
It's hard to keep a tire! What is the success of fetal protection?

Nowadays, pregnancy is not easy

Pregnant with various miscarriages

It's really hard to conceive a baby

Today, let's talk about miscarriage and fetal protection

It's hard to keep a tire! What is the success of fetal protection?


What is miscarriage?

Spontaneous abortion is common, occurring in 10% to 15%, of which 80% occur within 12 weeks of pregnancy, and many women have recurrent miscarriages. There is no need to panic too much about a spontaneous abortion, and even without treatment, it is normal for most people to get pregnant again. However, for recurrent miscarriages, treatment of the cause after diagnosis is required.


What causes a miscarriage?

1. Genetic causes: Common include chromosomal abnormalities in couples and chromosomal abnormalities in embryos. This risk increases if the parents are older.

2. Abnormal uterine anatomy: pelvic ultrasonography can be used to determine whether there are abnormalities in uterine development, whether there are uterine fibroids or adenomyosis, and whether there are pelvic lesions.

3. Female endocrine diseases: including luteal insufficiency, polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, hyperprolactinemia, etc.

4. Reproductive tract diseases: Patients with recurrent miscarriage have a higher chance of positive genital tract infection, but there is not necessarily a causal relationship. If you have an infection, aggressive treatment is recommended before becoming pregnant again.

5. Immune factors.

6. Systemic factors: serious systemic infection, TORCH infection, high fever, heart failure, and severe medical and surgical diseases can lead to miscarriage.

7. Other adverse factors: including adverse environmental factors, adverse psychological factors, excessive physical labor, smoking, alcoholism, excessive coffee consumption, drug abuse and other bad habits, etc., may lead to miscarriage.

In addition to the above reasons, poor sperm quality in fathers can also lead to miscarriage.

It's hard to keep a tire! What is the success of fetal protection?


It is difficult to protect the tire, how to confirm the success of the tire protection?

Due to the complexity of the causes of abortion, some even "unknown causes", resulting in fetal protection is not an easy task, and it is impossible to achieve targeted fetal protection.

If it is an ordinary threatened miscarriage, the condition of the fetus can be judged by following up ultrasound during the fetal preservation process. If the embryo grows regularly, and the maternal clinical bleeding and abdominal pain and other miscarriage symptoms disappear, and the hormone levels are in the normal range, then fetal preservation can be considered successful.

In the case of recurrent miscarriage, aggressive measures are required and should be continued until after the gestational age of the previous miscarriage.

If there is a history of recurrent miscarriage, multiple biochemical pregnancies, or symptoms of threatened miscarriage during pregnancy, it is necessary to go to a regular hospital in time. It is best to determine the cause of the miscarriage through various tests before becoming pregnant again, so that targeted fetal protection can be carried out.

It's hard to keep a tire! What is the success of fetal protection?

Patient Questions:

I'm 30 years old. In the first pregnancy in 2019, the embryo was stopped once, and the B ultrasound showed 9 weeks +, and there was a fetal heartbeat fetal bud. Menstruation decreased by one year after uterine evacuation, and in May 2020, it was diagnosed with uterine adhesions, followed by hysteroscopic surgery, and the menstrual period was clean for three days after surgery, which was still less than before the abortion. The endometrium is also only 6.5 mm ten days before menstruation. Hypothyroidism has recently been detected. Excuse me:

1. Does hypothyroidism affect embryo closure?

2. For hypothyroid patients, what do you need to pay attention to in the preparation for pregnancy? How to condition?

3. Is it suitable for pregnancy in such a case?

Older, so afraid to stop having children again, trouble doctors to help see it, thank you very much!

The thyroid gland is an important endocrine gland in the human body, and whether it is hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, it may lead to miscarriage. Hypothyroid pregnancy is prone to miscarriage or a high rate of stillbirth, and female patients with hypothyroidism are mostly menstrual disorders, which can also lead to infertility if not treated. The incidence of hypothyroidism increases in low-weight and preterm infants, and the mortality rate of newborns and perinatal infants increases. Children born of a persistent hypothyroidism in pregnant women may also develop congenital hypothyroidism, which affects the child's intellectual development. Therefore, patients with hypothyroidism must go to the endocrinology department before becoming pregnant, adjust the nail function to the normal range before preparing for pregnancy. As long as the thyroid hormone level is controlled satisfactorily during pregnancy and the nail function is basically normal, the prognosis of the mother and child is mostly good, otherwise the complications of the mother and child are significantly increased. It is important to monitor maternal thyroid function and give timely and appropriate treatment before and during pregnancy. Treatment of hypothyroidism largely determines the quality of pregnancy outcomes.

In addition, on the issue of thin intima, in general, the thickness of the inner membrane that is most suitable for embryo implantation is about 8-12mm, too thin, the "land" is too barren; too thick, nor is it OK, too thick the inner membrane may have missed the best planting window and is not suitable for embryo implantation. Generally speaking, when the egg is fertilized, HCG will gradually be secreted, which will promote the adjustment of the body to a state suitable for pregnancy, which will also promote the inner membrane to grow thicker than usual. In addition, for repeated endometrial thinness and uterine adhesions, there are also corresponding treatment methods, such as the addition of sex hormones, iodine oil and some other drugs for uterine perfusion, etc., which can not only promote the growth of endometrial thickness, but also inhibit endometrial inflammation, improve the uterine cavity environment, avoid maternal immune rejection of embryos, and achieve good results. Taking a step back, I usually encounter many cases of serious endometrial damage, such as endometrial tuberculosis, the endometrium is only 6mm when the embryo is transferred, and finally a healthy baby is born. So don't worry too much, keep a good body, and take a bold try if you don't have any other health problems.

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