
How to cultivate a child's optimistic and cheerful personality?

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How to cultivate a child's optimistic and cheerful personality?

The famous educator Spencer once said: "Education should be happy, and when a child is in an unhappy mood, his intelligence and potential will be greatly reduced." Reprimands and accusations do not bring good results, but rather happy methods and happy atmospheres, which can do more with less for children's education. ”

Optimistic and cheerful for children, is undoubtedly a favorable growth of personality tendencies, psychologists have found that children mostly have optimistic nature, and this positive and optimistic personality can be cultivated, can be achieved through the efforts of the day after tomorrow. Xiaobian sorted out the following 4 points of practice, parents can refer to -

01. Parents should have an optimistic attitude towards life

Some people say that the education of parents' words and deeds is a textbook that runs through a child's life. The book is optimistic and positive, the child will learn to fight with self-love; the book is open-minded and wise, and the child will learn to be content and tenacious.

It can be seen that the role model of parents has a profound impact on children. In order to cultivate a child's optimistic and cheerful personality, parents must first have an optimistic attitude towards life. On the one hand, the optimism of parents in dealing with their own problems and family problems has an important exemplary role for children, who learn through observation and imitation. Therefore, even if parents encounter trouble in work and life, do not frown or be angry in front of their children, you can tell your children that "it doesn't matter if you encounter trouble, just try to solve it." ”

On the other hand, parents should help their children develop an optimistic style of interpretation in their daily lives. For example, when a child spills milk, the parents can say, "Oh, drink milk for the floor?" Grab a tissue and wipe your mouth on the floor. Instead of blindly accusing and criticizing the child and saying, "How do you always be clumsy?" The floor that was just dragged was soiled by you again. ”

Parents are both nurturers and guides of their children, so we must use our subtle strength while hoping for optimism for our children. Because in a positive, optimistic, tolerant and harmonious environment, children can become a happy person and develop an optimistic and cheerful personality.

How to cultivate a child's optimistic and cheerful personality?

02. Cultivate children's wide range of interests and hobbies

Cultivating a wide range of interests and hobbies can not only enrich children's lives, but also expose children to new environments, let them learn how to interact with people and the world, and help children understand their meaning to others. Because in addition to innate factors, the cultivation of optimistic and cheerful personality also stems from broad vision and extensive communication.

Of course, all interests and hobbies must be based on the premise of children's voluntariness, and forcing children to enter various interest classes to learn cannot really achieve the goal.

How to cultivate a child's optimistic and cheerful personality?

03. Cultivate your child's emotional intelligence

Children with high emotional intelligence can correctly understand emotions, manage emotions, and will not be crushed by negative emotions, and if children want to develop an optimistic and cheerful personality, the cultivation of emotional intelligence is indispensable.

Develop your child's emotional intelligence, and parents can do this—

(1) Help children recognize their emotions, happy, sad, angry, lost...

(2) Guide children to accept and express negative emotions, such as venting through shouting, exercising, crying and other ways... In addition, parents should do a good job of emotional management, set an example for their children to express emotions, express personal joys and sorrows reasonably and naturally, and do not show excessive sadness, depression or anger in front of their children.

(3) Help children build the ability to recognize the emotions of others, so that children can learn to perceive the emotions of others and put themselves in the shoes of others in the process of interacting with others, so as to improve interpersonal skills.


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