
I'm just over 35, and in recent years I feel that my age is a mark on my living in the world, and every year represents that I have lived in this world for another year, which is very happy. I was in my twenties to three

author:Central Asian Studies

I'm just over 35, and in recent years I feel that my age is a mark on my living in the world, and every year represents that I have lived in this world for another year, which is very happy. When I was in my twenties, I was anxious about my thirties and afraid that I wasn't married, and now I'm single in my thirties and 5.

In fact, I have to observe the society, all people have to go through thirty years old and forty years old, and now the young people have entered this period for several years and ten years, and I have seen a lot of successful people, in fact, middle age is also a good life. And I look at myself, the original family reasons, I was a teenager and a twenties all in a state of extreme anxiety, fear and depression, I was twenty-nine before I began to find ways to change my mindset. Now thirty-five, I have also experienced some pain in the past few years, but it is dozens of times better than the mentality of the whole person in my teens and twenties, and I have learned how to make myself happy and happy, how to be myself, how to make choices with self-determination, and how to be confident. I think my best time is twenty-nine. I am now very small and very very mature, teenagers and twenties live too badly, so in my thirties I will use my teenage and twenties to live to use, now others look at me and say that I am only twenty years old, most of them think I am in my twenties.

Time goes forward, not controlled by people, and how to live is the most important. I asked myself that I had a very bad life when I was a teenager or a teenager, my twenties were completely different, and no one knew how long my life was, but I would now hope that I would be happier and happier during the time I was alive, and that I could do whatever I wanted.

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