldwide, why is fertility gradually declining?

Whether to give birth or not, sooner or later, everyone has their own freedom and choice. But for 1/6 of the world's people, the choice of "parenting" is extremely difficult.

According to a recent report published by the World Health Organization (WHO), about 17.5% of the adult population (about one in six globally) has experienced infertility in their lifetime.

"Infertility" affects 1/6 adults worldwide, why is fertility gradually declining?

Author of this article | Life Times reporter Zhang Jian

About 1 in 6 adults worldwide is infertile

On 3 April, the World Health Organization's Estimates of Infertility Prevalence (1990-2021) report estimated that globally, about 17.5% of adults (about 1/6 of the population) are affected by infertility, which is on the rise, and infertility has become an important public health problem.

"Infertility" affects 1/6 adults worldwide, why is fertility gradually declining?

Infertility is a male or female reproductive disorder that refers to a successful pregnancy/birth without using any contraception for more than one year, with normal sex.

The report shows that the prevalence of infertility varies between different regions of the world. The highest lifetime prevalence was in the Western Pacific (23.2%), followed by the Americas (20%) and Europe (16.5%), and lowest in the Mediterranean (10.7%).

The prevalence of infertility is almost comparable in different income countries, from 17.8% in high-income countries to 16.5% in low- and middle-income countries.

"Infertility" affects 1/6 adults worldwide, why is fertility gradually declining?

For people of childbearing age who want to have children, infertility brings a lot of pain. Many families bear a great financial burden to treat infertility, and many do not have access to treatment.

The report notes that despite the global infertility problem, countries are underinvesting in prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

In line with global trends, the prevalence of infertility on the continent is also increasing.

A national reproductive health epidemiological survey conducted by the team of Academician Qiao Jie of Peking University shows that between 2007 and 2020, the incidence of infertility in mainland China has increased from 12% to 18%, and about 300,000 IVF babies are born every year.

Why is the prevalence of infertility so high?

Li Hongjun, chief physician of the Department of Urology at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, said that the main reason for the increase in the prevalence of infertility is the disharmony between man and nature, including environmental pollution, climate warming and other impacts.

▶In 2021, an analysis in the journal Nature Review Endocrinology said that pollution from burning fossil fuels may play an important role in the decline in sperm count worldwide.

▶In 2022, a paper published in the journal Human Reproduction Updates noted that the average sperm count of men worldwide declined by 62% between 1973 and 2018.

Secondly, there is the change in fertility concepts and lifestyles. Due to the accelerated pace of life and increased life pressure, some people of childbearing age have decreased their willingness to have children, and their childbearing age has been delayed, which has aggravated the high incidence of infertility.

In addition, unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and sedentary periods are also associated with reduced fertility.

10 Tips for Fertility Care

Hoping to be a parent but difficult to achieve is the fertility dilemma that many couples are currently facing.

Giving birth to the next generation requires a healthy body for both couples, and the "Core Information on Infertility Prevention and Health Education" issued by the National Health Commission puts forward 10 recommendations.

"Infertility" affects 1/6 adults worldwide, why is fertility gradually declining?


Focus on adolescent reproductive health

During puberty, the reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics gradually mature, and adolescents' physiology and psychology have undergone tremendous changes. If you do not correctly recognize changes and learn to protect yourself, it may affect future reproductive health.

For example, having sex too early can damage the reproductive system, while unprotected sex increases the risk of genital tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, and unwanted pregnancies. Therefore, sex education in adolescence should be strengthened.


Age-appropriate marriage and childbearing

After a certain age, bodily functions decline with age, and fertility is no exception.

It is generally believed that after the age of 40, male fertility begins to decline, and sperm quality deteriorates, which in turn affects fertility; A woman's fertility declines faster after the age of 35, fewer follicles are available in the ovaries, the quality of egg cells deteriorates, and pregnancy becomes more and more difficult.


Scientific pregnancy preparation

Men and women who are planning to get married or plan to become pregnant should take the initiative to go to medical institutions to receive services such as marriage examination, pre-pregnancy eugenic health examination, and fertility counseling and guidance.

Scientific pregnancy preparation mainly includes avoiding risky drugs, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, exercising, maintaining appropriate sexual frequency, and choosing to have sex during ovulation. Women with irregular menstrual periods can also monitor ovulation medically.

"Infertility" affects 1/6 adults worldwide, why is fertility gradually declining?


Stop smoking and limit alcohol

The production of sperm and eggs, the formation of fertilized eggs, and embryonic development can all be affected by unhealthy lifestyles, with tobacco and alcohol being more affected. Couples planning to become pregnant are advised to quit smoking and drink for at least 3 months and avoid exposure to secondhand smoke.

Obesity and excessive wasting also have an impact on fertility, and a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, and regular work and rest should be maintained.


Avoid contact with harmful substances

Exposure to toxic substances such as lead, mercury, benzene, pesticides and radiation can cause infertility, fetal arrest or miscarriage.

In addition, studies have shown that the suitable temperature of the testicles is about 35 ° C, which is slightly lower than the normal human body of 37 ° C. If you are in a high temperature environment, sauna and hot bath for a long time, so that the temperature of the testicles rises, it may affect spermatogenic function and lead to a decrease in sperm quality.


Stay in a good mood

Long-term anxiety, depression, or nervousness, fear and other bad emotions may affect the secretion of female hormones, which in turn inhibits the normal ovulation of the ovaries, resulting in infertility. Conversely, couples planning to become pregnant can maintain a comfortable mood and relieve mental stress, which will have a positive effect on pregnancy.

Clinical findings have found that some couples who cannot conceive children and cannot find out the exact reason, after deciding to do test tubes, because they relaxed their mood, but achieved natural conception.

"Infertility" affects 1/6 adults worldwide, why is fertility gradually declining?


Contraceptive unexpected pregnancy

Couples who do not plan to become pregnant should do scientific contraception, and can use instrumental contraception or oral contraceptives. Unplanned pregnancies do not necessarily have adverse consequences, but having to choose to miscarry can impair a woman's fertility later in life.

Induced abortion (including medical abortion) can cause complications such as tubal blockage, intrauterine adhesions, and endometriosis, resulting in secondary infertility in women; Multiple repeat abortions are associated with a higher risk of complications and secondary infertility.


Pay attention to fertility protection

Some diseases or treatments have been shown to be devastating to fertility. For example, surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and treatment of certain autoimmune diseases for some malignant tumors. With advances in technology, these patients have more options to achieve fertility protection and preservation.


Receive regular treatment together

The causes of infertility are complex, and if they suspect that they are infertile, couples should actively seek medical treatment in regular medical institutions and receive treatment under the guidance of professional doctors, otherwise there may be many potential risks.


Egg buying and selling and surrogacy are prohibited

Assisted reproductive technologies can bring new hope to many infertile couples, but these techniques must be implemented by qualified formal medical institutions within the scope permitted by national regulations.

Any form of buying and selling sperm, eggs, and surrogacy is an act that violates ethics and social order and must be strictly prohibited.

May every life come healthy and safe with love and expectation. ▲

Editor of this issue: Yang Meng

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