
If the first child gave birth to a boy, would you continue to fight for the second child? Most people's choices are similar

Sons and daughters can be called "good" in both worlds.

Since the liberalization of the two-child policy, many couples will have the idea of having a second child. Either because you are an only child growing up feeling lonely, or you want to reduce the burden on your child's future.

If the first child gave birth to a boy, would you continue to fight for the second child? Most people's choices are similar

Even some couples who have not yet had children will secretly make up their minds that they will have 2 children in the future. Set this as the goal of life.

If the first child gave birth to a boy, would you continue to fight for the second child? Most people's choices are similar

The problems faced by having a second child are more than imagined

The cost of raising each child starts in the millions

Even if parents do not have the habit of keeping accounts, they will still know more or less about their children's various expenses. For example, the child's milk powder money, diaper money, and toy money every month.

Sometimes, parents really don't want to worry about these things, but as the saying goes, a penny is difficult for a hero. People from well-off families can be scorned, and don't rich parents need to be careful?

If the first child gave birth to a boy, would you continue to fight for the second child? Most people's choices are similar

After the child goes to school, the cost is greater, and no matter what the child's grades are, they need the help of the make-up class. Good kids strive for excellence, and poor kids try to reach the average line.

Poor children getting along with each other has become the norm

In a two-child family, parents know that an important parenting principle is fairness and not favoritism. Even if it is not 100% fair, at least it cannot make the child unbalanced.

If the first child gave birth to a boy, would you continue to fight for the second child? Most people's choices are similar

But how many parents can really do it? When you see the second brother crying, you will inadvertently have the idea of reprimanding the boss. Even if you want to control yourself with reason, you are willing to bow to the wind in the end.

You know, the attitude of parents will directly affect the psychology of children. Always in an insecure environment, it is difficult for a child to grow into a person with three views and integrity.

If the first child gave birth to a boy, would you continue to fight for the second child? Most people's choices are similar

If the first child gave birth to a boy, would you continue to fight for the second child?

Most people's choice is similar: they will not be born again

There is a big difference in the cost of raising a son and raising a daughter. Not to mention the parents' efforts in the experience, after the boy is naughty and mischievous, unnecessary expenses will come to the face, and apologizing is also the norm for parents.

If the first child gave birth to a boy, would you continue to fight for the second child? Most people's choices are similar

The second is the learning attitude. Boys mature late, and many boys are still very naïve in junior high school and do not know the importance of hard work. But now there is a policy of increasing the general job ratio, cutting off the back road for children who do not learn. It makes parents even more worried. The make-up fee is a big expense.

Finally, there is the bride price and real estate money for the daughter-in-law. In most areas, the bride price and new home required from the man to get married is the real reason why the parents are overwhelmed.

If the first child gave birth to a boy, would you continue to fight for the second child? Most people's choices are similar

Therefore, when the first child gives birth to a boy, couples who are not very well-off will basically kill their desire to have a second child. Because I really can't afford it!

If the first child is a daughter, it can also be considered, after all, girls spend much less than boys. Not to mention that the bride price that girls receive after marriage can also solve the urgent need.

Even if the first child is a daughter, most people will not continue to have a second child

Since the first child is a son, everyone does not want to increase the burden of life, and there will be no more children. So if the first child is a daughter, will the situation improve a little? The answer is not necessarily what we think.

If the first child gave birth to a boy, would you continue to fight for the second child? Most people's choices are similar

Because girls with younger brothers will be labeled as "brother demons". Simply put, the younger brother will become the sister's drag oil bottle, even if the sister is married, she must supplement the younger brother like her parents.

Moreover, many boys with sisters mature later. Since you have parents and sisters to help you with everything, there is no need to grow up quickly, and you will be happy forever when you are a child?

If the first child gave birth to a boy, would you continue to fight for the second child? Most people's choices are similar

Therefore, in order not to let their daughters suffer such insults, many parents will take the initiative to help their daughters avoid this risk. Otherwise, when her daughter grows up, it is not good to blame herself in turn.

Alpaca mom has something to say:

After becoming a parent, there are many more worries in my mind than ordinary people. You can't be like a child, just looking at the gains and losses in front of you, there is wine in this day and drunk in this day, but you need to take one step and look at ten steps.

If the first child gave birth to a boy, would you continue to fight for the second child? Most people's choices are similar

This kind of growth is like it was completed overnight, no one to guide you how to go every step, no one to tell you what the ending of such a choice is, and parents feel the stones and cross the river.

Today's Topic:

Will you choose to have a second child? What situations will affect your choices? Do you have any special requirements for the gender of your child? Feel free to share your thoughts with us!

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