
This small change in the child's mother, parents should pay attention, indicating that you should quit

This small change in the child's mother, parents should pay attention, indicating that you should quit

For the mother who was pregnant in October, since the moment the child was born.

The child becomes the most important first rank in the mind.

This small change in the child's mother, parents should pay attention, indicating that you should quit

Children's bits and pieces, from learning to walk to independently pedaling bicycles.

All of this is deeply rooted in the psychology of your mother.

From the first time I heard my child call "Mom",

From the birth of the child, no matter how much hard work is paid.

The child's "mom" is always the best comfort.

It also made my mother think that this was the most beautiful word in the world.

There are many dads who feel the same way that their children don't care about anything.

When you come home from school and stay at home, your first reaction is to find your mother and call your mother.

This small change in the child's mother, parents should pay attention, indicating that you should quit

But as the children began to grow up, the title changed from the affectionate "Mommy" and "Mommy" to "Mommy".

This change is a small change, do you mothers have got it?


Let's take a look at the reactions of different mothers, the psychological activity of children after going from "mom" to "mom"

Xiaobian took advantage of the New Year to get together with a group of girlfriends, and a group of women gathered to discuss the most than children.

An interesting topic was discussed.

Why do some children change their titles when they grow up?

From the previous "mother" to "mother", more children directly called their mother's name, or gave their mother a nickname.

Girlfriend A talked about this matter and felt a little lost.

This small change in the child's mother, parents should pay attention, indicating that you should quit

She said that in the past, children were tired of themselves, calling their mothers all day long, and from time to time they still wanted to be spoiled in their arms.

But since the children were separated, they had their own rooms, and as soon as they entered, they knew that the door was closed.

Together with the salutation, it is also directly and simply and rudely called only one word.

The child who was still happy before was finally willing to sleep in separate rooms, but there were more losses in the future.

The other girlfriends comforted A, which was a sign that the child had grown up.

It proves that the child has become independent, and the mind is no longer too dependent on the mother, and it should be happy

Girlfriend B interjected, used to always want the child to grow up, want the child to be independent.

But I didn't expect a change in the title, and I felt that I had a distance with my child.

Girlfriend B also opened her mouth, preferring that the child be called "Mom" all the time.

This small change in the child's mother, parents should pay attention, indicating that you should quit

Everyone laughed and laughed, so it became a "mother treasure man".

Of course, the change of title also means that the child is more independent, and there is also a subtle change between the child and the mother.


The different names of children mean that the child's psychology has undergone more changes

Look at the mental and behavioral activities that also change before the child changes the title.

Like a child who feels that he has grown up, he will no longer rely on his mother as much as he used to.

Especially for children who enter primary school after graduating from young children, these growth progress is more obvious.

As children become more and more independent, children will also begin to pay attention to comparison.

This small change in the child's mother, parents should pay attention, indicating that you should quit

I also longed more and more to grow up quickly and become independent quickly.

1: Everything is particularly assertive

When children grow up, it is not only the body that begins to get taller.

Together with the mind will become more and more mature, when encountering anything, they want to do it according to their own ideas.

Sometimes they will rebel against adults, hoping that adults will respect them as if they were little adults.

This stage of beginning to grow up and mature, is always full of curiosity about all the new things outside.

I want to explore more things, so I don't like to be restrained and disciplined by my parents.

When a child changes the title to Dad, Mom, Dad, Mom, or the nickname the child gives to his parents.

This small change in the child's mother, parents should pay attention, indicating that you should quit

Children want to prove to their parents that they have grown up through different titles.

At this time, the child's psychology will also be accompanied by some small rebellion.

When parents find that their children have suddenly changed their titles, then in terms of discipline.

Parents need to be cautious and disciplined, and they must respect their children's wishes more.

2: When changing the title, it also means that the child does not want the elders to interfere in all their affairs

Like my sister's daughter, from the third grade of elementary school, there has been such a change.

In the first and second grades of elementary school, you can still hear the opinions of your parents.

But after three years of elementary school, his behavior and demeanor revealed that he did not want his parents to intervene.

This small change in the child's mother, parents should pay attention, indicating that you should quit

Or by refusing to go home with your parents, rejecting your parents to pick yourself up and drop yourself off at school.

Reject the decisions your parents have made too many for themselves.

When they come home from school, they like to shut themselves in their rooms and even ask their parents to knock on the door when they enter their rooms.

I especially hate being disturbed by others, and I hope to have more space and time.

3: Start to be considerate and sensible, and know how to think about others

Many children change their parents' names, but they also know that they are no longer children.

I am also someone else's big brother or big sister, or someone else's big cousin or big cousin.

When children mean a change in their role, they will slowly learn to be considerate.

You will also start to learn to take care of children younger than yourself.

This small change in the child's mother, parents should pay attention, indicating that you should quit

Some parents start their own children in particular and suddenly become a little adult.

Will help with housework and all kinds of small things within their reach.

Children in this period of time will begin to know how to look at people's faces and begin to learn to understand other people's ideas.

This is a good performance of growing up, parents need more praise and guidance here.

Let the child become a better, more considerate and sensible child in the future.


The child is no longer called "mom", which means that the child feels that he is no longer a young child

Relatively before, when I always called "Mom" with a crying voice or with a spoiled voice.

For "mom" with only one word, more moms feel particularly unaccustomed.

This small change in the child's mother, parents should pay attention, indicating that you should quit

Because of the title of a word, most people do not experience the child's deep attachment to themselves.

Most mothers enjoy the feeling of being deeply needed and dependent on their children.

Like the daughter of girlfriend C, since going to junior high school accommodation, the title of her home has also changed.

Girlfriend C is particularly unaccustomed, because she is used to listening to her daughter's sweet "mommy".

And the title of only one word always made her feel that she and her daughter were not intimate.

Therefore, I specifically asked my daughter why she didn't call her like before.

This small change in the child's mother, parents should pay attention, indicating that you should quit

The daughter said that her classmates called their mothers like this, if they were different from others.

It will be particularly humiliating and laughed at by classmates and friends.



We all know that children will eventually grow up and spend less and less time with them.

Children will slowly become independent individuals, will need more respect and parents to withdraw appropriately.

As a parent, it is necessary to clearly understand the process and learn to exit the process gracefully.

This small change in the child's mother, parents should pay attention, indicating that you should quit

Instead of feeling that it must be possessed for a long time, you know, the only thing that remains unchanged is the mother's love for the child.

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