
Is there anything particularly noticeable about sisters after an IVF transplant?

After the transplantation of many sisters, they began to be frightened, thinking wildly, a little wind and grass are nervous, they hope that the embryo can implant smoothly, but also afraid that the embryo will not be in bed, the heart ah seven up and eight down ~

There are also many sisters who ask the family editor after the IVF transplant, what is the obvious feeling?

This one does exist, but it varies from person to person!

Is there anything particularly noticeable about sisters after an IVF transplant?

After the IVF embryo implants, the embryo's nourishing ectoderm continuously releases chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG.

With the increase in hormone levels in the body, some women will have a series of pregnancy reactions, such as dizziness, chills, limb weakness, nausea, nausea, loss of appetite, breast swelling and pain.

Of course, there are also some sisters, after the IVF transplant implantation is not reactive, women will not feel anything, only a small number of women may have a small amount of vaginal bleeding, slight abdominal pain, bloating phenomenon.

Is there anything particularly noticeable about sisters after an IVF transplant?

At this time, women should pay as much attention to rest as possible, continue to do progesterone supplementation, and, at the time of transplantation for 14 days, go to a regular hospital for blood hCG testing, if the blood HCG value is higher than the reference value, pregnancy can be determined.

After ivy transfer, how many days does the embryo usually implant?

Embryo implantation refers to the process of embryo growth on the endometrium of the uterus, this time is not uniform, it is affected by the quality of the embryo, the endometrial environment, depending on the time of embryo transfer and personal physical conditions.

Precautions after IVF transplantation

1. 14 days after IVF transplantation, come to the hospital to check the blood to see if there is any pregnancy.

2. After transplantation, you can exercise appropriately, but do not exercise vigorously, you can choose to go out for a walk or do yoga at home.

Is there anything particularly noticeable about sisters after an IVF transplant?

Complete bed rest is not required after IVF embryo transfer. Patients are advised to exercise appropriately and avoid prolonged bed rest. Because long-term bed rest can cause the formation of blood clots, long-term bed rest can also cause dry stools.

3, pay attention to a light diet, more intake of some high-quality animal protein, such as fish and shrimp lean meat, etc., while ensuring the intake of fresh vegetables, fruits, appropriate to drink more warm water.

4, maintain a pleasant mood, do not overly anxious, maintain a normal heart.

5. Ensure adequate sleep every night.

The problem of embryo implantation, basically talked about here, I hope that everyone will not suffer from gain and loss, so that it will disturb the implantation of the embryo, treat it normally, pray that it can implant smoothly, if the result is not ideal, do not give up, come again!

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