
Yu Ping talked about pregnancy: can't get pregnant for more than 1 year? What tests should women pay attention to?

For many small couples who are preparing to get pregnant, some people who can't conceive a child for more than 1 year begin to be anxious, and some people don't pay attention to it. In fact, for normal pregnancy preparation, if you can't conceive a child for 1 year, it is already infertility, the following 3 aspects of women must be paid attention to, and the successful pregnancy preparation must pay attention to the examination.

Yu Ping talked about pregnancy: can't get pregnant for more than 1 year? What tests should women pay attention to?

◆ 1. Ovaries

Whether the ovarian function is good or not, whether there are mature follicles, and whether high-quality and healthy eggs can be released are very important for pregnancy preparation.

To know whether ovarian function and the quality and quantity of follicles are up to standard, look at these three items: sex hormone six, anti-mullerian hormone (AMH), and number of basal sinus follicles (AFC).

1. Six hormones: Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estrogen (E2) in the six hormones of sex can reflect the "age" of the ovaries to a certain extent, and it is recommended to check on the 2nd to 3rd day of menstruation.

Hormone six is a relatively basic test, can accurately reflect the woman's endocrine level, judge the situation of the female ovaries, for infertile women, this test must be done.

2. Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH): In recent years, AMH has been recognized as closely related to the reserve function of the ovaries. Some young women have decreased ovarian reserve, which is manifested by a decrease in AMH (

3. Number of basal sinus follicles (AFC): Sinus follicles develop from primordial follicles in the ovaries during each menstrual cycle. At the beginning of menstruation, the number of sinus follicles in the ovaries can be clearly observed by ultrasound, and if ultrasound on the 2nd or 3rd day of menstruation shows that there are fewer than 5 sinus follicles on the ovaries, or even less, it means that the reserve function of the ovaries has decreased significantly.

Yu Ping talked about pregnancy: can't get pregnant for more than 1 year? What tests should women pay attention to?

◆ 2. Fallopian tubes

The fallopian tubes are responsible for grabbing the eggs, the ampullament of the fallopian tubes is still the place where the sperm and eggs are combined, and they are also responsible for transporting the fertilized eggs to the uterus, so the fallopian tubes are crucial for pregnancy preparation.

Tubal infertility mainly includes: blocked fallopian tubes, adhesions, lifting, unsmooth, etc., no matter which situation will cause infertility, and even ectopic pregnancy. The main causes of tubal infertility are inflammation, inflammation of the reproductive tract, and gynecological diseases (such as endometriosis, chocolate cysts, ovarian cysts, and may also cause the fallopian tubes to adhesion or be compressed. Multiple abortion curettage surgery, hysterosuction, etc., may cause postoperative infection or blockage of fallopian tubes.

Therefore, for women who are trying to conceive for 1 year without becoming pregnant, a salpingogram is done as much as possible.

◆ 3. Uterus

The uterus is the place where life is conceived, and a problem in this place will cause the fertilized egg to fail to implant, resulting in infertility. It can also lead to the occurrence of adverse pregnancies such as fetal arrest, miscarriage, and biochemical pregnancy.

The main influences on uterine receptivity are:

1. Endometrial thickness: When the endometrial thickness is 8 to 14 mm and the form is three-line, the endometrium has good tolerance, strong acceptance of embryo implantation, and high success rate of embryo implantation. The thin endometrium will directly affect the implantation of the fertilized egg.

2. Uterine morphology: Structural abnormalities of the uterus include endometrial polyps, submucosal fibroids, intermuscular fibroids, uterine cavity adhesions or uterine malformations, such as bicornal uterus, unicorn uterus, mediastinal uterus, etc.

The above three aspects are the main factors affecting women's pregnancy, for couples who are not successful in preparing for pregnancy, they must go to the hospital in time to check, pregnancy is a psychological and physiological hard battle, and it is a major event for the whole family. After all, fertility competition is comprehensive "strength"

Yu Ping talked about pregnancy: can't get pregnant for more than 1 year? What tests should women pay attention to?

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