
Don't be a mother who can't control her emotions

Don't be a mother who can't control her emotions

Young moms may have had this experience. The angry mothers who said the words to the child countless times were treated as the wind, and the angry and corrupt mothers had to reprimand the child all day, but when the child was asleep, she quietly looked at his innocent face and couldn't help but reflect: "I am really a nasty mother, and I will not be angry tomorrow." "But the next day, seeing the little wrongdoer who would only disobey your orders, last night's reflection had long been thrown out of the cloud of nine clouds, and he began to reprimand again."

However, the more such mothers, they often do not consider the requirements and needs of their children, but only want to be able to solve the problem in an easy way at that time.

This is because mother and child are too similar, and neither side can control their feelings.

Explaining things to children one by one is too troublesome, simply give what they want, let them do what they want, and eventually spoil the child. Or some parents do not listen to what their children have to say, but simply and rudely reject their requests, and in the long run, the children will also develop the habit of disobedience.

It's hard to change children by scolding them in this way, so it's important to reconsider parenthood.

When the child says "Hello", even if he has understood that he is the point of the heart, he must ask him "what he wants" and let him learn to express his requirements in words. You can't just hear "Hello" and quickly hand him a snack. If the child only says a snack", the mother will say to the child: "Ah, do you want to eat a snack?" "It is important for children to express their wishes in complete language.

This will help the child to figure out his or her desires, and ultimately establish a relationship between mother and child in a language that a third party can understand. Mothers should also remember not to be swayed by the emotions at that time, just to reprimand their children for a while. "Because I was particularly upset, I scolded him." This kind of treatment of children with anger in their hearts, almost insulting, is really ridiculous. Parents who come to psychological counseling for children's education often complain that their children are too willful. For example, when taking children to the mall, they always grind parents to ask for this and that, if they tell them "No, didn't you just buy it a few days ago", they will cry and make trouble, rolling around on the ground, and finally the parents have to give in: "Okay, but today." But such a thing will never be "just today" this time, the children will be satisfied because of the trick, taste the sweetness, and the next time they will repeat this behavior.

This is what is wrong with the attitude of parents. When the child is playing with it, the parents will often meet "things are not expensive, buy them for him, and the wallet will not be deflated", so they easily buy them for their children. Or because the parents themselves have something happy and in a good mood. Easily agree to your child's request. This attitude of acting on emotions and inconsistencies is problematic. Parents do not have a fixed policy and principle, and children are even more unable to distinguish between right and wrong.

If it has been concluded that "no", then whether the child cries or shouts, he cannot buy it for him, and the parents must have this firm attitude. And to clearly tell the child why it is not OKAY, the child knows that it is useless to cry and shout again, and he will not make trouble next time. We must not buy toys for our children because of financial permission, and even if the child says he wants it, he cannot buy them for him immediately. Let him think again, teach him to learn to wait, patience is also very important, so that he knows not to shop on impulse, but to choose what he really wants.

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