
After graduating from the top 5 soft engineering master's degree in 21 years, he was attracted by Shanghai's settlement policy and decided to go to Shanghai to give it a try. After graduating in July, he joined a Shanghai Internet to move bricks, and the mood was quite happy, in October


After graduating from the top 5 soft engineering master's degree in 21 years, he was attracted by Shanghai's settlement policy and decided to go to Shanghai to give it a try. After graduating in July, he joined a Shanghai Internet to move bricks, and his mood was quite happy, and he also successfully got a new ID card in October. So far, I have been working for more than 7 months, 2w+ per month, 6k+ provident fund, in the same age or Shanghai graduate workers, I think my current situation should not be too bad.

At first, I wanted to settle in Shanghai, so in September and October 21 and my parents began to look at the house in Shanghai, the family can come up with a down payment of up to 700 (all the family's savings), so the budget is controlled at about 1k to start looking for a house, the second-hand house is very difficult to see, the budget is not high or low, it is very tired. The eyes turned to the new house, and the progress was slow due to the point limit. At the end of the year, this time calmly thought about it, settling in Shanghai means carrying 300 mortgages, salary repayment is acceptable, but considering the unsustainable and mid-life crisis of high salaries on the Internet, the pressure cannot be ignored; it also means that parents do not have the possibility of living in the same city as themselves; parents are now getting older, which also means that thousands of kilometers of travel on the next two places; it also means that the family savings are hollowed out at one time, although the parents do not need me to help, but there is no large deposit emergency, somewhat unbearable.

When I went home in the New Year, my relatives and friends were advising me to go back to Xi'an, close to home, I could buy two houses in full and live with my parents, life was easy, and they were all advising me not to put too much pressure on myself. My parents were neutral and focused on my ideas. I myself originally graduated from Xi'an considered, and finally chose Shanghai, want to try hard, and now to be honest there are some entanglements, originally in Shanghai for half a year of work and life mood is not bad, after the Spring Festival holiday feel like a changed person, a little hesitant, work also has no motivation. In Shanghai for what, better medical education conditions? A higher starting point for future generations? Or is it the unwillingness of your own heart? Maybe there are, but is the price worth it? I would like to hear everyone's suggestions, thank you all!!

In fact, the main problem is that the price of the house is too high 700 to empty the family's savings, and then buy another suite for the parents' pension care, I don't know if I have this ability, the Internet industry does have a mid-life crisis, there will be a risk of being speculated. Personally, I think you can buy a smaller house first, the second-hand old house is also good, the economic pressure is small, the loan comes by yourself, and you don't have to struggle with where to find the object in the future, if you don't like Shanghai later, you can also rent it out and go back to Xi'an to live, take care of your parents, are good choices. You don't have to dwell in which city you have to settle in now.

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