
Why do some children learn well without parental control, while some children's parents can't learn well?

Why do some children learn well without parental control, while some children's parents can't learn well?

It feels like some parents have experienced "survivor bias" on the surface.

Those so-called "children who can learn well without parental control", whether their parents are subconsciously or consciously guiding their children, should be in the early growth process of children, especially in the critical period to cultivate children's excellent learning habits and other habits, children's independent learning ability and staged learning results have also been hung up. This is what some parents see externally as "other people's children", but they do not see what their parents have paid behind these children's good learning.

Why do some children learn well without parental control, while some children's parents can't learn well?

As for children who do not learn well in stages, parents do not have to struggle too much. Learning is not good, in addition to some children's talent in learning is slightly different from other children (even if it is true, it is also the reason for the inheritance of parents, it has nothing to do with children, parents do not have to blame children for this), more is that the acquired learning habits have not been well guided, including learning methods and so on.

It has to be pointed out in particular that many of the students whose parents overly interfere in the child's learning process eventually evolve into children who are bored with school, their grades decline, and more seriously, some of these children will also have emotional problems in the process of growing up (and even adulthood), and even tragedies!

Children have been disciplined by tiger fathers and tiger mothers for a long time, especially children under the "tiger father and tiger mother" discipline of parents with relatively good external conditions, without exception, in the process of growing up with very different results from their parents' expectations!

Why do some children learn well without parental control, while some children's parents can't learn well?

In terms of children's pursuit of knowledge, parents with advanced knowledge may be more sensitive and anxious, of course, methods and resources may be relatively more, but in terms of parent-child companionship, parent-child communication and parent-child relationship and parent-child education methods and methods and tutoring effects, the level of knowledge is not necessarily positive correlation.

For children's learning problems and emotional problems, parents should not be overly anxious, resulting in parents unconsciously passing on negative emotions to their children, and the results will only be counterproductive.

Why do some children learn well without parental control, while some children's parents can't learn well?

All of the above are things that some parents should look at rationally or be vigilant about.

Learning well or badly does not become the only criterion for a child's success and happiness throughout life.

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