
#为什么人到中年, more and more reluctant to spend money # reluctance to spend money, is shyness in the pocket. If I have enough money, I will still travel to see the beautiful scenery and food, and buy my favorite

author:Some written records

#为什么人到中年, more and more reluctant to spend money#

Reluctance to spend money is shyness. If there is enough money, I will still travel to see the beautiful scenery, buy my favorite comfortable and tasteful clothes, and do beautiful quality hairstyles...

People live a lifetime of grass and trees, and no one wants to live a humble life. In the case of your ability, live as warmly as possible, some beauty and some comfort.

In middle age, I was reluctant to spend money because I had two daughters under my parents, and when I was young, I lived too hard, so that my wasted body showed signs of weakness!

I live compactly in the lower layers of life, my parents serve with waiting, and my children work hard to lift them. All this, I have to have a fairly healthy body, and a worldly and bright "money".

- I have to save as much as I can, and I don't want to spend it.

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