
How can I forget someone who likes someone but can't be together?

Like a person of course hope to be able to be with her, so that you feel the look of love, if you meet someone you don't like, then you would rather be single than settle, this is the true portrayal of many people. So if you like someone but can't be together, how do you forget her?

First, love is not the whole of life

I don't know if you have had such a similar experience:

I especially love a game, but after a busy business trip, I find that my obsession with it is instantly reduced;

Originally in a very low mood, but after attending a party, I suddenly found that the previously very low mood was swept away;

I can't get out of a certain mood for a long time, but after going out for a tour, I found that the original annoyance was just like this...

In other words, why can't you forget a person you really like? To put it bluntly, in essence, it is because you are too idle, you have not had your own life for a long time, and naturally you put your expectations for the future on this person.

Your greatest ideal is to want to be with this person;

Your happiest moment is when you want to spend it with this person;

All your plans for the future are closely related to this person...

It seems like a particularly obsessive thing, but in fact, it is a particularly terrifying state.

How can I forget someone who likes someone but can't be together?

If you think about it, when you put all your expectations of life on others, this is actually a particularly terrible thing. Your joys and sorrows are controlled by others; all the love of life needs to be done for you; you will always live under the handouts of others, but you have never been a true self.

Therefore, psychologically speaking, the most effective and direct way to quit an emotion is to divert attention and make yourself highly disciplined and fulfilled.

It's not that you can't forget this person, it's that your current life is too boring and too single. I admit that love is indeed very important, but in fact, love is only a very small part of life, and in a person's world, there can be not only love, but also life, ideals and self.

At the same time, the negative emotions brought about by the so-called lost love, expounded from a psychological point of view, are nothing more than the momentary absence of a person's sense of need.

In short, all your negative emotions essentially come from your own emotional needs for security, companionship, anticipation, attention, etc., because this person's departure, and instantaneous withdrawal, this is the root of your constant analgesia.

But you also need to be clear that these emotional needs are not only given to you by this person, and there are too many ways to obtain these needs.

A large part of the emotional needs can not only be drawn from love, but also from friendship, family affection, career, entertainment and other aspects, you can learn.

Second, love yourself well so that she can see you

In fact, there are some truths, even if I don't say it, you know it in your heart. What if you want the person you like and can't let go of you either? Are you stupidly standing where you are, waiting for her to turn back? Are you languishing and waiting for that person to give you love? You know, it's impossible and unrealistic.

The way to really make that person look up to you and make you look up to yourself - in fact, after the loss, you love yourself well, achieve a better and better self, let the person realize that "your loss is the best", she can face your existence.

It also explains "why can't you let go of that person, and why can that person let go of you so easily"? It is because that person has left you, every day in the fitness, study, career, put yourself in a path of continuous appreciation, the lower limit of her choice is you.

And you? Nothing has been done except selling misery and infatuation, or the same old way, and your upper limit will naturally become that.

You must understand that the love of this world will not disappear out of thin air, but will only be transferred from one thing to another.

How can I forget someone who likes someone but can't be together?

To put it bluntly: what really pains you? Is it the guy you like but can't be together? No, the real source of your pain is nothing more than "you gave up loving yourself because of someone who didn't love you."

In fact, when your life becomes full and busy, there is no heart for you to miss, when you are gradually in a state of continuous appreciation, you will meet the person who is better than her, when you have the ability to deserve a better substitute, forget that person, it is simply a matter of minutes.

So, got it? If you can't put it down, don't put it down, and if you can pick it up, be brave enough to fight for it. There is nothing to do, then go to your own career; if you can't find the direction of life, then go to the public examination; if you can't find the joy of life, then read books and movies, or participate in high-quality social activities.......

Remember a sentence: try to make that person look up to you, make yourself a person that the person can't hope for, let go, but it is a matter of a certain moment.

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