
The kindergarten baby mistakenly entered the large class, and his brothers and sisters regarded him as a "national treasure", which was too loving

Compared with their own small children, children often show the appearance of adults, protect the baby from bullying, and take him to play. A few days ago, I saw a video in which the babies are so cute.

Linlin is a kindergarten classmate, this day she went to her own class, did not expect to enter the wrong classroom, saw a group of little brothers and sisters who are older than herself, Linlin was suddenly confused.

At this time, the classmates in the senior class pulled her back to her position and brought her many delicious snacks. The teacher was also "turned over" by this face, and watched with great interest as her brother and sister accompanied her to play games, talk, and play.

Netizens saw this video and commented: "This is completely a national treasure treatment, brothers and sisters deserve to be very exemplary." ”

The kindergarten baby mistakenly entered the large class, and his brothers and sisters regarded him as a "national treasure", which was too loving

It's so easy for children to get along with each other, as long as they are sincere with each other, they can quickly become good friends.

But in reality, there are many families that become chaotic because of the relationship between children. Especially since the introduction of the two-child policy, the relationship between many big treasures and two treasures has become increasingly tense.

So many parents can't figure out why Dabao gets along very well with other people's children, but with his younger siblings, it seems like an enemy of the previous life.

The main reason for this consequence is the parents.

The kindergarten baby mistakenly entered the large class, and his brothers and sisters regarded him as a "national treasure", which was too loving

1, not enough care about Dabao

Some parents after the birth of the second treasure, the mind is on the small body, to the boss every day is "eat the meal?" "Did you do your homework?" "Hurry up and go to sleep".

Other than that, there was no half-hearted concern from before. Under this huge gap, children naturally can't stand it in their hearts, and they will blame all the faults on their younger siblings, thinking that they have robbed them of their own favor.

Under this psychological oppression, Dabao will naturally no longer be good to Erbao, but may bully them.

The kindergarten baby mistakenly entered the large class, and his brothers and sisters regarded him as a "national treasure", which was too loving

2. Unfair handling

There is an old saying called "you are weak and you are reasonable", in fact, when we encounter things, many reactions are like this, always feel that the weak will not bully others.

This way of doing things will also be seen in parents, every time as long as there is a contradiction between Dabao and Erbao, parents will subconsciously think: It must be Dabao's fault, after all, Erbao is still so small and does not understand things, how can it make mistakes?

This kind of behavior not only encourages the bad trend of Erbao, but also makes Dabao's heart suffer great grievances.

3, "He is still young, you let him"

Some parents often say this sentence, in their eyes, age is the best excuse, as if the child has done something wrong, as long as the phrase "he is still young" should be forgiven.

Therefore, when two children like one thing at the same time, when there is a contradiction between the two treasures of the big treasure, as long as this sentence comes out, the big treasure will be forced to take a step back.

But these parents forget that Dabao is only a child, he is not even mature enough to face this gap calmly, and every eccentricity of his parents will cause deeper harm to Dabao.

The kindergarten baby mistakenly entered the large class, and his brothers and sisters regarded him as a "national treasure", which was too loving

So, stop wondering if your child behaves differently in front of you, because you are not doing your part in terms of parental responsibilities.

Whether it is big or small, it should be treated equally, age is not the reason, but every time you treat it because of age, it will only make Xiaobao more and more unscrupulous, let Dabao get farther and farther away from you, and then regret it is too late.

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