
The baby's sleeping position is strange, not "sick", and there is no need for the old man's bag!

Yesterday and a few moms chatted, when they talked about their own children, are their own babies, there is a special sleep habit, some like worshiping Buddha, some frog legs, when the mother always hopes to give the baby a sleeping posture to make the right, unfortunately the baby is not cooperative, some elderly people are more powerful, directly with a small red cloth to wrap the baby up, forming a traditional sense of the bag, there are places called candle bags.

The baby's sleeping position is strange, not "sick", and there is no need for the old man's bag!

In fact, this method of wrapping is extremely unfavorable to the child's physical development, mainly reflected in the child's blood circulation and growth and development. In fact, the kind of posture the child sleeps in is completely related to his earliest living environment. Not to mention teenage children, even some adults will form "surrender hands" or "frog feet" when sleeping.

Be sure to pursue the reasons for this, which is probably related to the following four points!

First, the habits formed by the child during the fetal period

When the baby is in the mother's womb, the middle is not very abundant, so the children's posture can only be curled up. This posture will naturally feel particularly uncomfortable after a long time, but once the habit is formed, it will make the babies feel very safe.

The baby's sleeping position is strange, not "sick", and there is no need for the old man's bag!

Feeling the birth of a small baby, the space they are in is much more generous, the arms want to straighten out, the legs want to extend, but due to the habit, their bodies still involuntarily curl up. This is why we see children whose hands rise when they go to bed after birth, but whose bodies look like frogs curled up together.

Second, this is a natural nerve reflex of children

There are some skills that children have when they are born, such as small babies drinking milk, small babies foraging, small babies' conditioned reflexes to certain behaviors, babies will cry when they are hungry, etc., and when the baby sleeps, form a certain stereotype, which is also related to their natural neural reflexes.

The baby's sleeping position is strange, not "sick", and there is no need for the old man's bag!

Third, the child feels hot to breathe

Children's skin is different from that of adults, and their ability to regulate temperature is very weak, in addition to being afraid of cold, they are also afraid of heat. When you put too much on your baby, or cover too much, your child will often put your little hand outside the quilt because of the heat, which is also an instinct of the baby.

Therefore, in the face of the baby's strange sleeping position, parents do not need to worry at all, neither need to immediately hold the child back to a strict state, nor do they have to wrap the child into a candle package, because this bag method will not only affect the child's limb movements, but also may even affect the baby's blood circulation.

In addition, mothers should also pay attention to avoiding the baby's strange sleeping posture can also start from wearing more to the baby, such as when the baby sleeps, the mother should not wear too much for her, do not cover too much, and pay attention to the control of indoor temperature.

The baby's sleeping position is strange, not "sick", and there is no need for the old man's bag!

As for those mothers with obsessive-compulsive disorder, please control yourself, there is no need to help your child put down their hands frequently. The reason why the child chooses this sleeping position may be simply to feel very comfortable. There is no need for parents to make the child feel uncomfortable.

If you want to know more about parenting, I recommend this parenting encyclopedia, which introduces the baby's growth and development status, nutritional needs and nursing skills in the month for infant feeding and care, disease prevention, and common disease care, so that parents no longer feel anxious.

On the road to parenting, we are all novices, how to take better care of children, you can pay attention to me, and discuss with me those things on the road to parenting.

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