
Adults without empathy can also develop autism

Every year on 2 April is World Autism Awareness Day.

Over the years we've been paying more attention to childhood autism — a bunch of stars for kids.

In recent years, the number of adult autism patients has risen rapidly, some people say that because of the three-year epidemic, some people say that because of the survival pressure of big cities....

Adults without empathy can also develop autism

The lack of empathy makes adults suffer from autism!

First, the extreme case of impaired empathy is autism.

Empathy is an ability.

An ability to empathize with the emotions and thoughts of others, understand their positions and feelings, and approach issues from the perspective of others.

"Imagine that."

In interpersonal communication, we all want to live in harmony.

And the harmonious atmosphere can not be created unilaterally, what to do?

You, me, and him in a relationship need to be clear about your own position and know how to see things from the perspective of others.

This is where empathy for each other is required.

Adults without empathy can also develop autism

The Golden Rule of the Bible tells us that you should treat others as you would like to treat you.

The Platinum Rule tells us that you will treat others as they wish you treat them.

Start by studying the needs of others and then adjust your own behavior.

Otherwise, blindly according to your own preferences, completely disregard the feelings of others, do not experience the emotions of others, then your interpersonal relationship will eventually be a mess.

In the long run, the network of relationships you need to live in groups will no longer exist.

Severe social disorders can trap you in loneliness.

If childhood autism has a maternal cause, then adult autism is completely a lack of empathy.

Second, the empathy crisis of ordinary people.

Cognitive empathy.

People interacting with each other is first and foremost a cognitive process of each other.

Cognition is the ability to understand the feelings of others.

But autistic individuals usually can only understand what they observe from their own point of view, but cannot change perspectives and cannot understand the different feelings of others about the same thing.

It's what we often say about not empathizing!

"Today's society is really getting more and more indifferent"!

This sounds no stranger, the secret competition in the workplace, mutual denigration, so that young workers are more and more lonely, they are not willing to be friends with colleagues.

Because when you encounter difficulties, people who usually seem to have a good relationship hide away.

Behind these most common behaviors in the workplace is the lack of "cognitive empathy" that "understands the feelings of others".

A person who cannot feel, cannot feel, who does not want to feel what they feel is doomed to be a person who lacks empathy.

Adults without empathy can also develop autism

Emotional empathy.

People with emotional empathy can be infected by the emotions of others, and can feel the joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness in the emotions of others.

For example, in the crowd we see other people's faces full of smiles, we unconsciously raise the corners of our mouths, and we feel happy ourselves.

This is typical emotional empathy.

This is because when an individual perceives the behavior of another person, it automatically activates the representation of personal experience related to that behavior.

So, when we see someone smiling, the brain region in the brain responsible for our own smile is activated.

Conversely, if there is no emotional empathy, there will be indifference.

There are also some people who are overly sensitive to emotional empathy and will show excessive nervousness, fear, and even fear because they are overly sensitive to other people's emotions and intentions.

Third, empathy and sound personality.

Sound personality, also known as perfect personality and ideal personality, is a perfect integration of various positive personality traits, and its connotation involves various virtues.

So, what kind of person can be called a sound personality?

Deal positively with uncertainties about the past, present and future.

See the imperfections of the world, others, and yourself in the right way.

Many books talk about the criteria of a sound personality, such as:

Self-love, self-confidence, self-reliance, self-examination, self-improvement, integrity, integrity... In fact, behind the cultivation of these personalities are the soundness of empathy.

Adults without empathy can also develop autism

Pay attention to the public number: "Meehan Education" to harvest dry goods in the workplace for the first time!

April 1st tweet "Adults without empathy can also develop autism"

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