
People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

If you don't know how to educate your children well, you must read the 36 "small strategies" summarized by the People's Daily, and the sentences are the essence.

--David Jun

Parents are the best teachers for children, but do parents know how to educate their children?

The child is too inferior, how to build his confidence? Children are bored with school, how to follow the good temptation? The reverse psychology is too strong, how to adjust the parent-child relationship? The only child, how to teach him to be open-minded... People's Daily recommended the "36 Plans for Education" to parents, which is extremely practical and forwarded and shared with all parents.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day
People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day
People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day
People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day
People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day
People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day
People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day
People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

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People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Play the weak meter

Let the child be a "little adult" for a time

Children's sense of responsibility should be cultivated from an early age, if you always show a fearless appearance in front of your children, your children will think that parents do not need to care. Therefore, parents may wish to pretend to be weak once in a while to ask their children for help, and you will be surprised to find that the child has become a sensible "little adult", and you can also get a lot from the child's help.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

The law of reinforcement tells us that when a person's behavior gets satisfactory results, this behavior will be repeated. Therefore, when the child is recognized, his self-confidence will be stimulated, and he will continue to repeat satisfactory behaviors until he gets rid of his inferiority and becomes a good child who is confident and self-motivated.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

The induction meter helps children cross the quagmire of school boredom Almost every child has a school-weary mood to a greater or lesser extent. Understandable but not laissez-faire, which can hinder children's enthusiasm for learning. However, forced learning is not a good idea, which will only deepen the child's resentment. The smart way to do this is to induce a child's interest in learning and let the child learn spontaneously and spontaneously.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

The indifference plan allows children to have a little self-control, and now most of them are only children, and they are cared for by their families, but this will make children develop wayward habits and bury huge hidden dangers for his future life. It is recommended that children try cold treatment when they are willful, which will make them automatically restrain their temper because they do not pay attention.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day


Give children the opportunity to experience failure "Adversity can produce talents, and children who grow up after setbacks and thousands of hammers are more competitive for survival." "In order to enhance children's endurance, parents may wish to consciously create some moderate frustration education for their children, which is of great benefit to enhancing children's psychological endurance."

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day
People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Let go of their own things to do their own things, do not do everything for the child, parents should try to let go of the hand, let the child do it independently. The first time you may not do it well, but you will do it quickly and well later. Don't be a parent, let go of the hand to create opportunities and platforms for children to do things, children can have self-reliance, parents will have less trouble.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Some parents complain that their children are "too naughty" and are "saboteurs", in fact, such children are often very smart, curious, curious, and more determined. Therefore, smart parents should try to "indulge" their children's naughty and "destructive" behavior, and take the opportunity to tap their potential and cultivate interests, maybe your child is another "Edison".

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Penalty meter

Let children face up to mistakes and educate children to reward and punish clearly, and reward them for doing a good job, but they must not be tolerated when they do wrong. Even if it is only a small mistake, it is necessary to carry out a moderate punishment, so that the child can face up to his mistake and correct it in time, so as not to fall deeper and deeper in the mistake.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Refrigeration meter

"Pouring cold water" on the conceited child refers to the high self-evaluation and no one in sight, which is extremely unfavorable to the growth of the child. Therefore, once the signs of conceit are found, parents should use the means of "refrigeration" to pour some cold water at the right time to let the children learn to evaluate rationally and correctly understand themselves.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Inclusion meter

Let the child feel that the parents unconditionally love the child may not be smart enough, there may be many shortcomings, but as a parent, you must not be prejudiced against the child, humiliate or dislike your child. Be tolerant and confident in your children.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day
People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Model parents to be a good first teacher for their children Parents are children's role models, children are the mirror of parents, and parents' words and deeds will affect children. Therefore, parents should be strict with discipline, set an example for their children in everything they do with their correct words and deeds, and guide their children to grow up healthily.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Encourage the child to give the strength to keep improving, and it is easy for the child to lose confidence in himself, and it is easy to give up his efforts because of difficulties. Therefore, parents should constantly encourage their children, give them the courage to move forward and the confidence to win, so that they can correct their shortcomings and continue to make progress with their parents' expectations.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Listen meter

Carefully understand how your child feels

Every child has his own voice, and parents must listen patiently to truly understand his thoughts and feelings, and to deal with their physical and psychological problems and changes in a timely manner. On this basis, we can carry out good parent-child communication and establish a harmonious parent-child relationship.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Rewards allow children to progress in the praise of children, and rewards are more effective than punishments. Reward more, use punishment appropriately. Replacing negative shortcomings with affirmative strengths can avoid harm to children and make better progress.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

The parents who dot the meter cleverly prompt the child to consciously go the right way and preach and do everything for the child are the children's least favorite. Smart parents will only help their children solve problems when they encounter problems or behavioral errors. In this way, the child understands the truth, and the parents have achieved the purpose of education.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day
People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

The virtual meter makes the child feel "I'm great" and "With the feeling of genius, you will become a genius; with the feeling of a hero, you will become a hero." When a child finds the feeling of a good child, he will become a good child. "Use virtual means to create a "I am great" self-feeling for the child, and he will gradually "stick" up.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Allowing children to learn more in mistakes will inevitably have some faults and mistakes. Some are unintentional, some are intentional. If the nature of the child's mistake is not very serious, then the parents may wish to give tolerance and forgiveness. In this way, the child will not only correct the mistake more seriously in the guilt and self-blame, but also make the child form a good tolerant attitude.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

The admonition plan allows children to recognize mistakes and reform children, and there will be various problems and mistakes, some mistakes can be tolerated, and some mistakes cannot be tolerated, and the child must be reasonably and effectively criticized to ensure that similar mistakes are not made again. Even the most lenient parents cannot afford to leave this kind of reasonable discipline missing.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

The influence of edification in life to give children a good impact Is the first classroom of children, and the impact of family education is far-reaching and huge.

Therefore, if parents can cultivate their children's healthy interests and hobbies through storytelling and other ways in family life, and cultivate their children's interests and conduct, they can let their children grow up healthier.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

The success of the diversion plan in allowing children to change from confrontation to cooperation in the management of water lies in "thinning" rather than "blocking", and parents can also get inspiration from it. Being too authoritarian in educating children will only cause children to rebel and "do the opposite" with you, but if you adopt a wise and open counseling strategy, your children will be willing to cooperate happily with you.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

The reason why there is a conflict between the parents and the parents who are closer to the child is often because the parents do not respect the children enough, so that they are afraid and dissatisfied, and pull away from each other. Try to respect your children, and you will surely become the most popular parents.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

The premise of good communication between the peer and the child is equality and being his good friend. Only then will he be willing to speak to you from the heart, and parents can help them get rid of various problems in time. If you always put on the shelf of parents and demand that children obey themselves despotically, then the door of parent-child communication will slowly close.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Offensive and defensive strategies to give children a "preventive shot" the best defense is offense. In the education of children is also the case, instead of the child after the problem, and then to discipline, anger, it is better to play a "preventive shot" in advance, improve the child's "immunity", let them take fewer detours, make fewer mistakes.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Now the children are the "little emperors" and "little princesses" in the family, and if they want the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain, they have developed the habit of arrogance. Spending lavishly and not knowing how to cherish items is a habit that is extremely detrimental to the healthy growth of children. Therefore, parents should teach their children to be diligent and thrifty, and help him develop the habit of frugality, which is the real love for him.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

If parents can participate in their children's lives and take more time to accompany their children to do something, then they can not only enhance parent-child feelings, but also inspire children. At the same time, you can also know more about children, which is very important for developing children's potential and cultivating talents.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day
People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Don't let small problems become big problems In life, children sometimes have some small problems, such as domineering, rude, lazy, etc. At this time, we must pay attention to the fact that although the problem is small, it must also be strictly managed and prevented from gradually degenerating, otherwise small problems will become big problems. Do not tolerate the child's small problems, strict management is also a manifestation of love.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

There will also be some friction and misunderstanding between teachers and students, then parents will play the role of "peacemaker", help both sides eliminate contradictions and misunderstandings, understand each other, tolerate each other, let the child still respect the teacher, and the teacher continues to love the child.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Establish rules and use reasonable rules to let children learn to control their children's white control ability is poor, and parents' "don't do this" and "don't do that" preaching is easy to cause boredom. At this time, parents can establish a set of effective behavior rules for their children, as the basis for children to judge their own behavior, so as to restrain their own behavior.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Don't put too much pressure on children In life, there are more and more children with psychological disorders. Child psychologists point out that excessive pressure is an important cause of psychological problems in children, and reducing the burden on children has become a top priority. In order to let the child grow up healthily, parents please do not put too much pressure on the child,

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Stimulation meter to motivate children to love to learn to educate children to find the right way, when persuasion, preaching is not effective, parents may wish to try this trick - stimulation meter. Use the child's competitiveness, rebelliousness and even jealousy to deliberately stimulate the child, so that they can change from not loving learning to active learning.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day
People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

If the child does not fully understand himself and see his strengths, there will be many problems. Such as low self-esteem, jealousy, etc. Therefore, parents should let their children see their own advantages and let their children like themselves, so that they can face life confidently.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Children often do some "out of line" behavior that parents cannot tolerate, and "stormy" education will only make children go to extremes. Therefore, parents can only "be impatient and patient", suppress the anger, and understand and tolerate children more. On this basis, it can be guided, so as to lead to the right path.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

In the personality life of cultivating children to explore boldly, it is often those who are brave and bold to achieve outstanding achievements and happiness. Therefore, parents for the sake of their children's future, do not overprotect, do not overemphasize the cultivation of "obedient" children, but should give children more opportunities to exercise, encourage them to be brave children.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

To educate children with true feelings and touching the child's soul, it cannot just preach, scold, and persuade, but sometimes it must also be emotional, so as to shake the child's heart and achieve the best effect of education. However, to impress the child must be sincere, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Equality plans to cultivate open-minded children are all "little suns", they are accustomed to self-centered, but such a personality is extremely detrimental to interpersonal communication. Therefore, in life, parents should pay attention not to give their children a special status, cultivate their spirit of sharing and cooperation, and gradually cultivate a child with an open mind.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

Children face a competitive society, and many children lack the courage to overcome difficulties because their lives are too comfortable. Therefore, smart parents should let their children undergo some hardships and hardships to cultivate their perseverance and perseverance, so that they can win in the future competition. Some people say that there is no education without love, and I agree with this. Some people say that with love you can educate children well, which I don't agree with. Many parents, many teachers, they love their children very much in their hearts, and they are eager to give everything they have to their children, but they may not be able to educate their children well. Because educating children not only needs love, but also the right way of love, that is, method skills. Parents are the child's first teacher and the child's teacher for life.

People's Daily recommendation: Educate children "36 counts", parents please put away and read aloud 3 times a day

If this teacher does not have the way to raise the child, the level of parenting is low, even if he loves the child very much, he will not be able to truly achieve the child.

To raise children, it is necessary to "fight wits and courage" with children, because children are living people, and they have uniqueness, independence and development. Children change every day, they grow every year, and there is no master key that can open everything about children. Educating children is a career that requires the lifelong efforts of parents, and it is also the most important cause for parents in this life. Click "Watching" and encourage all parents.

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