
Sooner or later you will understand: the more men love you, the more they will behave very "coldly" in these times

Sooner or later you will understand: the more men love you, the more they will behave very "coldly" in these times

Text: Blue Dream

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Regarding love, the words that pop up in most people's minds are "passion like fire."

Indeed, driven by the love factor, even the most indifferent men will be eager to snuggle with their lovers at all times and enjoy the sweetness of love.

The domineering presidents in some novels exhaust their means in order to keep the beloved woman by their side. There may be some exaggeration in it, but it is undeniable that love has the power to make a hundred steels into a soft finger.

For example, Yehua in "Three Lives and Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms".

The expectations of his fathers and the pursuit of his career made him extremely indifferent. Even in the face of the most complicated situation, he can make four or two strokes and firmly control the direction of the situation. For this reason, it is very much supported by the people of the Heavenly Palace.

Especially after he became the crown prince, the expectations of the people for him reached a higher point. In order to conform to the image of the prince in the minds of everyone, Yehua became more and more taciturn and practiced kung fu hard, trying to maintain the harmony of the Heavenly Palace in this way.

But it is such a person, after encountering the white light that has fallen into the mortal world, he is overwhelmed. Since then, he has still been lonely and arrogant, but in the eyes of everyone, he always feels that there is something more.

As for being with Bai Qian, he is more like a changed person. He had won bai qian's favor in the most dismissive way, and in order to stay in the hut, he had repeatedly injured himself.

During this period, she was doing things that she would never do in order to consider her feelings. The idea that supported him in doing so was that he loved her and wanted to be with her.

However, things are uncertain, just like Shui Hua said in "Mountains and Seas": In this world, it is not possible to work with whomever you want to be good with.

Sometimes, people have to learn to bow their heads and learn to maintain superficial "coldness" under the burning of love, so that she can live happily.

Women should understand: the more men love you, the more they will act extremely "cold" at these times.

Sooner or later you will understand: the more men love you, the more they will behave very "coldly" in these times

1. When you are sick

Teacher Tu Lei, an emotional expert, once said: "If one person really loves another person, there will be many worries in their hearts. Afraid that the other party is hungry, afraid of the other party's cold, afraid that the other party is unhappy, worried that she will be in trouble. In his heart, he only wants the other party to be good, so his heart will always think of her. ”

Indeed it is. Every man wants to be the support of his lover, and from then on she is responsible for being beautiful as a flower, and he is responsible for earning money to support the family.

He was willing to treat her as a princess, so that she would be free from suffering, pain, etc., and live happily all her life.

She didn't have to run back and forth for life, she didn't have to swallow her anger in order to take care of his feelings, and she didn't have to do something she didn't want to do in order to survive.

During this time, he always worried that he was not strong enough, did not work hard enough, and could not give her a happy life.

Usually it is okay, but when a man is sick, especially when he learns that he will become a burden to her and prevent her from running towards a happy life, he will behave quite coldly for the happiness of his lover.

For example, An Yongfu in "Mountains and Seas".

Sooner or later you will understand: the more men love you, the more they will behave very "coldly" in these times

He and Splash are purely the orders of his parents. Shui Hua did not want to accept the arrangement of fate, so he chose to run away from marriage. On An Yongfu's terms, he could have retired from marriage, but he didn't. So Shui Hua, who had figured it out, decided to marry him.

Their marriage was no different from that of an ordinary peasant couple. Among them, there is less heat due to the lack of love, but because both parties have a responsible attitude, they have their own three points of sweetness.

If it hadn't been for that accident, maybe they'd have lived happier. However, the accident came, and Yongfu, who was originally the pillar of the family, became a drag on the splash. Since then, he has rarely given Splash a good look, and even if Splash does it right, he will blindly accuse.

And the reason he did this was not that he did not love Splash, but that he wanted her to leave. He knew that Splash was industrious and self-motivated, and without his bondage, she would be able to live well.

With Yongfu's intelligence, he naturally knows that there is a splash of water, and his life will be better. But out of consideration for splash future, he chose to drive her away.

Smart women know that in the face of love, we must not only look at the surface, but go deep inside, only in this way can we firmly grasp the man who loves her.

Sooner or later you will understand: the more men love you, the more they will behave very "coldly" in these times

2. When you have some intimacy with other members of the opposite sex

Love is exclusive, and in this process, the only person he hopes to be able to accompany you at all times is him.

The problem is that life is not subject to the will of the individual. Especially in modern times, many women use their expertise and personal charm to create more value for the enterprise, so they are put in a higher position.

In order to work better, women will inevitably come into contact with some of the opposite sex. Most people are still more measured in the process of getting along with the opposite sex, but they can't stand the misunderstanding.

For example, in "Why Sheng ZhenMo", when He Yichen was chatting with customers, he actually found his ex-girlfriend Zhao Mosheng to go on a blind date - in fact, Zhao Mosheng came to help friends go on a blind date.

At this time, He Yichen and Zhao Mosheng got along more delicately. Although they all have each other in their hearts, they can only maintain superficial harmony because of the existence of various factors.

Sooner or later you will understand: the more men love you, the more they will behave very "coldly" in these times

If they no longer have each other in their hearts, then this situation is something that both of them are happy to see. The problem is that their affection has not disappeared with the passage of time with various misunderstandings, and both of them are embarrassed.

In particular, Zhao Mosheng chose to explain to He Yichen, feeling a bit sentimental, after all, the two had nothing to do with each other.

After hesitating for a long time, she chose to be silent, so He Yichen's misunderstanding of her deepened, and he directly put on a cold face, and the tone was even colder to the freezing point.

But the audience knows that this is all appearances, in fact, he loves her. Even if she had intentionally or unintentionally done something that made him feel doubly sad, even if she hadn't seen him for many years, she couldn't extinguish the fire of love in his heart.

Ever seen a story like this: Someone asked God, what is the difference between liking and loving?

God asked him to see two scenes: the same flower, the first child chose to pluck the flowers, the latter child chose to water the flowers, cover the poisonous sun. God says that the former is like and the latter is love.

Because of love, he had a lot of scruples, worried that his enthusiastic behavior would hurt her, so he repeatedly refrained and asked himself to face her with a more rational attitude.

In some cases, it may even be more "cold" because it is too rational. However, the woman needs to understand that this is only the appearance, and what he wants from beginning to end, from beginning to end, is nothing more than a happy life with you.

For love, women cannot look at the appearance, but look at the essence. Or because there are not many women who can do this, we often see a lot of regrets.

Finally, I wish every woman can read the truth of men's "indifference".


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