
What should parents do in the face of children who can lie?

What should parents do in the face of children who can lie?

As parents, when they find out that their children start to lie, they naturally feel very sad and may also worry that their children will become liars. In fact, from the perspective of developmental psychology, lying is a very common phenomenon in children's growth and development. Most children lie to a greater or lesser extent when their minds are immature. Therefore, parents should not be overwhelmed by the discovery that their children have lied once, and do not worry about their children's honesty and moral development. Specifically, parents can do this.

What should parents do in the face of children who can lie?

1. Understand your child's wishes and ideas. For children who are still in infancy, their mental and physical development is not mature enough. Parents should know more about their inner thoughts, pay attention to their inner experiences and feelings, and try to meet the reasonable needs of their children. Also, when you find out that your child is lying, don't take the value of blaming others to heart. Instead, you should calmly deal with your child's lying behavior.

What should parents do in the face of children who can lie?

2. Guide your child to say why he is lying. If the child is lying, parents should squat down, communicate with the child calmly, guide the child to say the reason for lying, listen to the child's words, and let the child speak out. This way parents can understand why their children lie, and at the same time tell their children that parents like good children, prefer honest children, and dislike children who often lie. It is to give children the best expectations and guide them to gradually establish good behavior habits.

What should parents do in the face of children who can lie?

3. Reduce children's psychological pressure. After the age of six, most children lie for fear of being punished. For example, if you want to be a good child in the eyes of your parents, you can avoid being punished by your parents for your poor test scores. Therefore, after the child goes to primary school, parents should not expect too much from them. They should help children establish scientific and reasonable development goals according to their actual abilities and development levels. Otherwise it will put too much pressure on the child, and the child may lie in order to cope with this pressure.

What should parents do in the face of children who can lie?

Through storytelling, school-age children prefer to listen to stories. They will imitate the good behavior of the characters in the story, let him feel that lying is a bad behavior in the story, and understand the truth in the story. Thus breaking the habit of lying. The story of "The Wolf Is Coming" is the best example, let them know the harm of lying, guide them to learn to distinguish between right and wrong, and establish a correct outlook on life, values and good morals.

What should parents do in the face of children who can lie?

5. The role of role models. Parents are a child's first and most important teacher. It plays a vital role in the development of children. Therefore, in daily life, parents should lead by example, set a good example for their children, be honest with others, and help children establish good conduct such as honesty and kindness.

What should parents do in the face of children who can lie?

In short, when the child lies, parents do not panic, do not expand the problem of the child lying, and can not show too much disappointment to the child, in the face of their child's lying behavior, parents first learn to accept and tolerate the child's lying behavior, and then actively communicate with the child, find out the reason behind the child's lying, and then take some effective measures to correct. I believe that children will develop healthily.

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