
What should the woman prepare for IVF?

It is believed that 99% of families who use the current advanced method of assisted reproduction , Thai IVF technology to achieve their desire to have a child, want to successfully conceive with ivf. After all, the entire Thai IVF process costs more than 100,000 yuan, which is not a small amount. So for IVF families, what preparations do women need to do before going to Thailand for IVF success rates are relatively high? What about the man? How to adjust the mentality and so on? Specific and listen to Hengjian Overseas for your detailed analysis!

What should the woman prepare for IVF?

Before going to Thailand for IVF, the woman should make good preparations and sort it out (recommended collection)

Since IVF fertility in Thailand is more extensive, and there are many unforeseen situations during IVF, it is important to make some necessary preparations. Then for the woman, as an important carrier in the ivy fertility process in Thailand, the requirements for her are quite strict. There are some situations to be aware of below:

1. Do a good job of preoperative physical examination of the test tube

Before the operation, prepare the documents of both husband and wife, do test tubes in China, and be sure to prepare the birth certificate (as well as the identity card and marriage certificate); and provide the corresponding physical examination report. Hengjian Overseas pointed out that if you go to Thailand for IVF, you only need to prepare a passport and marriage certificate, and meet the IVF indications to do the thai three-generation IVF.

What should the woman prepare for IVF?

Both husband and wife need to be tested for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, AIDS, syphilis, liver function, blood type, etc.; women: to check blood routine, urine routine, chromosomal and other tests: men: need to do a comprehensive examination, and routine tests including semen. During the inspection, problems are found, effective measures are taken in time to solve them, and the risk of test tube failure is reduced.

2. Pay attention to the early body conditioning

In the early stage, we must pay attention to the maintenance of our own body, supplement some nutritious foods, such as lean meat, eggs, fish, seafood and the like, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and supplement vitamins. The aim is to be able to obtain a sufficient number of high-quality sperm eggs during IVF.

3. Mindset adjustment

Thai IVF fertility period, there are many unforeseen situations, the patient's mood fluctuations may be relatively large, then also learn to adjust the mentality, excessive anxiety, excessive tension and other negative emotions will affect ovulation and endocrine abnormalities, affecting the success or failure of ivy tubes. Therefore, adjusting the mentality and facing it positively is an important guarantee for the success of the test tube.

What should the woman prepare for IVF?

Extension: What are the ways to check for decreased ovarian function in a woman?

By way of auxiliary inspection

1. The level of basal follicle-stimulating hormone FSH is elevated: that is, the FSH level on the 2-3rd day of menstruation, greater than 10-25U/L indicates a decrease in ovarian reserve, if the age < 40 years old and FSH > 40U/L twice consecutively, premature ovarian failure is diagnosed. In addition, if the FSH/LH ratio exceeds 3, it indicates a decrease in ovarian function. Therefore, when assessing ovarian function, it is necessary to make a comprehensive judgment basal estrogen, basal follicle stimulating hormone, and basal luteinizing hormone.

2. The level of basal anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) decreases: AMH is another indicator of ovarian function, generally not affected by menstruation, and studies have shown that AMH < 0.5-1.1ng/ml suggests a decrease in ovarian function. Hengjian Overseas pointed out that this test tube family should pay attention to.

By way of ultrasound inspection

In general, the number of sinus follicles AFC is reduced, sinus follicles refer to follicles with a diameter of 2 to 9 mm in the early follicular stage, and it is generally considered that the combined number of bilateral ovarian sinus follicles is less than 5 to 7 suggests decreased ovarian reserve function.

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