
Waiting is the most testing, this is almost 12 o'clock, ct is not the turn to do, is the doctor not resting at noon? Instantly feel that they are so great, so what do we have to wait a little longer? early

author:Fengzi Notes

Waiting is the most testing, this is almost 12 o'clock, ct is not the turn to do, is the doctor not resting at noon? Instantly feel that they are so great, so what do we have to wait a little longer?

Listening to my lover in the morning, I think her blood pressure measured yesterday was a little low, is this the reason? After resting for a night, I still didn't see well, so I accompanied her to the hospital for examination.

Before going out, she spent a little time dressing up a little longer, otherwise she wouldn't have arrived at the hospital so late. Doctors say that high blood sugar and low blood pressure may cause dizziness, and it is recommended to take medicine for observation first.

Later, the doctor said that it was safest to take a brain ct, so what else would he hesitate? We lined up to pay the fee and waited for the doctor to call. But after waiting for nearly an hour, there was no wheel.

I went to the front desk and asked the doctor, it's almost 12 o'clock, don't you get off work? The doctor said that he would not leave work until the CT was done. I looked at the chair full of people. It's not one of us who waits. Doctors work involuntarily, what is the point of waiting a little longer?

While waiting, I wrote the best of both worlds. Just wronged the lover, but also have to endure more discomfort.

At 12:15 we finally got our turn and did it in a few minutes, but we had to wait until 3 p.m. to get the result.

Ji ren has his own celestial appearance, and he will be fine. [Smile] [Smile]

Waiting is the most testing, this is almost 12 o'clock, ct is not the turn to do, is the doctor not resting at noon? Instantly feel that they are so great, so what do we have to wait a little longer? early

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