
12 typical misunderstandings of Bao Ma in the moon, see which tricks you have won?

After the mothers returned home after giving birth to the baby, they began the 30-day confinement period, and the confinement requirements put forward by various relatives and friends to the mothers made the mothers powerless...

12 typical misunderstandings of Bao Ma in the moon, see which tricks you have won?

In fact, many of these requirements are wrong, how should mothers identify trade-offs?

Myth 1: Open milk 24 hours after childbirth

After opening milk, many new moms still follow the old concept, thinking that opening milk is not good early, milk is clear, nutrition is small, and opening milk after 24 hours of production is the most beneficial to the baby.

Correct practice:

The earlier the milk is opened after childbirth, the better, and the baby sucking on Mommy's nipples can not only promote the milk production of the mammary glands, but also help Mommy's uterus contract, so that the uterus can return to its pre-child state as soon as possible. In addition, opening milk earlier allows babies to drink nutrient-rich colostrum early and enhance the body's immunity. In general, Mommy can breastfeed 30 minutes after giving birth.

12 typical misunderstandings of Bao Ma in the moon, see which tricks you have won?

Myth two: milk does not rise and does not hold the baby

During the breastfeeding process, some mothers think that the breast is not swollen, indicating that there is not much milk, and hope to save more milk and feed the baby, in fact, this practice is very unfavorable to lactation.

Milk secretion will not only be less and less, but not breastfeeding in time will also lead to mastitis of mommy, which is not good for mommy and baby. The milk secreted by Mommy within 5-7 days after childbirth is colostrum, which is extremely nutritious and contains anti-infective substances, so it should be possible to let the baby eat more, improve the baby's immunity, and better open the mammary glands.

Myth 3: A full moon can restore married life

People are accustomed to using the "full moon" as the standard for the complete recovery of the new mommy's body, so many couples resume their married life when the baby is just full moon, in fact, this practice is very detrimental to the recovery of mommy's body.

After Mommy gives birth, lochia usually empties after 3 weeks, but it takes 42 days for the uterus to truly recover. At the beginning of the full moon, Mommy's reproductive organs are not really restored, and premature conjugal life will not only affect the recovery of the uterus, but also may cause genital tract infections. Therefore, it is safest for Mommy to resume her married life after 2 months.

Myth 4: Do not go for a postpartum physical examination

Production will make mommy nervous, as for the postpartum experience will sometimes be delayed again and again, especially lochia emptying normal, breastfeeding smoothly, the body is not unwell, some mommy even consciously gave up the postpartum experience, in fact, this practice is very dangerous.

The inflammation that Mommy may cause after childbirth is not judged by a simple sense of self, and some inflammatory manifestations are hidden, abandoning the postpartum experience, and it is easy to delay treatment or legacy disease. Therefore, 6-8 weeks after childbirth, you must go to the hospital for a comprehensive postpartum examination to find out whether the body's organs have returned to the pre-pregnancy state, and the problem can be treated as soon as possible.

Myth 5: The later you get out of bed, the better

Mommy's body is weak after childbirth and needs proper rest, but it does not mean that she should stay in bed for a long time. Prolonged inactivity after childbirth can trigger venous thrombosis in the lower extremities and swelling due to lack of exercise in the pelvic floor muscle tissue that cannot support the uterus, rectum, or bladder.

Whether it is a natural birth or a caesarean section, mommy should get out of bed early after childbirth, and active exercise not only helps the uterus to recover, but also helps to increase blood flow and lochia discharge of the lower limbs, avoiding venous thrombosis in the lower limbs. In general, Mommy can sit up in bed 24 hours after giving birth and get out of bed the next day.

Myth 6: You can't brush your teeth during the month

Folk proverb "having a child and losing a tooth" believes that brushing teeth during the month of Mommy will shake the root of the tooth, causing premature loosening, loss or bleeding teeth. Therefore, many moms do not dare to brush their teeth easily during the month.

Mommy confinement when the number of meals more, food residue left between the teeth of the opportunity has also increased a lot, if not removed in time is easy to cause oral infection, Mommy 3 days after giving birth can use finger gargling method brushing, that is, on the index finger wrapped with gauze as a brush head to brush teeth, this method can strengthen teeth, to avoid loose teeth. After three days, you can brush your teeth with a toothbrush normally, remember to use warm water to prevent cold water from irritating and damaging your teeth and gums.

Myth seven: You can't wash your hair or bath during the month

In many places, there is a custom that women can wash their hair and bathe after the full moon, so as to avoid postpartum wind. In fact, this practice is very unscientific, the mother sweats more than ordinary people, coupled with the continuous discharge of lochia and milk secretion, the body needs to be cleaned to prevent pathogens from invading.

The right thing to do:

Mommy who gives birth naturally can bathe after giving birth. The caesarean section of the mother can take a bath 2 weeks after the suture is removed, it is advisable to shower, avoid tub bathing, so when the uterine orifice is not closed, in order to waterproof the flow along the vagina into the uterus, causing infection. As for the shampoo Mommy can do as often as needed.

Myth 8: Confinement does not open the window

A considerable number of mommys will close the doors and windows when they are "confinement", making the room airtight, afraid of catching a cold and being affected by the wind. In fact, this method will only make the indoor air turbid, and it is easy for mommy and baby to suffer from respiratory infections.

Proper window ventilation can reduce the number of bacteria in the indoor air, but it should avoid the wind through the hall to prevent Mommy from suffering from a cold due to her weak constitution after giving birth.

Myth 9: Drink brown sugar water for a long time

Some moms believe that brown sugar water can not only activate blood and dissolve stasis, promote the discharge of postpartum lochia and have the effect of blood replenishment, so brown sugar water is often used instead of water to drink during the month. Although brown sugar water is indeed a good postpartum supplement, it is not as long as possible if it is drunk.

Mommy gave birth to the baby for about 10 days, lochia began to gradually decrease, and uterine contractions basically returned to normal. After that, if you drink brown sugar water frequently, it will increase the amount of lochia blood, resulting in continued blood loss, resulting in anemia. Therefore, it is advisable for Mommy to drink brown sugar water for 7-10 days after childbirth.

Myth 10: Do not eat salt a week before confinement, eat more eggs

Folk have such a saying, pregnant women can not eat salt a week before giving birth, otherwise it will cause body puffiness, on the contrary, eggs are a good ingredient for replenishment, the more you eat, the faster the mother's vitality recovers, in fact, this dietary conditioning is harmful to the new mommy that has just been produced.

Pregnant women only eat unsalted meals will lead to poor appetite, physical weakness, affecting milk secretion, the recovery of the body is also extremely unfavorable, on the contrary, the mother's food should be appropriately put some salt, so as not to cause excessive sweating during the month caused by dehydration of the body, promote milk secretion. As for eggs, it is recommended to eat 2-3 eggs a day, eating too much will cause indigestion, increase the burden on the liver and kidneys, and lead to body fatness.

Myth 11: Soup is more nutritious than meat

For soups, people have such a misconception that soups in soups are always more nutritious than meat, because the essence has long been integrated into soups, so Mommy confinement will often drink soup in large bowls, and ignore the meat and other ingredients in the soup. However, according to scientific analysis, meat is much richer in nutrition than soup, and the statement that "soup is more nutritious than meat" is not scientific.

When Mommy eats soup, remember that the soup and meat are at the same time, so that they can obtain richer nutrients. Remind Mommy that because Mommy's physical exertion during childbirth is too large, gastrointestinal muscle tone and peristalsis are weakened, it can only be recovered in about a week, so it is recommended to add slightly greasy chicken soup, fish soup, etc. after a week, so that it can not only be better absorbed, enhance physical strength, but may better promote milk secretion.

12 typical misunderstandings of Bao Ma in the moon, see which tricks you have won?

Myth 12: Over-replenishment

In order to let Mommy recover as soon as possible, the baby has milk to eat, and most families regard postpartum nourishment as a big responsibility. It is not known that excessive supplementation is not beneficial to the mother. Excessive tonic can easily lead to imbalanced sugar and fat metabolism in Mommy's body, causing various diseases, and it is also easy to cause excessive absorption of babies, causing obesity, and if the baby's digestive ability is poor, it can also cause baby diarrhea.

Mommy confinement meals should be nutritionally balanced, and you can eat more vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits contain a large number of vitamins, mineral elements and dietary fiber, which can promote the recovery of gastrointestinal function, enhance appetite, promote the absorption and utilization of sugar and protein, and can also prevent constipation during puerperal production and help achieve the purpose of nutritional balance.

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