
Families with sons, these 5 sentences even if rotten in the stomach do not say, jokes can not be!

Families with sons, these 5 sentences even if rotten in the stomach do not say, jokes can not be!

Parents with boys in the family often say that their sons are too difficult to manage.

More and more families attach importance to their children's learning, and they also attach great importance to the cultivation of children's personality.

Parents with sons at home should pay attention to some words, no matter how angry they are, or jokes, do not tell their sons, otherwise it will be very detrimental to the growth of their children's personality.

Families with sons, these 5 sentences even if rotten in the stomach do not say, jokes can not be!


In the future, the money in the family is all yours

There is no part for your sister or sister

Aunt Wang has three children, two daughters have married and had children, and her career is stable. Only the youngest son did not let her worry.

The son grew up pampered at home, he did not study well, and dropped out of school early. Now my son is nearly thirty years old, his job is always changing, and his girlfriend has not landed.

Aunt Wang's two elderly families are getting older and have limited income. The son doesn't earn much, but he always spends a lot of money. His mother advised him to save some money and buy a house and get married in the future.

He always retorted to his mother, don't you often say that the money in the family is all mine? How much did my two sisters spend on school? When I get married and buy a house, they should come and get the money.

In some parts of the mainland, especially in some families in the vast rural areas, there is indeed a phenomenon that only sons are eligible to inherit property.

Marry out the daughter, spill out the water. A daughter has no right to inherit her mother's property. This is an old and pedantic idea that is not only unfair to the daughter, but also not good for the son.

Parents who have sons in the family should pay attention to the fact that the money in the family is yours sooner or later, and the sister has no share, so don't say it to your son.

Parents usually say to their sons that the family's money, house, and car will be yours alone in the future. Sons are prone to the idea that they can dispose of family property at will.

The child's sense of superiority will make him spend a lot of money and feel justified. Children will feel that it is natural for their parents to earn money for themselves.

This sense of dependence will make children not think of making progress in learning and work, and become "nibbling on the old people".

Families with sons, these 5 sentences even if rotten in the stomach do not say, jokes can not be!


You are a boy and you are not allowed to cry

Girls cry

All parents want their sons to be brave and strong men. Therefore, in many families with sons, parents do not allow boys to cry.

As long as the son cries, he will be reprimanded by his parents. You are not allowed to cry, only girls cry.

Crying in children is a problem that every parent encounters. Many parents with sons believe that their sons crying is a manifestation of squeamishness and temperament.

Parents always do not allow their sons to cry, which is a particularly bad way of education.

Whether it is a boy or a girl, or even us adults, behind the crying and tears, there are emotional fluctuations and catharsis.

The child's crying will not only make the child vulnerable, but also conducive to the child's mental health.

Children's grievances are always held in the heart, which will make the child's emotions suppressed. Many bad emotions are suppressed in the child's heart, which may cause defects in the child's personality.

Therefore, when the son cries, the parents quietly accompany the child, and after the child cries, there is no trouble, and it is a vivid and lively, confident and cheerful child.

Families with sons, these 5 sentences even if rotten in the stomach do not say, jokes can not be!


You're fighting outside

Be sure to win

Or I'll beat you up."

Xiaoming was often bullied by his classmates at school, and he was injured by his classmates, so he told his parents that he accidentally fell.

The teacher talked to him, he said, because if his parents knew he had lost a fight, they would have hit him. Therefore, I did not dare to tell them when I was beaten.

In the process of growing up, children will inevitably have conflicts with others, especially boys.

Some parents will be particularly angry when their children fight with others, especially when their children are beaten by others. Parents feel that their son has been beaten by others, which is a very bad performance.

Parents often tell their sons that you must win when you are out fighting, or I will beat you. In this way, it will only make the child dare not open his heart to you again.

Families with sons, these 5 sentences even if rotten in the stomach do not say, jokes can not be!


If you don't listen

I don't want you

Boys are always particularly mischievous. Some parents will say when their sons are not in good hands, if you don't obey anymore, I won't want you.

In this case, parents may seem careless, but the harm to the child is very large.

When children are young, their parents are the foundation of their survival. So parents don't want you anymore, and for children, it's a very serious thing.

Parents often scare their sons and say that they don't want you if they don't obey any more. Strong stimulation will make the child nervous, easy to make the child form a timid, cowardly character.

Parents always scare their children, which will cause children to have difficulty in interpersonal communication when they grow up, which is very detrimental to the development of children.

Families with sons, these 5 sentences even if rotten in the stomach do not say, jokes can not be!


To die, you will die farther away

Bear children sometimes really make people mad, and some parents can't help but say something harsh to their children.

For example, "If you want to die, you will die farther away."

Parents curse their children, and sometimes the children will take it seriously, which is easy to cause irreparable consequences.

In addition, although children are small, they also have self-esteem. Unscrupulous abuse by parents will minimize a child's self-esteem. Such children are prone to lack of self-confidence and form a flattering personality.

Children are the hope of a family, and parents should be cautious in their words and deeds in the process of accompanying their children to grow.

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