
Who picks up and drops children up and down from school can see a lot of "family problems", and it is difficult to hide them

Text/Little Snow Mom

From kindergarten to primary school junior high school, parents in China basically manage the pick-up and drop-off every day, and when they are young, the distance to school is far from safe, and parents must pick up their children to ensure the safety of their children.

So in any school, when we get out of school, we can see rows of cars parked on the side of the road, basically every day, surrounded by water, all kinds of transportation.

Who picks up and drops children up and down from school can see a lot of "family problems", and it is difficult to hide them

Speaking of picking up and dropping off children to school, we can also find that some are elderly people who manage to pick up and drop off children, some are mothers who come to pick up and drop off every day, and some fathers who come to pick up and drop off, from these different parents to pick up and drop off people, we can also see some different situations.

Who picks up and drops children up and down from school can see a lot of "family problems"

First, the elderly often come to pick up and drop off

Nowadays, the elderly have a lot of children, and there are many kindergarten elderly people picking up and dropping off children, which is nothing more than two reasons, the first reason is that parents are busy at work, have no time to take care of children, and can only give the task of picking up and dropping off school to the elderly; the second reason is that parents are lazy and throw this task to the elderly.

Who picks up and drops children up and down from school can see a lot of "family problems", and it is difficult to hide them

Usually speaking, the elderly pick up and drop off children to and from school, the first reason is more, parents are busy making money can not take care of the children, but here the primary school mother should also remind, after school, parents accompany the child, but also help the elderly to properly share some housework, you are tired of a day The elderly are also tired of a day, not to mention that the child needs you, less play will be mobile phones to accompany the child.

Second, mom often comes to pick up and drop off

Moms often come to pick up and drop off, either moms stay at home full-time with their babies or widowed families, and dads rarely participate in the growth of their children. At present, there are fewer mothers with full-time babies, after all, the pressure of life is relatively large now, the economic situation in the family is general, and the mother will find a job after the child goes to kindergarten.

Who picks up and drops children up and down from school can see a lot of "family problems", and it is difficult to hide them

In addition, the mother has found a relatively busy job, managing the child to and from school every day, while the father is relatively lacking in accompanying the child, and even occasionally picks up the child to and from school, which will also affect the child's relationship with you.

Third, everyone in the family has been picked up

There is also a fixed personnel, for example, usually the parents who are not too busy who do not work overtime, then who manages the child's pick-up, if the couple just happens to have something, then let the elderly at home help pick up.

Who picks up and drops children up and down from school can see a lot of "family problems", and it is difficult to hide them

Although the personnel is not fixed, but the father and mother try to free up time to be responsible, indicating that parents are very serious about their children, willing to spend time with their children, and family relations are relatively harmonious.

We adults can understand, although the work is busy do not pick up the child, but the child will not understand, he hopes to see the parents to pick him up as soon as possible after school, if a long time is the parent side to pick up the child, the time is long the child disappointed not to say, in the heart of the status and estrangement relationship is not as good as another parent.

Who picks up and drops children up and down from school can see a lot of "family problems", and it is difficult to hide them

Some experts have criticized why it is necessary to extend the pick-up and drop-off, can the children come by themselves?

Before I saw an education expert criticize the current parents, the protection of their children is too good, many children in junior high school and people pick up, feel that this is the destruction of children's growth. Parents have a lot of discussion about this, but they are generally critical opinions, and it is untenable to put aside the facts.

First, the school is far away, the study is busy, and there is a lot of homework

Who picks up and drops children up and down from school can see a lot of "family problems", and it is difficult to hide them

Why is it that now that the school is out of school, there are still many parents picking up and dropping off their children at the school gate? On the one hand, the distance between the school is too far, the child is too small to take the bus is not safe, the older learning homework is busy, the homework is quite a lot, if the time spent on the road is too long, it also affects the efficiency of the child's homework after returning home.

Second, I signed up for an interest class tutoring class

Some children after school, but also to go to a variety of interest classes, tutoring classes, parents must manage the pick-up, one is in a hurry, the other is to worry about the child's own road play, now the child learning is also very involved, in addition to cultural knowledge, parents have to choose one or two interest classes for their children.

Who picks up and drops children up and down from school can see a lot of "family problems", and it is difficult to hide them

Third, the road was long enough to have to be picked up

I remember when I was in high school, from home to the county high school is about 15 kilometers, every week on Saturday a night off, if there is no family to come over, you have to go to catch the bus, walking and waiting for the process to get home is almost dark.

In fact, the relationship between parental pick-up and child independence is not so deep, parents do not pick up and drop off children does not mean that the child's independence is strong, parental pick-up does not represent the child's poor independence, more also according to the specific situation.

I am Xiaoxue mom, a post-90s mother, pay attention to me, and share scientific parenting knowledge every day!

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