
The closer a child's birth weight is to this range, the more well-developed the brain will be and the smarter it will be than its peers

After pregnancy, everyone is most concerned about the healthy development of the fetus, so some pregnant mothers will be treated as "national treasures" after pregnancy, that is, they are afraid of what the baby in the stomach has missed, and in addition to the attention to the health of the fetus, the brain development of the fetus is also what everyone cares about, so pregnant mothers often go to understand what to eat during pregnancy to help the fetal brain development, and some mother and baby stores are also very keen to recommend pregnant mothers to buy some health care products that can promote brain development.

The closer a child's birth weight is to this range, the more well-developed the brain will be and the smarter it will be than its peers

After making up so much, how to judge whether the baby's brain development is more perfect, and whether the baby is smarter? In fact, it can be seen from the weight, but many people think that the heavier the fetus, the better, as if "fat" has become a sign of the health of newborns. Just like Baoyu, a mother from Guizhou, she gave birth to a big fat boy in the morning, but this did not become a thing that made her happy, but it made her suffer a lot of sins.

Xiaoyu was originally very favored after marriage, living with her in-laws did not need her to do anything, after pregnancy is more leisurely, the mother-in-law bought her what she loves to eat and supplements for three days, especially others say that eating something is good for the child's brain development, no matter how expensive it is.

The closer a child's birth weight is to this range, the more well-developed the brain will be and the smarter it will be than its peers

When it came to childbirth, the light rain that was originally planned to be born smoothly was too large and the bones were too hard to be born, and the doctor recommended a caesarean section for several hours for fear of fetal hypoxia. After the birth of the child weighed eight and a half pounds, Xiaoyu mother-in-law although painful Xiaoyu suffered but also happy for the birth of the child, she said that the child's head is so hard, it must be a good brain development, pregnancy did not eat so many supplements in vain, and it will definitely be smarter and healthier than other children in the future.

But the doctor on the side listened to it and said that this is not the case, the mother suffers when the child is too big to give birth, and the overweight child really does not necessarily have a slightly lighter child health and intelligence.

The closer a child's birth weight is to this range, the more well-developed the brain will be and the smarter it will be than its peers

The doctor's words are indeed based on evidence, because there are experiments showing that 20% of the IQ of individuals is related to the size of their brain, and the capacity of the newborn brain is related to their weight, but this does not mean that the heavier the child, the better, a brain scientist in the United States found that the IQ of newborns below 3.6 kg will be higher, but the IQ of newborns above 4 kg will decline.

Therefore, newborns weigh about 3.6 kilograms when their brain development is the most perfect, and they will be smarter than other children of the same age in the future. We all know that the weight of newborns has about three ranges, one is about 3 to 5 pounds, mostly the weight of premature babies; one is about 6 to 7 pounds, which is a normal weight, and then there is more than 8 pounds or even nearly 10 pounds of weight range, which belongs to the "huge child". The reason why the neonatal brain development in the range of 6 to 7 kilograms is more perfect is also an important basis.

The closer a child's birth weight is to this range, the more well-developed the brain will be and the smarter it will be than its peers

3 to 5 pounds of newborns are mostly pregnant mothers themselves have certain diseases or fetal development of certain problems caused by premature birth, a large part of these newborns need to live in incubators, and a considerable part of the baby carries congenital diseases. Premature newborns are not fully developed in the mother, natural brain development is also lacking, and some may have congenital mental retardation, so some premature babies are not as smart as children of the same age.

Newborns in the range of 6 to 7 pounds belong to the most standard weight, and the birth will be relatively smooth, and it will not lead to difficult labor because of excessive size. This part of the baby in the mother's body development is relatively complete, the standard weight proves that they also absorb balanced nutrition in the mother's body, after birth, both the body and intelligence will develop normally with the growth of the month, and this part of the baby is also more obedient and good to carry.

The closer a child's birth weight is to this range, the more well-developed the brain will be and the smarter it will be than its peers

Newborns weighing more than 8 pounds or even 9 pounds may not be because their absorption capacity is better, but because pregnant mothers have supplemented with excess nutrition, resulting in excessive fetal nutrition, and some elderly women and women with gestational diabetes have a higher chance of giving birth to macrosomia. Therefore, "fat" does not mean that health and development are good, but may be caused by some reasons, and the brain development of this part of the child may also be affected by obesity and the body of pregnant mothers, but it will show a slow development trend.

The closer a child's birth weight is to this range, the more well-developed the brain will be and the smarter it will be than its peers

So women should have a clear understanding of the weight of the fetus after pregnancy, the old people think that the "light good birth, heavy health" view is not correct, pregnancy to maintain good living habits, balanced and healthy diet, pay attention not to picky eaters, do not blindly supplement some nutritional products, regular obstetric examinations to follow the doctor's advice, to ensure that the fetus can get good development in a stable state, in order to ensure the smooth pregnancy, the smooth delivery, and the smooth growth of the child in the future.

Of course, everything in this world is not absolute, there are many school bullies born when the weight is not up to standard, so the pursuit of the child's intelligence or not may also be used as the pursuit of the child's health, after all, pregnancy is indeed an important stage of enlightenment and foundation for fetal growth and development, and it must be paid attention to in order to be able to give birth to a smart and cute healthy baby.

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