
Ya Feng's original prose 丨 Strange relatives - the seventh mark in the depths of the heart

Ya Feng's original prose 丨 Strange relatives - the seventh mark in the depths of the heart

Strange relatives

- The seventh mark in the depths of the heart



After retiring, my wife and I revisited the old place, passing through Harbin, and our friend invited us to stay and bought us tickets to watch the duo's performance that night. The theater was not too far from the place of residence, and after dinner we both staggered to the theater. After the performance, I walked out of the theater, and the sky was not beautiful, and it rained heavily. The two of us stood on the high steps in front of the theater and watched people leave the theater one after another with umbrellas and raincoats, looking at the rain and sighing, not knowing how to be good. When he was embarrassed, he raised an umbrella from behind, "Uncle, aunt, you should wear this umbrella." "It was a young man who spoke. We said, "No, no, we'll stand a little longer and wait until the rain stops." "Saying this in my mouth, I want to have an umbrella in my heart." Can you see if the rain can stop for a while and a half, and then it's so late, so you can go with an umbrella! "We hit your umbrella, what do you do?" "My car is in the parking lot, not far away, I'm young, just a few steps away." He couldn't say anything about tucking his umbrella into our hands and ran down the high steps in the pouring rain. We looked at the umbrella in our hands and shouted, "How can I give it back to you?" "No need to pay it back!" We didn't have to say thank you, he had disappeared into the rain, and a splash of water splashed behind him.


Time to pull back more than forty years ago.

Firefighting injuries, the leadership approved me to return to Beijing for further examination and treatment. The journey was particularly difficult and the train was overcrowded. Among them, for more than ten hours, people were crowded and stretched, not to mention sitting and standing, eating and drinking water toilets were all free. After thirty or forty hours, it was already the second night of departure to Beijing. Exhausted and just want to drink water and sleep.

Wake up in the morning and prepare to go to the bathhouse on the street to take a shower to eliminate fatigue. Pass by the public toilet in the alley and go inside to defecate. After untying his hand, his eyes went black, and he suddenly lost consciousness. I woke up to find myself sitting on the steps outside the toilet door, and in front of me stood two people, an uncle in his fifties and a young man my age. Seeing that I was awake, the uncle said busily: "Boy, you have frightened me, what is wrong with you?" I replied softly, "I'm probably too tired." The young man said, "After you untie your hand, you will fall backwards, and if this uncle hadn't held you with his hands and eyes, something really big would have happened." The uncle continued: "Thanks to this young man, he just pushed the door and went into the toilet, and immediately ran over to help." I can't get you alone!" I said, "Thank you so much, thank you so much!" The uncle said, "We carried you outside the toilet with a hug belt, thinking that it would be better for you to breathe." If you don't wake up again, we'll take you to the hospital. "Thank you uncle, thank you big brother!" "No thanks, who can ignore this matter?" "Now that you're awake, we're relieved." The uncle said, "See if your stuff is missing?" "I look at the watch on my wrist, touch my satchel, nothing less." Come, we'll help you get up and walk around, and see if it works? One by one, they helped me to stand up and walked a few steps, feeling nothing uncomfortable. I said, "I'm all right, go get busy with your business." I bowed again and again and said in a loud voice, "Thank you!" Thank you! ”


Travel abroad with your wife.

In a beach in a certain country, the tour guide arranged for everyone to move freely, and everyone began to watch the sea and play in the sand and take photos in the sun. We both eagerly wanted to go to the bathroom, and looked around, there was no place like a bathroom. Not far away, there were three old women talking and laughing, so we went over and inquired. "Laborer, where is the bathroom?" It is equivalent to saying that people do not respond. I had to ask again and again, and the three old women spread their hands and shoulders, not knowing whether they still didn't understand what we meant, or whether they didn't know where the bathroom was. After repeated comparisons, one of the white-haired old women raised her head and nodded her head, said something, we did not understand, she reached out and pointed to her right rear, we both quickly nodded in thanks, and stepped in the direction she was pointing. The old woman said something to her companion, turned and followed, and waved her hand to let us follow her. Walking across the beach, walking up to the coast, and crossing a not-so-wide asphalt road, about a hundred meters, I saw a row of buildings that were not tall, but they didn't look like bathrooms. I wondered if the old woman still didn't understand what we were going to do. Through the passage in the middle of this row of buildings, ah, we finally saw the bathroom. We nodded our heads in thanks to her and went into the bathroom. A few minutes later we walked out of the bathroom and saw the old woman still standing not far from the bathroom door. Seeing us walk out, he nodded and smiled, pointed in the direction he had just come, and led us back. She was afraid that we would not find our way back, so she insisted on standing there waiting for us and leading us back to where we were. We nodded our heads in thanks again and again, and she nodded, "Bye bye, bye bye!" ”

(Beijing as of the end of February 2022)

Ya Feng's original prose 丨 Strange relatives - the seventh mark in the depths of the heart

【About the author】Ya Feng (male), a native of Beijing, a literature lover who studied mathematics, has published nearly one million words of works or launched on the Internet after retirement. Carry forward the righteousness, praise the truth, goodness and beauty, and keep working hard in the old age.

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