
Happy Genie | Mother Sends Her Children Sleeping Naked Videos? Parents should be the first to maintain their children's privacy

Although I don't want to admit it, my child's privacy is always the one that is easily overlooked.

Recently, there is such a hot search, which directly refreshed the cognition of the officials: a mother actually sent a short video of a pair of children sleeping naked at home to the short video platform, and called it "recording the child's life", but she did not know that in this Internet era that did not have much privacy, her approach directly put the child's privacy in front of the public.

Some parents feel that the child is small, where there are so many to say, but the parents feel that there is none, does not mean that there is really none, even the parents' concept of privacy is so shallow, how can we educate children who know how to maintain personal privacy?

This kind of behavior of parents generally disrespecting their children's privacy is the one-sided evidence of the lack of education for children in our family!

Happy Genie | Mother Sends Her Children Sleeping Naked Videos? Parents should be the first to maintain their children's privacy

Whether on the road, on public transportation or in various public places, we can always see that with the acquiescence and help of parents, children who urinate and defecate everywhere and their parents do not respect children, let alone respect others.

Parents are the child's first teacher, but also the most influential person, we always say that we attach importance to the quality education of children, but in the case of such a lack of quality education of parents, can we really achieve the quality education of children?

Learning to respect the privacy of yourself and others is the first step in quality education.

Especially in today's complex and changeable Internet era, people's privacy has been unprecedentedly threatened, parents should cultivate their children's privacy awareness from an early age, and be the first person to protect their children's privacy.

First, instill children's gender awareness

Take the small matter of bathing, the baby boy is handed over to the father to wash, and the baby girl is handed over to the mother to wash, which is the most correct division of labor and the smartest way.

Happy Genie | Mother Sends Her Children Sleeping Naked Videos? Parents should be the first to maintain their children's privacy

Suddenly remembered some time ago the father to change the daughter's diaper to ask the uncle to go out of the small video, many people are still mocking the father is too fussy, do not know that the child's privacy needs is this meticulous and meticulous protection.

This mother compares with that father, and the judgment is high.

Second, teach children to maintain privacy

If it is said that when the child is young, privacy mainly refers to physical privacy, then when the child grows up and begins to clarify the gender awareness, other privacy becomes the object that parents need to teach.

Happy Genie | Mother Sends Her Children Sleeping Naked Videos? Parents should be the first to maintain their children's privacy

For example, financial privacy and password privacy in the home, with a clear concept, can prevent being routined by malicious people, so that children can also participate in the ranks of maintaining family privacy, which is also another kind of teaching.

Third, work with children to protect Internet privacy

Mobile phones are a proof of the improvement of our modern people's living standards, and they are also the hardest hit areas of privacy leakage.

The permission of the major APP, although it has been rectified to a certain extent, but there are still many fish that have slipped through the net, parents need to let their children know the importance of privacy and security, do not easily authorize, do not download software from unknown sources, and do not give the opportunity to leak Internet privacy.

Happy Genie | Mother Sends Her Children Sleeping Naked Videos? Parents should be the first to maintain their children's privacy

Another is the Internet live broadcast, whether adults or children, in the process of live broadcasting is likely to inadvertently leak the privacy of families or members, fixed live broadcasting, and restrict the entry of other family members, pay attention to the small details of live broadcasting, so that your family can better use the convenience of the Internet age, and reduce unnecessary trouble.

Guarding a child's privacy is never a small matter, and the standard for measuring whether a parent is qualified is to do every little thing for the child just right.

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