
【Theoretical Roundtable】Rooted in "China's Concrete Reality" Literature and art have great potential

【Theoretical Roundtable】Rooted in "China's Concrete Reality" Literature and art have great potential

Set the theoretical thoughts, gather everyone's words. The "Theoretical Roundtable" column closely follows the theoretical hot spots and pays attention to theoretical dynamics.

The theme of this issue: Culture is the spiritual lifeblood of the nation, and literature and art are the clarion call of the times. Why do the black-faced, red vests, and northwestern farmers standing in the loess soil in "Mountains and Seas" attract the audience so much? Why are young people willing to look back at the historical situation of a hundred years ago in "The Age of Awakening", and even submit applications to join the party? Because such works, the source of their stories is practice, their value destination is the people, and they have far-reaching social functions of transforming reality and promoting historical progress, which is the essence of the Marxist concept of literature and art. "Persisting in integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture" is the key to understanding the Sinicized Marxist view of literature and art.

Adhere to the "two innovations" to write epics

Tie Ning, chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and chairman of the China Writers Association, pointed out that looking back at the century-old history, generation after generation of literary and art workers have devoted themselves to the miracle of changing the world on the land of China, cherishing the distant places of the clouds steaming and the blue weather, and writing heroic epics of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation with imagination and creativity. History has eloquently proved that the cause of literature and art is an important cause of the party and the people, and the literary and artistic front is an important front of the party and the people. Over the past one hundred years, the road that Chinese literature and art have traveled has been a path of literary and artistic development guided by Marxism, conforming to China's national conditions and cultural traditions, and exalting the people's nature. History will also prove that literary and art workers in the new era will move forward courageously on this road and open up a magnificent world of literature and art in the new era.

To open up a new world of literature and art in the new era, it is necessary to write the creation of literature and art into the history of national rejuvenation and in the journey of the people's struggle. Born in a great era, we must not only have self-awareness in the magnificent history, but also be able to lift and hold the artistic pen in our hands, and write about the great era and the greatness of the times with accurate and profound brushstrokes and the deepest emotions for the people. The miracles and stories of the feats that are taking place are the source of vitality for literature and art. Let us become a small river, a stream, a drop of water in the stream, together with countless streams and rivers, into a vast soup of great rivers and seas. The broad masses of literary and art workers should devote themselves to the great cause of forging the peak of literature and art in the new era with a strong spirit of historical initiative, sober historical consciousness and firm historical self-confidence, enhance cultural consciousness and strengthen cultural self-confidence in creation and practice, display the value of literary and artistic work, and create brilliant literary and artistic undertakings.

To open up a new world of literature and art in the new era, the vast number of literary and art workers are required to adhere to the people's stand and write endless people's epics. The country is the people, and the people are the country. The foundation of the Communist Party of China lies in the people, the blood is in the people, and the strength is in the people. In the great practice of uniting and leading the Chinese and the people, the Communist Party of China has always adhered to the people's stand and the supremacy of the people, and has always maintained flesh-and-blood ties with the masses of the people, which has also clearly defined the fundamental nature and direction of China's revolutionary literature and art and socialist literature and art. Originating from the people, serving the people, and belonging to the people is the fundamental stand of socialist literature and art, and it is also the driving force for the prosperity and development of socialist literature and art. "The people" has always been clearly engraved on the banner of Chinese literature and art, guiding the way forward for Chinese literature and art. The people are the mother of literature and art, and only by adhering to the people-centered creative orientation, putting the people in the highest position in their hearts, and creating literature and art in the people's historical creation can the vast number of literary and artistic workers create literary and artistic progress in the people's progress.

To open up a new world of literature and art in the new era, the vast number of literary and art workers are required to persist in carrying forward the right path and achieve the value of life in the pursuit of virtue and art. In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward requirements for the personality cultivation of writers and artists. The vast number of literary and art workers should unify their personal moral cultivation, social image, and the social effects of their works, adhere to artistic ideals, pursue both virtue and art, and strive to preserve righteousness for history, promote virtues for the world, and leave a clear name for themselves with noble ethics and works of both literary quality and beauty. The personality cultivation of literary and art workers is not only related to personal morality, but also affects the industry atmosphere, which in turn affects the entire cultural field and even social life. We must establish a good social image of the literary and artistic circles and create a clear industry atmosphere. 【Details】

Literature and art should shape heroic figures and carry forward the lofty spirit

Lu Guishan, a literary and art theorist and honorary first-class professor of Chinese Min University, wrote an article pointing out that in the process of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, a number of giants and heroes of the new era will inevitably emerge. However, the giants and heroes of real life have not yet been fully felt by writers and artists. It's not that heroes don't exist, it's that they fail to powerfully discover and represent them. At present, the chaos in the field of entertainment, such as entertainment to death, right and wrong, and beauty and ugliness, is precisely due to the lack of support from the lofty spirit, which should arouse our sufficient vigilance and attention.

He said: Our Chinese nation is a heroic nation. Examining the heroic history of the Chinese nation, from ancient times to the present, from the period of revolutionary war to the era of peaceful construction and reform and opening up, many heroes have emerged, and their deeds and spirit have stood in the annals of history and will always shine. The broad masses of the people have been deeply moved by the image of party members and cadres like Jiao Yulu, the image of scientists like Qian Xuesen, and the image of workers like Wang Jinxi. In terms of novel creation, in the early days of the founding of New China, there were epic works, such as "Red Rock", "Red Sun", "Red Flag Spectrum", "Song of Youth", "Lin Hai Snow Field", "Wildfire Spring Wind Fighting Ancient City", etc., these works have shaped a number of shining hero group portraits, like the stars shining in people's memory.

He stressed that the power of example is infinite. The noble spirit displayed by the heroic figures has the role of bacon casting the soul. Shaping heroic figures and carrying forward the lofty spirit is conducive to cultivating the people's heroic complex and lofty genes. This is actually a project of people's hearts and minds, the rooting and shaping of the lofty spirit of the Chinese nation of great strategic significance, and the aim of making the Chinese people a heroic people with lofty spirit. 【Details】

Literary and artistic creation should "establish a great historical outlook and a great view of the times"

Qian Niansun, a researcher at the Anhui Academy of Social Sciences and the Anhui Provincial Research Center for the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, stressed that "establishing a great historical outlook and a great view of the times" is of great guiding significance to the current literary and artistic creation. Whether there is a correct view of history is equivalent to whether a person has correct thinking or not, which has a great impact on whether or not excellent literary and artistic works can be created. In the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty, there was an active uprising team represented by Song Jiang in Shuibo Liangshan in Jining, Shandong, and Shi Nai'an's "Water Margin" wrote them as heroes and good men who made a big fuss in the state capital and relieved the people, while Yu Wanchun's "Dangkouzhi" wrote them as bandits and thieves who opposed the imperial court and did evil. Echoing this, Hu Yinglin, Shen Defu, Li Zhuowu, Jin Shengsi and other comments around the novel also have many different opinions. The same historical event and person, producing two works of diametrically opposite meanings, creating artistic images with opposite faces, and triggering contradictory views of critics, is the result of different views of history. The reason is very simple, literary and artistic works are created by literary and artistic artists, and whether his understanding of the object of expression is correct or not, and how deep it is, is directly related to whether the artistic image can stand and spread. It can be seen from this that the subjective initiative of the artist, that is, the establishment of a correct world outlook and historical outlook, is very important for literary and artistic creation.

He said: In contemporary China, the country and mountains are magnificent, the people are heroic, the government is harmonious, and the future is far-reaching. At the juncture of the times when there have been major changes unprecedented in a century, literary and art workers undertake the solemn mission of "showing the beauty of Chinese history, the beauty of mountains and rivers, and the beauty of culture, and expressing the aspirations of Chinese the people to struggle, the power of creation, and the fruits of development." This in particular requires the broad masses of writers and artists to establish a great historical outlook and a great view of the times, polish their eyes, have a clear understanding of the world' affairs, and in the intertwined investigation that runs through the vertical scale of ancient and modern times and integrates the horizontal scales of China and foreign countries, feel and grasp the sonorous footsteps and heroic feats of the Chinese people who are arduous and forge ahead, and make due contributions to climbing the peak of literature and art and casting a new glory of Chinese culture with a steady stream of fine works. 【Details】

The "principle" moves over, the "method" is made by itself, and the work itself is "hard"

Guangming Daily said in an article that "persistently integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture" is a precious experience of China's revolution, construction, reform, and progress into a new era, and it is also the key to understanding the Sinicized Marxist view of literature and art. Literary and artistic works and literary and art criticism need to resonate at the same frequency in such a literary and artistic view, the "principle" is transferred, and the "method" is created by itself, so as to achieve tailor-made and adapt to local conditions.

The article said that today's "specific reality in China" undoubtedly provides an open space for literary and artistic creation and criticism. This "concrete reality" is a magnificent picture of the accumulation of strength, the prosperity and strength, the magnificent picture of thousands of years of well-off dreams, the great practice of 1.4 billion people as a whole toward modernization, the story of poverty alleviation from the southern country to the northern Xinjiang, and the exclamation of "no longer being able to find a village without electricity". Rooted in such practice, "Mountains and Seas" finally put the big era into a small village. By closely following such practices, literary and art criticism can extract the storytelling methods of Chinese stories, grasp the emotional foundation, social psychology, and public demands needed to tell Chinese stories well, and guide and promote more "Mountains and Seas" to appear.

The article emphasizes that to carry forward and develop the Sinicized Marxist concept of literature and art, it is also necessary to "combine Marx's positions, viewpoints, and methods with China's excellent traditional culture." Heaven is the heaven of the world and the earth of China, and to reach the common value of all mankind, it is precisely necessary to inherit the spirit of Chinese culture and show the Chinese aesthetic style. Traditional literary and art criticism has left a lot of heritage to today's people, and the characteristics of traditional literary and artistic creation are closely integrated, always relying on things to speak, good at metaphorical reasoning, expressing condensation and moderation, but also able to obtain far-reaching artistic conception. Su Shi believes that Tao Qian's poems have an inherent enrichment, and the metaphor of "quality and solidity, and solid and solid" embodies the aesthetic characteristics and linguistic tension of a traditional literary and art criticism. Today, our literary and art criticism may be able to go from it to the essence, gradually explore the Chinese expression of the Marxist concept of literature and art, establish their own basic discourse, construct their own propositional theory, and form their own methodological thinking. 【Details】

"Telling Chinese stories well with affection" is a promising literary and artistic achievement

A commentator article published by the overseas edition of the People's Daily pointed out that the Communist Party of China has united and led the people to struggle and forge ahead for a hundred years, opened up the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, created the two miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability, created a new form of human civilization, and made the international community more eager to decode China's development path and the secret of success, understand the changes in the lives of the Chinese people and the spiritual world. It can be said that the new era has provided an unprecedented broad stage for the prosperity and development of literature and art and for the world, and there is great potential for literature and art to tell Chinese stories well.

Using literature and art to tell Chinese stories should open up global horizons. Chinese people have always had a profound sense of the world, and contemporary Chinese literature and art should turn their attention to the world and to mankind. The situation and destiny of people in various countries are very different, but the unremitting pursuit of a better life and the indomitable struggle to change their destiny are consistent and the most resonant. Human beings live in the same global village, face many common problems, have many common value pursuits, and the literary presentation of common human problems and the artistic expression of common values of mankind embody the ambitions and aspirations of contemporary Chinese literature and art. Why is the TV series "Mountains and Seas", which tells the story of China's poverty alleviation, popular on multinational television stations in Africa, ASEAN and other places? It is precisely because China has resolutely won the battle against poverty and enabled more than 700 million poor people to successfully get rid of poverty, which is great and touching in any era and any country, and will inevitably bring encouragement and inspiration to people who are struggling with poverty. The vast number of literary and art workers should create more outstanding works that highlight China's aesthetic interests, disseminate contemporary Chinese values, and reflect the common value pursuit of all mankind.

To tell Chinese stories with literature and art, we must base ourselves on the land of China. All literature and art come from life. The development and progress of contemporary China provides the richest theme library for literary and artistic creation, from which to select the themes that can best represent China's reform and Chinese spirit for artistic expression, and will surely create excellent works that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The film "Chosin Lake", which tells about the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, has refreshed more than 30 records in the history of Chinese films, and when it was released overseas, some viewers commented that the spirit conveyed by the film is to defend the family and defend the country and work hard for peace, which deserves the respect of all mankind. Documentaries such as "24 Hours in Wuhan", "Chinese Medicine Fighting the Epidemic", and "Fang Cabin", which show the story of China's war against the epidemic, have been quickly translated by mainstream TV platforms in Russia, Britain, Italy, Serbia and other countries Chinese and have been broadcast one after another. The success of these works is thought-provoking. In contemporary China, the country and mountains are magnificent, the people are heroic, and the future is far-reaching. The vast number of literary and art workers should display the great changes and spiritual outlook of the new era with a deeper vision, a broader mind, and a more confident attitude.

To tell Chinese stories with literature and art, we must adhere to the stand of Chinese culture. The national characteristics of literature and art reflect the cultural recognition of a nation. The melody of "Liang Zhu", the singing voice of Kunqu Opera, the face of Peking Opera, the brushwork of calligraphy and painting... It intuitively shows the national forms and styles of Chinese literature and art, and what is contained in it is an incomparably thick Chinese cultural tradition. Ideas and concepts such as "the people are only the state", "the world is just", "harmony and difference", "words must be believed, deeds must be fruitful", "in and out of friendship, watching out for each other" and other ideas and concepts are still deeply rooted in the hearts of Chinese today, not only subtly influencing the way of thinking and behavior of Chinese, but also infecting the people of other countries and regions through colorful literary and artistic works. In recent years, Chinese online literature has exported tens of thousands of online works to overseas, and more than 100 million users have subscribed to and read APP users, which is deeply loved by people, and one of the important reasons is that overseas audiences feel the unique charm of Chinese culture from these works. The broad and profound Chinese culture is the treasure of literary and artistic innovation, and the vast number of literary and art workers should draw nourishment from it, promote creative transformation and innovative development, and create new glory for Chinese culture. 【Details】

(Source: People's Daily, Guangming Daily)

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