
Raising boys, the most feared 3 words, parents to know

Those who have boys in the family want to cultivate boys into responsible, responsible, filial piety, know how to be grateful, and can become talented people.

Then, when raising boys, we must avoid these 3 words: lazy, scattered, and petite, because raising boys, I am most afraid of these 3 words.

Raising boys, the most feared 3 words, parents to know

1, raise boys, afraid of laziness

Don't raise boys into "lazy boys", when they are young, their grandparents are protected, their brothers or sisters are in pain, and they don't let boys do anything, so that boys are difficult to take responsibility for growing up, and to a large extent, they will become "old people".

A boy of the same age as me in the village, there are two sisters, his status in the family is like the "little emperor", his parents will not let him do anything, when he was a child, there was farm work at home, it was also my sister who did it, and after the two sisters got married, they would come back to help him do farm work.

Later, rural farming was also mechanized, and boys went out to work, could not eat the hardships of part-time work, and did not work long before they returned home. Parents are older, and he is still lazy to do, it is really difficult to change, parents have to work to raise him, so raising boys, parents really fail.

Raising boys, the most feared 3 words, parents to know

Parents have raised boys into "lazy boys", lazy boys can't make things, and parents can't count on him when they are old. He can't share the family responsibilities, his parents are extremely hard, and he has a big temper.

Therefore, parents must not spoil the boy too much, use the boy more from an early age, let the boy do housework, help do things, so that the boy will have the responsibility and the responsibility of supporting the family. It is often said that petting a boy is a waste, and a boy with a big one is a character.

Look at the people around us who can achieve great things, they are inseparable from hard work.

Raising boys, the most feared 3 words, parents to know

2, raise boys, afraid of scattering

Scattering is scattered, that is, there are no rules for doing things, you can't control yourself, you are very casual, and you can do whatever you want to do. Self-care ability is very poor, their own clothes and books and learning tools are not packed.

For example, when writing homework, eating, doing small actions, and wanting to lie on the table for a while, such a child cannot restrain himself, and it is difficult to do things when he grows up.

Change the way, set rules for the child, restrain him, let him know what to do.

Let children learn to control their behavior, develop self-discipline habits, such as completing homework regularly, putting toys they have played back in place, getting up immediately when the alarm clock rings, doing things without procrastination, and so on.

Raising boys, the most feared 3 words, parents to know

3, raise boys, afraid of petite

Boys should not be too squeamish, cry whenever there is a problem, make trouble, and look for their mothers.

Too squeamish boy independence is not strong, autonomy is not strong, easy to retreat when encountering difficulties, in the future to the society, will fall very badly, others will not spoil him, will not get used to him, it is not easy to do things.

If you really want to make a boy grow up to be talented, parents must not be too soft-hearted. You feel that your soft heart is not for the good of the child, but actually broke his wings soaring in the blue sky.

Raising boys, the most feared 3 words, parents to know


We all hope that boys will have responsibilities in the future and be able to support a family, so when raising boys, they must avoid these 3 words from a young age: lazy, loose, and petite.

Use boys more from an early age, let boys take out garbage, sweep the floor, wash dishes, etc., participate in family life, experience the hardships of parents, and cultivate boys' sense of responsibility and gratitude.

From an early age, make rules for children, let children learn to restrain themselves, do what they should do immediately, and do not procrastinate.

Cultivate children's strong character from an early age, do not cry when encountering difficulties, do not shrink back, and actively find ways to solve problems.

Although it is said that boys are raised, those who have girls at home can also refer to it.

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