
When does the child sleep in separate rooms? When he has these states, it can be!

Children generally sleep with their parents when they are young, but with the increase of age, it is inevitable and necessary to sleep alone. But at what age is it appropriate for children to sleep in separate rooms? There are also many opinions on the Internet, 6 months, 1 year old, 3 years old, 5 years old... What age is appropriate?

When does the child sleep in separate rooms? When he has these states, it can be!

In fact, whether children sleep in separate beds or in separate rooms, there is no fixed age, but it depends on their state. When the child has the following states, parents can consider sleeping in separate rooms.


Be gender-conscious

As children get older, there is a difference in physiology between boys and girls, and children begin to ask questions:

Mom, why can't boys take a bath with their mother?

Dad, why can't girls just let others see their bodies?

Why are the body structures of dad and mom different?

When the child has these questions, it means that his gender consciousness has begun to sprout. At this time, parents should respond to their children's problems in a timely manner and do appropriate gender education. At the same time, this time is also the time to sleep in a separate bed with your child.


Have the ability to get along alone

Children generally rely on adults when they are young, and like their parents to accompany them no matter what they do. But as he grew older, he began to have his own friends and needed more time alone.

When the child reaches this stage, parents can try to sleep separately from the child, because the child has begun to have the ability to be alone, and it will be easier for the child to sleep separately at this time.


The child voluntarily asks to sleep separately

Many children who see their peers sleeping separately from their parents will also have the same idea and ask to sleep separately from their parents. This shows that the child is ready to sleep separately from the parents, if the child takes the initiative to request, the parents can let the child try it.

When does the child sleep in separate rooms? When he has these states, it can be!

Of course, everything can not be achieved overnight, you need to pay attention to the method, and sleeping in separate rooms is no exception. So, what can be done to sleep smoothly without harming the child?

1. Divide the bed first, and then divide the room.

In the beginning, parents should not immediately let the child sleep in a room by himself, but can first place a small bed next to the parent's bed to give the child a transitional stage.

2. Let the child familiarize himself with his room.

In order to prevent the child from not liking or afraid of his new room, the father or mother can accompany the child to sleep in his room for a period of time, and when he is familiar with his room, then let the child sleep on his own.

3, parents' doors do not lock.

Keeping the door open for parents allows children to perceive that they are in the same space as their parents and can get a sense of security from their parents at any time. At the same time, it is also convenient for parents to observe the situation of their children, so that the children are always within their own line of sight.

4. Be accompanied before falling asleep.

Before the child goes to bed, parents can talk with the child, chat, tell the child a story, and let the child know: sleeping in a separate room is not because the parents don't want themselves, the parents have always loved themselves.

5. Imperceptibly infiltration of ideas.

In the preparation for sleeping with the child in a room for a period of time, parents can tell their children more about the benefits and stories of their own sleep, tell the child that sleeping is a brave performance, and implant the child's awareness of sleeping in the subtle.

When does the child sleep in separate rooms? When he has these states, it can be!

Sleeping in separate rooms is something that every child faces as they grow up. In the face of the matter of sleeping in separate rooms, parents should calm their minds and not be too entangled in age. To find the correct state of the child, with the appropriate method to help the child successfully complete the room, this is what parents should do.

When does the child sleep in separate rooms? When he has these states, it can be!

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