
The bathrooms of large factories sometimes hide the "secrets" of organizational change

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The bathrooms of large factories sometimes hide the "secrets" of organizational change

Tencent Venture | ID:qqchuangye

"The 'point' war has an inner flavor."

The source of this article is "Pinwancool", which is reprinted by Tencent Venture with permission.

Author/Zhong Wen

Can you order takeout for breakfast tomorrow before you go to bed?

After the epidemic closes the store, what should I do if the ranking of merchants plummets?

What if the rider is not respected and has no hope for development?

If you've recently squatted in any of's offices across the country, these "soul questions" about all aspects of your business should be no stranger to you. From the front-end order experience, the back-end merchant service to the middle logistics link, the door of each "pit" is now posted with a variety of newly proposed bugs and solutions.

The body is detoxifying, the brain is thinking about solving the bug, and the scene is so open.

It is said that people are always "empty" in time such as bathing, squatting pits, parking lots, etc., and it is easier to give birth to some inspiration. At that time, Archimedes thought of the "law of buoyancy" in the bathtub, and the clothes did not have time to wear, and rushed out of the bathhouse. I don't know if in real life, there will be product managers who are full of excitement and have not yet had time to fully release themselves and rush out of the bathroom:

"I've figured this link out!"

The bathrooms of large factories sometimes hide the "secrets" of organizational change

Example of a poster in a toilet


"Evening self-study" is coming

As the saying goes, good questions are half the answer.

The bugs posted in these toilets were not what the team thought. According to Pin Play, the collection of these problems comes from a recent live broadcast of "Thursday Night Self-Study" in The Hungry Mo Internal. According to insiders to Pin Play, this is a live conference organized within the company and encourages the participation of all employees, and it will be held every two weeks.

"A bit like the self-study class in the university", Hungry Mo related people told Pin Play that the reason why this problem-solving project took this name, on the one hand, to take into account the company's own "classmate culture", on the other hand, it is also related to the nature of the live broadcast of all employees.

All the problems mentioned in the "Thursday Night Study" are not promoted by the leaders of various businesses, but by more than 20,000 employees who stand in various perspectives to collect "slot points" and finally sort out the votes. Considering everyone's office hours, the live broadcast chose to be on Thursday evening, so it was called "evening self-study".

During the pre-live run, employees can vote on bugs that have been raised. Bugs with high vote rates will go live and accept "torture" from all members.

In the live broadcast stage, the specific business leaders involved in the problem are named to answer the corresponding problems and clearly explain their views on these problems - rectification can be rectified on the spot, and if it cannot be solved, a rectification plan must be given to promote.

After the live broadcast, these bugs will be posted in the office area, including the toilet, and all employees will be publicized. This means that everyone in the pit can see how the bug leader is solving, the progress, and can put forward their own ideas about the problem at any time.

"And in the lower right corner of the toilet poster there will be a QR code, interested employees can scan the code to get more detailed information about the entire bug, and leave their own opinions and ideas on the project side." said the above-mentioned person.

The bathrooms of large factories sometimes hide the "secrets" of organizational change

Outside the Thursday night study live broadcast room

On the evening of February 24, the "Rider timed out due to address modification" bug, which was broadcast live, came from the feedback of a hungry rider: often received calls from customers asking for an address change, time-consuming and laborious is still often overtime, which should adjust the rider's delivery time more timely.

That night, a person in charge of the product end of Hungry Mo broke the problem on the spot: first reduce the impact on the rider, and give the rider a complaint to the rider for the situation that the order timeout caused by modifying the address is eliminated; and from the "cure", identify the order with the "wrong address", and combine the rider's feedback to guide the user to modify the address.

The product owner gave himself a time limit: to complete the "symptom treatment" within one month, and to achieve the "root cause" within two months.


Same-frequency communication during periods of change

In fact, before that, Alibaba also had some tools and communities for product improvement. For example, many projects have DingTalk groups, and there are also evaluation systems such as "red strawberries, rotten strawberries" and "zhang lists" within the company, the purpose of which is to enable product managers to obtain external feedback more intuitively.

But there are relatively few full-staff programs like Thursday Night Study.

In the view of the hungry "toilet official" step evil, the previous "red rotten strawberries" and other systems are more inclined to the evaluation end, while the "Thursday night self-study" is the full participation of the company, and the core lies in the follow-up optimization and feedback. This allows students at different levels and departments to enter the same time and space to communicate a specific business problem.

The challenges behind it are also obvious.

Due to the "strong Internet + strong local" attribute of's business model, in the office organization model, there are both centralized parks and regional office deployments, and more than 200 offices across the country, how to move efficiently, know and focus on the same thing, is not a simple thing.

For example, live broadcasting, although it is an efficient solution, there will still be many people who cannot watch the live broadcast in real time due to work, meetings and other reasons. In addition to live broadcasting, the project team needs to think more about how to "sink" the live content into more scenes and increase the chance of reaching.

"The toilet is actually a good scene." Bu Wei said that there are now more than 700 toilet locations in offices across the country, and all employees will basically use the toilet once or twice as long as they work in the company. This is a relatively rigid and high-frequency scene space.

Due to the closed nature of the toilet space, employees who go to the toilet can see the latest organizational "intelligence" as soon as they look up. So this is a "strong touch" scene, which can accurately accept graphic information in just a few minutes.

In addition to the toilet, the team where Bu Evil is located will also put similar information into more places - conference room projection screen, DingTalk open screen, elevator room...

The bathrooms of large factories sometimes hide the "secrets" of organizational change

The bulletin board in the elevator room also posted the progress of the problem solving

This communication method of reporting the progress of real-time problem solving to all employees has received positive feedback in the promotion of pragmatic culture.

The change first comes from the employee's work mentality, and there is a "sense of solidity" to get information to meet.

A Hungry Insider mentioned that employees in different regions and departments of the company often have great differences in their perspectives on the same things, and the reason behind many differences is precisely from the "poor information".

"Together, we focused on the organization's current strategic direction, the business problems we were focusing on, and intuitively saw what bugs the people around us were solving, what solutions were being adopted, and where they were choosing to pilot... Employees will dissolve the uneasiness caused by poor information, and front-line executives will feel more down-to-earth and determined, and it is easier to feel that the organization is subtly carrying out pragmatic innovation. The above-mentioned person mentioned.


How to do the "point war"?

If the "new toilet culture" is an extension of "Thursday night self-study", then the latter is actually a microcosm of the overall organizational change of

After Yu Yongfu took the helm of the Ali life service sector and personally became the CEO of local life, he defined the competition of the entire track as a protracted battle: there is no longer a magic weapon to win, and all the competition has become a PK on the "points" like a boxing match - the advantage of each "point" comes from the continuous progress of unlimited details such as products, services, and processes.

Yu Yongfu said in the internal letter of local life, "If we have more than 20,000 people who can solve a 'small problem' every day, we can solve more than a thousand 'small problems' in three years, the physical feeling of users and merchants will be much better, and the quality and efficiency of business operation will improve a lot." ”

It can be seen that activities such as "Thursday Night Self-study", where all employees ask questions and solve problems, are also hidden in the organizational innovation ideas of Ali's local life.

On the other hand, the Ali life service sector actually includes a number of business lines such as AutoNavi,, Koubei, Fliggy, Hummingbird Distribution, etc.; it also involves a large number of technical middle offices and traffic entrance integration and promotion work. Starting from the details, the process of continuous problem solving is actually a means to stimulate the strategic consensus within the organization.

Exploring the pain points and expectations of experience competition to a specific service scenario, and synchronizing information with employee information to scattered scenes such as toilets, in a larger dimension, are actually in the same vein.

Bu Evil said that in fact, the "toilet poster" culture of Dachang has a long history, but if it is only a form, the content is easy to flow into some basic values, holidays, promotions and other themes. But now such a "grounded" pure business is presented to the content, which is relatively rare in his work experience before coming to

Compared with the group that has entered a mature stage of development and has complete systems, the local life sector is actually still in the stage of reorganizing the team and starting again, which requires various internal and external communication and run-in.

At the moment, is fighting a "point war" based on a longer life cycle. In other words, to compete in a longer life cycle track, it is necessary to stand on the high ground of value creation, and through countless small progress, accumulate small wins into big wins.

Putting bugs into the toilet is just one of the steps of a long march.

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