
The novelty and companionship in marriage are not in conflict

The novelty and companionship in marriage are not in conflict

Everyone wants marriage to be like when you are in love, like glue.

But whether it is marriage or love, the freshness is always only for a while, and it cannot last.

On the one hand, because love only accounts for a part of life, especially after marriage, the relationship between two people is stable, people will naturally shift their focus from love to work and life.

Especially those who are not very rich in life, it is even more luxurious to want love.

On the other hand, it is because people themselves are prone to like the new and dislike the old, and they always treat the people or things they already have less cherished, and they cannot see his good.

Therefore, the freshness of marriage is easy to lose, so is the freshness of marriage really accompanied by conflict?

Not really.

The novelty and companionship in marriage are not in conflict

First of all, the perception of freshness should change

Don't feel fresh is to be inseparable for a moment like before, thinking all the time, in fact, married together for many years.

The freshness is different now than it used to be.

Don't think that your husband's occasional game only plays games is not loving you at all, and don't think that he doesn't want to return your message for a while.

In fact, after years of marriage, the novelty at this time is that most of the time we can do our own thing, but it will not affect each other's feelings.

For example, once in a while you can watch a drama and kiss him, and he can also take time to call you when playing games.

He can hang out with his brothers, you can go shopping with his girlfriends, and you can do what you like as a family.

In fact, in marriage, we must learn to be "intimate and alone", even if we do our own things, but the hearts are still together.

There will be no loss of desire to share and intimacy due to the occasional solitary space.

The novelty and companionship in marriage are not in conflict

Secondly, marriage is more important than companionship and stability

They all want to seek freshness in marriage, but this is actually contrary to the essence of marriage, marriage is a long-term and stable companionship of two people, and it is a sense of belonging.

And freshness is an unknown, so freshness is appropriate, it is important that two people slowly run into each other and find a way that suits each other.

That is, even if at a certain moment, the other party wants to have their own time, you will not feel snubbed and ignored by him.

Because you can't be on the same frequency all the time, you must need your own space, so how to make both parties satisfied is a very important thing.

Marriage is not the end of love, but many times the rice oil and salt change our yearning for marriage.

But companionship is the longest confession, life, and the norm of marriage.

The freshness will fade and there will be many temptations, and the quality of two people is especially important.

To choose someone is to choose a future that you can see.

The novelty and companionship in marriage are not in conflict

Freshness is not always there, companionship is the substance, but they are not in conflict.

In a healthy intimate relationship, the novelty will not disappear forever, it will appear from time to time, some are passive, some need to be actively created.

It's like you like to eat a food, but your freshness to him will also reach its peak one day.

But after the novelty has passed, there will be a feeling of boredom for a while, but it does not mean that you don't need it anymore, which is the same for love.

Marriage is also an object, and it will be bad, but don't feel that it is good to change people, when you really understand marriage and really learn to love someone, you are mature.

You will know that whether you are in love or in marriage, you have responsibilities for each other.

A good marriage has both a stable and comfortable sense of belonging, a space for solitude that does not interfere with each other, and a feeling of being new at times.

This requires mutual understanding, mutual cherishing, and patience in embracing each other.

Marriage, can not be like wearing clothes, there is no freshness to change a piece, but with the classic style to match different clothing.

If you only look for constant stimulation and love, then you will eventually become a loner, so when you choose the right person, learn to be firm, stable, stable, and accompany him for a long time.


Love emotions, interpret emotional confusion, pay attention to marriage problems, and be willing to listen to your sorrow and happiness, along the way

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