
The 6-year-old child cried bitterly in the classroom, and the teacher comforted him for 15 minutes before stopping, which made people cry

Childhood is the most precious period of a person's life, this time people are carefree, there is no pressure from adults, every day is happy to play, learn, occasionally a little trouble is also which child does not play with him again.

The good memories of childhood will accompany a person's life, but since the popularity of going out to work, children's childhood has also quietly changed, parents go out to make money, and children stay at home to live with grandparents.

Although the material conditions are much better than before, but there is less companionship from parents, long-term emotional lack, so that under the childish face, there are many adults who can't bear the heartache.

The 6-year-old child cried bitterly in the classroom, and the teacher comforted him for 15 minutes before stopping, which made people cry

On February 21, Teacher Zhang of Zhoukou, Henan Province, shared a video that made people look particularly sad.

When Teacher Zhang walked into the classroom to prepare for class, he saw a 6-year-old boy sitting at his desk and crying sadly.

Teacher Zhang went forward to ask the reason, and the little boy answered the teacher's words while sobbing: I miss my mother, my mother has gone to work, and my father has also gone to work.

The child's small face was shrouded in sadness, tears like broken beads, constantly rolling down, the voice was full of deep thoughts about his mother, so that people could not help but smell and wet their eyes.

The 6-year-old child cried bitterly in the classroom, and the teacher comforted him for 15 minutes before stopping, which made people cry

The child cried for 15 minutes before slowly calming down under the comfort of the teacher.

As a child's teacher, he is also very distressed to see these left-behind babies, but the lack of parents is irreplaceable by teachers.

He appealed to parents who want to go out to work and try to arrange for someone to accompany their children at home. After all, the child's growth is only once, and if it is missed, it cannot be repaired.

The way the child cries makes many mothers feel very heart-wrenching, which has aroused heated discussion among netizens, and the views of netizens have been divided into two opposing aspects.

The 6-year-old child cried bitterly in the classroom, and the teacher comforted him for 15 minutes before stopping, which made people cry

One is the parents who choose to accompany, they generally have two choices, one is to take the children out to work together, the husband and wife arrange a person, try to find a job that can match the child's time, and facilitate the transfer of the child to school.

The advantage of this scheme is that the family is together, and the disadvantage is that if you earn less, you basically can't save money, but at least the whole family is together, although it is hard, but it is also bitter and sweet.

The 6-year-old child cried bitterly in the classroom, and the teacher comforted him for 15 minutes before stopping, which made people cry

The second option is to leave one of them at home with the children and the other to go out to work to earn money.

This is the option of most couples, after all, the family costs less, one person strives to make money, the other person is a little more frugal at home, and may have a small balance.

No matter what kind of plan, it requires both husband and wife to divide labor and cooperate, and in practice, they will encounter various difficulties, and the feelings of the husband and wife are also a test.

The 6-year-old child cried bitterly in the classroom, and the teacher comforted him for 15 minutes before stopping, which made people cry

The other side chose to leave the child at home, and the couple went out to fight together.

Their idea is to give their children a good life, and they will definitely have financial difficulties at home, and they don't want their children to grow up to be as hard as they are.

Moreover, long-term long-term long-distance relationships are easy to affect the feelings of couples, which is also an important reason why they choose to go out and work together.

But the ideal is very full, the reality is very bone, not everyone can become a rich generation, and not every couple who is together every day can grow old. There are also cases where you can find yourself empty-handed after a busy day.

The 6-year-old child cried bitterly in the classroom, and the teacher comforted him for 15 minutes before stopping, which made people cry

In the face of material temptations and children's expectations, they choose to satisfy material desires first, perhaps in their view, providing good material support for children is more important than companionship, but if there is no emotional support between family members, how long can they rely on material things?

The teacher said it well, what the child needs is companionship, and parents should see the child's essential needs, rather than wishful thinking about what they think is good, whether he needs it or not.

The 6-year-old child cried bitterly in the classroom, and the teacher comforted him for 15 minutes before stopping, which made people cry

Netizen Sunflower said: I am the one who stays with me, I would rather be poor than let the child cry like this.

Netizen Any Ma Ma said: After leaving the child behind, when you need money, you will be able to take out the money? Some children are born to grandparents, and children have not been with their parents for a few days since childhood. In fact, the reason is the same, when they are old, the children send them to the nursing home, once a year to see, they can know the helplessness and expectations of the children when they are young.

The 6-year-old child cried bitterly in the classroom, and the teacher comforted him for 15 minutes before stopping, which made people cry

Fortunately, more and more parents see their children's helplessness and take the initiative to choose a plan that seems more difficult at present, but in the long run, why not a simpler plan?

In fact, in the final analysis, this is a multiple choice question, but it has nothing to do with right or wrong, everyone has made the choice that they think is most beneficial to the child and the family according to their own ideas, and strive for it.

However, Morrowind believes that although it is all for the sake of children, there is no right or wrong, but it should still focus on the children's feelings and take more care of their young hearts.

As young parents, how do you choose?

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