
Professor of Tsinghua University: Educating the inner volume is the well-being of the disciples of the cold door, otherwise it is difficult to surpass the second generation of the rich

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Today, when "burden reduction" and "quality education" are popular, Professor Li Fengliang of Tsinghua University said that the inner volume is the best "well-being" for the children of the cold door.

He believes that if there is no internal volume, there will be no competition in education, then the upper class will always occupy the best educational resources, and the bottom society will never be able to obtain the channel to change the fate, and there will never be a day to emerge.

Professor Li Fengliang's words do not conform to the mainstream, but are they right?

That's right.

In any society and any constitution, there must be a phenomenon of class solidification and resource inequality, and children born in upper-class families have more than ordinary children at the starting point, and they have more educational resources, experiences, opportunities, and insights.

Professor of Tsinghua University: Educating the inner volume is the well-being of the disciples of the cold door, otherwise it is difficult to surpass the second generation of the rich

If children in the middle and lower classes want to break through class barriers and go up, they can only work harder than others, otherwise they will only be eliminated by society.

There is an episode of "Extreme Challenge" that reveals this truth very deeply. They simulated a life-for-life race on a school playground.

All the students who participated in the competition stood on the same running line, but before starting the run, the host asked the children whose parents were senior intellectuals to take a step forward, and some children took a step forward; then the host asked the children who had participated in various preschool training since childhood to take a step forward; then the children who planned to study abroad took a step forward; until all the questions were asked, there were still many students standing in the same place, and those children who kept taking a step forward had already pulled a great distance from them.

Professor of Tsinghua University: Educating the inner volume is the well-being of the disciples of the cold door, otherwise it is difficult to surpass the second generation of the rich

Then the signal gun sounded, all the children desperately ran forward, including those who had a great advantage, and finally most of the children's results were almost the same as their position at the starting point, and only a very small number of children who did not move at the starting point achieved similar results to those children who had the advantage by running hard.

This competition is the best reflection of the real world, brutal but a real fact.

If there is no competition, the starting point of these children basically determines their end, but the inner volume breaks the class fixation, providing the possibility of rising and developing for the children who started backward at the beginning, and the children of the cold door can redouble their efforts to make up for the innate gap and improve their living environment.

Professor of Tsinghua University: Educating the inner volume is the well-being of the disciples of the cold door, otherwise it is difficult to surpass the second generation of the rich

Test-oriented education is indeed no more pattern than quality education, but if there is no hard standard of academic performance, those who are born low-born cold children have almost no opportunity to compete with the children of the upper class and the rich second generation.

Because the quality advocated by quality education requires a solid material foundation, and the bottom children do not have such a material foundation. CCTV famous bai yansong also said: If there is no college entrance examination, then how can the children of poor families fight for the second generation of the rich?

In addition, competition is conducive to stimulating children's motivation to learn and innovate, and many children now are too Buddhist, and they do what they do in their life arrangements without the slightest motivation to actively explore.

Li Fengliang believes that the inner volume of education can help social screening, and carefully divide the ability of students through examinations, so that more students can find a way out that is truly suitable for themselves.

Professor of Tsinghua University: Educating the inner volume is the well-being of the disciples of the cold door, otherwise it is difficult to surpass the second generation of the rich

For example, children with excellent grades have the opportunity to do scientific research regardless of whether they are born or bad, and children with ordinary grades can go to vocational high school to learn technology, so that each child can play their potential to infinity.

If there is no education, no matter how hard the children of the inner volume cold door may not be able to compare with the rich second generation, it is not that they do not work hard, but the environment may limit them to death. At the moment of class solidification, only the "inner volume of education" can make the cold disciples change their lives against the sky.

There are two major hard wounds on the way up the rise of the cold disciples:

First, the lack of a leader, a generations of poor and honest families, they almost have to be about 30 years old to recognize the operation of society, and their parents tend to pursue stability, so the biggest resistance on their way up is likely to come from their families, they do not have enough cognitive level and connections to give guidance and help, and even help.

Professor of Tsinghua University: Educating the inner volume is the well-being of the disciples of the cold door, otherwise it is difficult to surpass the second generation of the rich

Second, there is no cost of trial and error, the cost of trial and error of the rich second generation is very low, they can continue to try and make mistakes, and continue to grow, and the children of the general family are wrong once, they fall to the bottom, it is difficult to turn over.

The inner volume of education has largely narrowed the gap between the children of the cold door and the second generation of the rich in these two points.

Moreover, in the current China, although the class gap is obvious, the class status is actually not stable, and everyone may rise or fall.

Some researchers have found that China's middle class accounts for only 25% of all employed people, and most of the middle class is not a relatively stable middle class core class, but in the position of the middle class marginal layer.

The middle class means high consumption and high expenditure, but because of its own accumulation is not much, once it encounters a sudden economic blow, they can easily slide out of the middle class.

Professor of Tsinghua University: Educating the inner volume is the well-being of the disciples of the cold door, otherwise it is difficult to surpass the second generation of the rich

This situation, regardless of whether the moral level is correct or not, is indeed an opportunity for the children of the cold door, and only if you accumulate enough ability, you may be able to break through the class limitations.

Reading can indeed change her destiny, of course, do not expect her to change her fate suddenly, from the bottom to the top is bound to go through a long ordeal.

In this process, education can constantly recognize your position, recognize your goals, and prepare for breakthroughs.

- The End -

Author | Tommy

Edit | Rain

The First Psychological Writing Group | A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

参考资料:Bruk, A., Scholl, S. G., & Bless, H. (2018). Beautiful mess effect: Self–other differences in evaluation of showing vulnerability. Journal of personality and social psychology, 115(2), 192-205

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