
The thickness of the endometrium is the most conducive to conception!

If the uterus is likened to a piece of land, then the endometrium is the soil, and the embryo is the seed. If the soil is not good enough, then the seeds cannot be planted in the soil.

Endometrium is the place where the embryo implants, if the endometrium is thick enough, the blood flow is rich and the cells divide well, it will increase the implantation rate of the embryo, while the endometrium is too thin, the blood flow is insufficient, and the endometrium lacks hormone secretion, the embryo is not easy to implant.

When the embryo is implanted, the uterus will contract, and sometimes the embryo will even be pushed to the fallopian tubes and become ectopic pregnancy.

The thickness of the endometrium is the most conducive to conception!

How is the thickness of the endometrium calculated?

First of all, the thickness and thinness of the endometrium are cyclical, and the changes are affected by sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone).

1. Menstrual period

At this time, the level of estrogen and progesterone decreases, and the endometrium is in a state of detachment, so the thickness of the lining is the thinnest about 1 to 4 mm.

2. Hyperplasia period

After the end of menstruation, a new round of ovulation is about to begin. The follicles in the ovaries begin to grow and secrete estrogen. Under the action of estrogen, the endometrium gradually thickens. After the end of the hyperplasia period, the thickness of the inner membrane is 9 to 10 mm.

3. Ovulation period

After the ovaries begin to ovulate and form a corpus luteum, the endometrium continues to thicken under the action of progesterone secreted by the corpus luteum until the thickness reaches 10 to 14 mm.

During ovulation, if the thickness of the endometrium is 8 to 14 mm, it is more suitable for implantation of fertilized eggs.

The thickness of the endometrium is the most conducive to conception!

Image source: Sharp View Gallery

However, if the thickness of the endometrium < 8 mm during this period, it is medically called thin endometrium. The endometrium is too thin, which means that the soil is relatively "barren", and it is difficult for the fertilized egg to implant, and even if the implantation is successful, it is easy to "die".

Of course, the thicker the uterine lining, the better. Excessive secretion of estrogen and progesterone and excessive growth of the lining can cause excessive menstrual flow, which may lead to anemia, delayed menopause, and even malignancy of the lining.

In short, the thickness of the uterine lining is more conducive to conception.

How to avoid thinning of the endometrium?

In a word: just don't "do". After all, the thickness of the endometrium has been laid by nature, as long as the day after tomorrow is not done, it will not change much in its thickness, thus affecting conception.

How not to "do"? Note 3 points


If you don't want to get pregnant, then remember to wear a condom. Pregnant with a miscarriage that carries the risk of thinning the uterus.


Maintain a single sexual partner. The more sexual partners there are, the greater the chance of the uterus becoming infected. Inflammation can affect the thinness of the endometrium.

The thickness of the endometrium is the most conducive to conception!

Image source: Sharp View Gallery


Maintain vulvar hygiene. For example, do not use a variety of lotions, wash the vulva with warm water every day, change underwear every day, etc., can reduce the invasion of bacteria into the reproductive organs.

In addition, maintaining a pleasant and stable mood, proper exercise, etc., can not only make our body healthier, but also conducive to maintaining endocrine at normal levels, so that the endometrium remains "fertile" and more conducive to conception.

I wish you all a good pregnancy in April

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