
After the daughter is three years old, these ways of getting along between father and daughter may "ruin" the child

Hello everyone, I am a lucky pregnant sister ~

There are daughters in the family, but Fan Bao's father is also involved in bringing a baby, when asked whether the daughter likes her father the most, or likes her mother the most, many girls' answer will be dad.

Similarly, fathers are more inclined to their daughters when it comes to sons and daughters.

Why is the relationship between father and daughter better?

1) Father's gender bias

American psychologist Susan Gelman believes that even fathers, when facing their daughters and sons, will subconsciously feel that they must cultivate a responsible, strong, and brave character; they feel that girls are weaker and less demanding in education.

After the daughter is three years old, these ways of getting along between father and daughter may "ruin" the child

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As a result, many fathers will behave more strictly with their sons and be more tolerant of their daughters, but girls will gain their father's favor and will also respond to this to their fathers, and the relationship between the two is naturally better.

2) Girls are more likable

Girls are generally precocious than boys, and when they are young, they are more verbally competent, more emotional, and very understanding, so they can easily observe their father's emotions and be more considerate of them, so their fathers are willing to respond to this feeling.

Many fathers with children and daughters have said that when they go home, their daughters will come out to greet him at the first time, give him a hug or smiley face, which can make him feel happy and happy; his son will play games at home, which annoys him.

3) Genetic effects

Some experts believe that daughters can inherit more of their father's genes, and they themselves inherit more of their mother's genes, so the spleen between father and daughter, mother and child will be more similar, and they will get along better.

After the daughter is three years old, these ways of getting along between father and daughter may "ruin" the child

4) Psychological effects

The famous Austrian psychologist Freud once put forward such a view, that children at the age of 3 to 6 years old, will develop an Oedipus or Oedipus complex.

Girls will idolize their fathers and imitate their mothers; boys will do the opposite.

When children develop this complex, they will naturally have a better relationship with their opposite-sex parents, and even become hostile to same-sex parents.

But no matter how good the relationship between father and daughter is, after all, it is the opposite sex, and when it reaches a certain age, it should be paid attention to, otherwise it will affect the healthy development of the daughter's psychology.

After the girl is three years old, the relationship between father and daughter needs to be paid attention to

When children are just born, they are not gender conscious, they do not even have self-awareness, they feel that they and their mother are one, and when they are about two years old, self-awareness arises, and then they really begin to know themselves.

After the daughter is three years old, these ways of getting along between father and daughter may "ruin" the child

At this time, in addition to observing themselves, they will also observe others.

Therefore, many experts believe that the generation of children's gender awareness is not only affected by physiological development, but also affected by the environment.

For example, in kindergarten, when they see the behavior of children of the same gender or different genders as themselves, or when they are guided and encouraged by their parents, they will slowly make behaviors that match their gender and abandon other behaviors.

Just as many parents and teachers will tell girls to go to the women's restroom and usually wear small skirts, they will slowly develop these consciousnesses.

Generally, when a girl is three years old, she will be born with these observations, imitations, and thus produce her own cognition of gender, knowing what girls should and should not do.

But during this time, the child's perception of gender is extremely unstable, and although the girl knows that she is now a girl, she is not sure if she will always be a girl.

After the daughter is three years old, these ways of getting along between father and daughter may "ruin" the child

When you ask her, "Will you grow up to be a boy?" ”

Her answer was likely to be yes.

It's not until children are around 6 years old that they truly realize that their gender is immutable.

So the way a father gets along with his daughter after the age of three can easily have an impact on her gender.

And the father as a member of the opposite sex, and the daughter's long-term behavior, will also affect her cognition of the opposite sex, if this cognition is wrong, the child is easy to suffer in the future.

After the daughter is three years old, these ways of getting along between father and daughter may "ruin" her

★ Didn't treat each other as if they were of the opposite sex

When the daughter is young, many fathers will use kissing to express their feelings, but kissing lips, which is something that lovers and couples do, is not suitable for use in children, which will make her cognitively confused.

After the daughter is three years old, these ways of getting along between father and daughter may "ruin" the child

At the same time, there are also some fathers and daughters, when changing clothes, never carry each other on their backs, and can even wear intimate clothes and spend time in the same room.

This can easily make the daughter's sensitivity to the body of the opposite sex decrease, and sometimes she does not even know that she has been offended, and it is easy to fall into danger in the future.

★ Fathers do not respect their daughters

Some fathers are very macho, although they have a good relationship with their wives and daughters, they still think that girls will marry into other people's families in the future, and their main ability is to serve their husbands and in-laws.

Under such teaching, it is easy for a daughter to meet a husband with the same personality as her father and will suffer easily in marriage in the future.

After the daughter is three years old, these ways of getting along between father and daughter may "ruin" the child

★ Gender biased

As mentioned earlier, fathers prefer their daughters, and there are also prejudices that they do not have high requirements for girls, thinking that as long as she can grow up healthy, she does not have to know anything else.

But such a child is easily too dependent on the family, difficult to be independent, and may have a difficult time without parents.

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