
A while ago, I bought two sets of gross options. Copied a few articles, one inattentive on the recent book copying boom. Haha, interesting! I write a lot of times I don't know. However, every


A while ago, I bought two sets of gross options. Copied a few articles, one inattentive on the recent book copying boom. Haha, interesting! I write a lot of times I don't know. However, every time you take the exam, you get a high score, which is also a magical thing. Of course, be sure to take a closed-book exam. The open-book exam will not work. Everyone writes standard answers, I write what I understand, it is inevitable that there will be a lack of edges and sleeves. Add a bad word, and the result can be imagined. Whew!

"Serving the People" is written in pearls, and it is intended to be memorized. It is still difficult to do it for a while, so I will read it well.

Speaking of writing, there have been many jokes. Once, I left a note for the chief of staff, just when the head of the unit and the office director came in together. Seeing the director holding a note left and right, the leader asked "what to see, half a day do not put down"? The director said, "I don't know that word." The leader said angrily, "Show me," but he was embarrassed, and he didn't recognize it, knowing that it was the old propaganda minister.

Haha, our family has this gene! My dad writes like Korean, and only one typist in the unit can recognize it. Do you have such a person around you? Writing like painting?

A while ago, I bought two sets of gross options. Copied a few articles, one inattentive on the recent book copying boom. Haha, interesting! I write a lot of times I don't know. However, every
A while ago, I bought two sets of gross options. Copied a few articles, one inattentive on the recent book copying boom. Haha, interesting! I write a lot of times I don't know. However, every

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