
Whether it is a husband and wife or a lover, once the fate is exhausted, there will be these three manifestations

Fate is destiny.

The gathering of fate and the dispersion of fate also determines our encounter and miss.

There is a saying in "Divorce Lawyer" that says it well, "I believe in love, and I believe that love will die." ”

Everyone who meets us, even if they try their best, can only exchange for a road of hand in hand.

Therefore, two people who love each other, once the fate no longer exists, the contradictions and differences between the two people will be constantly magnified, and these manifestations will gradually appear.

Whether it is a husband and wife or a lover, once the fate is exhausted, there will be these three manifestations


Lack of trust, mutual questioning

Being honest with each other is the most basic requirement for partners to get along.

It is undeniable that two people from love to marriage, it is love that maintains and promotes this relationship; but after entering marriage, in addition to love, two people also need to understand each other, respect each other, and trust each other.

Because, love will be consumed step by step with the passage of time, and when there is no "love" in the marriage, the responsibility of maintaining the relationship between husband and wife comes to trust.

Therefore, when there is a rift in the sense of trust between two people, the contradiction naturally follows.

A young man went to visit a master and asked him for advice on how to get along with people, and the master told him three stories.

The first story: There are two strong young men, one clumsy and one clever. The two men coincidentally dug their own wells on the same piece of land to find water, and soon both of them dug two meters deep, but there was no sign of water.

The second story: or these two people, the clever man prides himself on his intelligence, frequently changes places to dig, and finally gives up looking for water due to many disappointments. And the clumsy ones are always in place, as always, buried in hard work, but finally found the source of water.

The third story: the two are very kind, support each other and do their best to dig, the clumsy pull the clever to insist on digging to the end, and if they fail, they will carefully shift the position with the clever. A new source of water was quickly found.

The master calmly said, "In fact, the most important thing in getting along with people is mutual trust. There is no absolute wise person in life, everything depends on both parties to taste and explore, and among them, the key is whether you can be sincere, sincere, and always believe in the other party in this relationship. ”

Whether it is a husband and wife or a lover, once the fate is exhausted, there will be these three manifestations

In a relationship, trust is never a small thing that is dispensable, but on the contrary, the collapse of trust is very likely to destroy a relationship.

While everyone knows how important trust is to two people, knowing and doing are two completely different things.

If two people in the same bed have different dreams, each pregnant with a ghost fetus, whether the other party really has a problem, then this relationship is already a seemingly mysterious and extinct.

If two people attach great importance to the sense of trust, and never doubt without reason, there will never be a crisis of trust between the two people.

So, no matter what kind of relationship you are in, once the two start to doubt each other, the relationship will come to an end.


Long-term non-communication, nothing to say

Drifting away, like a strange road, all start from "nothing to say".

Writer Liu Zhenyun also said:

One person's loneliness is not loneliness, one person looking for another person, one sentence looking for another sentence, is the real loneliness.

Couples don't talk to each other, don't communicate, and are more like strangers sharing a room.

There is a clip in the movie "Ten Thousand Sentences a Sentence", a young couple who are happy to get a marriage license, and the staff asks them: "Tell me, why are you married?" ”

The two men simply replied loudly, "We speak!" ”

However, as time passed, they began to run out of words.

When her husband Niu Aiguo wanted to say something to his wife Pang Lina, Pang Lina covered her ears and said, "Please, don't say it, I am disgusted as soon as I hear you talk." ”

At this time, Pang Lina met the studio owner Jiang Jiu, they often chatted together, what programs they watched at night, heard what jokes, or listened to what songs were listened to on the phone, and it was rumored that the relationship between who and whom was good...

After Niu Aiguo knew, he said something like this: "They said more in one night than they said in a year with me." ”

There is a famous saying in the marketing industry: "The end of all problems comes from communication, and there is no problem that communication cannot solve." ”

The longevity of a relationship is mainly based on the ability to communicate continuously. Two unfamiliar people sitting together, if there is no communication, must say goodbye to each other in a short time.

Whether it is a husband and wife or a lover, once the fate is exhausted, there will be these three manifestations

The same goes for marriage.

There is a saying that "the feelings of middle-aged people are tired even from quarrels."

When the only topic between two people is children, money, children, and money, the marriage is left with nothing to say.

Two people living under the same roof but have nothing to say, and that powerful sense of emptiness is the biggest killer that hurts the feelings of two people.

Therefore, a relationship often begins with nothing to say, and a relationship often dies from nothing to say.


The three views are incompatible and difficult to run into

There is a saying: "The three views will surely replace blood relations in the future."

Things are clustered in groups, people are divided into groups, and two people with different views can never get along with each other in harmony and without scruples.

"The crown is covered with Beijing, and the Si people are lonely and haggard."

There is no right or wrong in the three views, but no one wants to experience the pain of playing the ox piano again.

Therefore, the biggest difference between people and people is not gender and race, but three views.

Last year, in "My Family's That Kid", the issue of Cao Yunjin Tangguan's appearance as a flying guest caused many netizens to discuss hotly.

Cao Yunjin said that the couple has different interests and personalities, such as he likes skating, she likes to be quiet, he loves Cantonese food, and she loves to eat barbecue.

Tang Yun in life likes to play games very much, but Cao Yunjin has no interest in games.

Despite this, this did not affect the two people's love in the show. It also came to the conclusion that different interests have little effect on emotional matters.

But shortly after the show aired, the two announced their divorce because of personality incompatibility.

In a long-term relationship, in addition to the relationship of interests, the most important thing is to understand each other and communicate with each other.

There is a saying: "People who do not have three views are like two intersecting lines, even if it is only a brief encounter, they will eventually part ways and gradually drift apart." ”

People with three incompatible views, it is good not to intersect, once they are related to each other, there will be a situation of chicken and duck talking, not only can not wipe out any spark, it is more likely to be torturing each other, hurting each other without knowing it.

Therefore, if the three views are different, it is doomed that the relationship will be fragmented and eventually end up in their own world.

Whether it is a husband and wife or a lover, once the fate is exhausted, there will be these three manifestations

Stopping losses in time is a person's most intelligent wisdom.

Learning to listen to the truest voice in your heart and not wasting your most precious time and emotions in an unworthy relationship requires both courage and determination.

As long as you want to start over, no matter when it is not too late, don't let a momentary hesitation ruin the rest of your life.

Withdraw from the wrong love, and you will find that the world is still sunny, without a trace of haze.

May everyone who stumbles in an unworthy marriage be able to bravely make a farewell for their own happiness, and from then on walk calmly and gracefully on the road of life.

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