
One of the most wrong modes of getting along in love: one party blindly gives, but the other party is never satisfied

Love sometimes really makes people feel very wonderful, obviously two people are in love, but they will feel that the two seem to be missing something together.

There are many people who still have a feeling that the other party does not love themselves enough when they are in love, but they have fallen into this relationship and do not want to let go.

In fact, in a relationship, it is not that I am good enough for you, I will be able to make the other party like you, because emotional getting along requires certain skills.

If you don't have a good way of communicating when you're together and can't make girls take the initiative in your relationship, the relationship may be a regret.


Xiao Song came to me some time ago, and he said that he was now wandering in love, and asked me to help him come up with an idea, whether he should continue to talk to his girlfriend.

One of the most wrong modes of getting along in love: one party blindly gives, but the other party is never satisfied

Xiao Song and his girlfriend met through blind dates, and after the first meeting, the two had a good feeling for each other, and a week later, the two officially established a relationship.

To tell the truth, it is really rare for a blind date to meet the person of his choice, so Xiao Song cherishes this hard-won relationship and is also particularly fond of his girlfriend.

However, during their three months together, Xiao Song found that every date was his own initiative to find a girlfriend, and the girlfriend never took the initiative to date him.

What makes Xiao Song most sad is that his girlfriend did not disclose their relationship in the circle of friends, and he had already announced that he had a girlfriend in the circle of friends.

Usually busy at work, it is always Xiao Song who sends her WeChat to care about her, if Xiao Song does not take the initiative to send WeChat to her, she is like evaporation in the world, there is no news for several days.

One of the most wrong modes of getting along in love: one party blindly gives, but the other party is never satisfied

A few days ago, Xiao Song heard a friend say that in addition to him, there were other men around her girlfriend who were pursuing her, as if she did not refuse.

Xiao Song feels like a spare tire, maybe he is not his girlfriend's favorite, so she wants to leave herself more opportunities.

Even so, Xiao Song said that he still did not want to let go, but he was afraid that he had paid his heart, and he still could not make his girlfriend willingly be good to him.

He didn't know what to do now, he wanted to continue talking to his girlfriend, and he didn't know what to do.


The problems encountered by Xiao Song are also experienced by many boys in life, and they obviously pay a lot for each other, but they can never get the love of each other.

One of the most wrong modes of getting along in love: one party blindly gives, but the other party is never satisfied

In fact, one of the most wrong modes of getting along in love is: one party blindly pays, the other party has never been satisfied, and over time, both parties will slowly feel tired, and eventually they do not want to continue to go on, because this mode of getting along is too tired.

And Xiao Song and his girlfriend are blind dates, and their emotional concentration is not high, and in the process of their love, Xiao Song first likes each other and is particularly dependent on each other.

In the 3 months they spent together, it was Xiao Song himself who was paying, and the other party did not have much enthusiasm for it, which showed that Xiao Song had not fully entered the heart of his girlfriend, and his girlfriend was only in the observation stage of him.

I've heard a quote like this:

"No matter how much you give, it's better to understand me."

If in a relationship, you always don't know each other very well, there is no way to make the other party really fall in love with you.

One of the most wrong modes of getting along in love: one party blindly gives, but the other party is never satisfied

Therefore, if you want to break this deadlock, you have to find a way to communicate with each other well and make each other think clearly, so that you can understand each other better.


If you want the other person to really fall in love with you and make your relationship go further, you must learn to do the following things well.

First, learn to express your emotions and thoughts.

Expressing your emotions and thoughts in front of your lover is a very important point when you are in love, and when two people get along, they want to be honest with each other.

Therefore, whether you are happy or unhappy, speaking out can be solved, pressing on the heart and not saying it will only make the gap between you more and more.

One of the most wrong modes of getting along in love: one party blindly gives, but the other party is never satisfied

Second, learn to smile often.

Whether you've just met or been together for a while, don't forget to smile often, especially when you make eye contact with your girlfriend, and you must not forget to give her a loving and gentle smile.

Your girlfriend can always feel your love, the heart is naturally very warm, of course, will also return you a gentle glance.

Third, we must learn to think more about each other.

In any relationship, if you usually only know how to consider your own ideas and never think about each other, then even if you are in good condition, your girlfriend will retreat, because the relationship between you is unhealthy.

A healthy relationship should be: "What do we want" rather than "what I want", that is, whatever you do, take into account the other person's feelings so that the relationship can be balanced.

One of the most wrong modes of getting along in love: one party blindly gives, but the other party is never satisfied

Fourth, we must dare to face problems when encountered.

The most feared thing about encountering problems in a relationship is avoidance, because the more you avoid, the more troublesome the problem will be. Only if you dare to face the problems that arise in your relationship can you solve them with your partner.

If it is not solved, it can only keep the problem backlog, and when it can't be suppressed one day, it will collapse and explode.

Fifth, learn to often praise the other half.

This is true for both men and women, learning to praise the other half with words will not only make the other party more confident, but also make your feelings go further, why not enjoy it?

The above 5 points are very practical, and I hope these suggestions can help you solve the confusion in love.

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