
Dear friend, do you believe that there is eternal love in the world? May the following story move you and cherish each other's feelings. When the cicada is still a black grain, when the tree is still green

author:Engineering a grain of soil

Dear friend, do you believe that there is eternal love in the world? May the following story move you and cherish each other's feelings.

When the cicada is still a black grain, when the tree is still a green seedling, the tree and the cicada have made an appointment, about four years later in the summer, four years after sunrise and sunset. Four years passed.

At dawn on this early summer day, the cicada smashed the ceiling of the nest with its already powerful front paws and struggled to climb to the ground. A breeze blew leisurely, the cicada smelled the peculiar fragrance of the small tree, saw the tall and strong little tree, it was so tall, it had grown very tall, the green branches were hanging very casually to the lake, like a man full of melancholy wind, the small tree was still sleeping, the cicada did not wake him, because the cicada still had a lot to do. She hurried to shed the clothes she had been wearing for four years and appeared in front of the little tree in the best form.

It's almost dawn, Cicada thought, I want to hurry. The cicada kept trying, so that its outer skin began to crack from its back, and the head came out first, followed by a soft blowpipe and slender front legs, and finally a slightly thick hind legs and folded wings.........

When the first rays of sunlight shone on the earth, the cicada finally broke free completely from its shell. Its body was still very weak, its length was full of beautiful pale green, and its wings were thin, like a beautiful and hazy veil.

The summer sun, in the early morning, has enough heat, and the sword generally pierces the soft skin of the cicada. The cicadas are still powerless to spread their wings. It climbs up along the branches of small trees and tries to climb up step by step.

The cicada finally climbed to the side of the little tree, and of course it knew where the lover's ears were. It gently caressed the ear of the little tree with its soft tentacles, and whispered in its ear, "Little tree, I am back, we will never be separated again, never separated again." "

The little tree woke up immediately. It looked happily at the cicada, and the appearance of the cicada became unrecognizable to it. But that feeling was so familiar. Xiao Shu shook off the tears on his face and said softly to the cicada, "I have waited for you for four years, and you have finally come." The branches of the small tree can dance without wind, and the cicadas gently pat the small tree and soothe the small tree.

So the cicadas and the little trees lived a happy life.

Cicadas fly over every branch and leaf of a small tree. Or rest, or play, with their soft body, gently touch every detail of the small tree. The cicada also sang a series of love songs for the little tree with its most beautiful voice, and the little tree listened to it foolishly, and danced happily with the cicada's song.

Xiao Shu asked the cicada to look at a few words on his body: love for a lifetime, until death. Cicada also understood, and she suddenly had an ominous premonition.

The cicada was getting old a little, the cicada's cry was not as loud as before, the cicada's wings were getting heavier and heavier, and the cicada could no longer caress him in every branch of the small tree. But she still took heavy steps, crawling step by step over the trunks, branches, and leaves of small trees. It was like she had just arrived. The cicada kissed the little tree softly. Gently smelling the smell of the small tree, the cicada said: I will take the small tree to heart, and let the smell of the small tree forever (FOREVER) become a part of my soul.

The little tree finally discovered the abnormality of the cicada and asked over and over again whether the cicada was sick. The little tree gently stroked the back of the cicada and said you should take a break. I'm happy as long as you're around me, I'm waiting for you to get better, and we still have a lot of mornings and dusks. I'm still waiting for you to sing for me again.

Summer was almost over, and the cicadas felt it was time to tell the little tree. The cicada said to the little tree, I am going to die. The little tree didn't believe it and said, Cicada, don't scare me.

Cicada was in tears, her heart aching so much that she couldn't speak, she bowed her head and said all this, all this is true, all I can do is chant for you for a summer. Four years of waiting and anticipation, I only have this summer time to return your lifelong affection. Now, it's time for me to go, and I'll remember you forever and ever in my heart...

The little tree was sad, full of tears, tightly, tightly, hugging the cicada, and said: No, no...

The cicada patted the little tree: When I am not there, you must take good care of yourself, otherwise, I will feel heartache in heaven, I will become any form of life, accompany you, love you, until you are also old...

The cicada went away, silent, and before even the little tree could tell her, "I love you."

In autumn and winter, the shell of the cicada still clings tightly to the small tree, refusing to let go. The wind came, the rain came, the snow came, the cicada shell still stubbornly endured, trying not to let go, finally, the cicada shell was softly broken by the rain and snow, scattered by the wind, the following words of the cicada shell are a few words:

Love each other for a lifetime, until death.

That was the confession of the little tree, the confession of the cicada. The little tree was in the wind, crying silently.

Because of this story, I met my love, summer has not yet arrived, but my heart is ready for summer. So far, whenever I see my reply to her few words, my heart is still full of warm touch, "It is really poignant and touching, and finally the love between cicada and little tree is only once in four years, and only snuggled together for one summer, but the love of the two will always remain in people's hearts and even circulate in the letters on the intranet of the school, even if the cicada disappears in the years, but its figure its love has long existed in the heart of the tree." If the cicada knows, it should be very gratifying."

Life is only a few decades, before meeting the right person we have used more than ten years, give us each other a shorter time, very much need us to cherish!

Dear friend, do you believe that there is eternal love in the world? May the following story move you and cherish each other's feelings. When the cicada is still a black grain, when the tree is still green

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