
【Citizens' Mental Health School】How can teenagers stay away from "Internet addiction" and celebrate the Spring Festival healthily? Experts come to support

Teenage children are a high incidence of Internet addiction,

This has always been a concern for parents and teachers.

Teenagers infected with Internet addiction will make children have no intention of learning,

Prolonged surfing the Internet can also have a physical and psychological impact on teens

all produce serious harm.

So, how do teenagers quit internet addiction?

What should you do as a parent?

Invitation to the Public Mental Health School

Wuxi Mental Health Center

Deputy Director, Drug Dependence Section (Chair)

Luo Yu

Let's talk about Internet addiction

【Citizens' Mental Health School】How can teenagers stay away from "Internet addiction" and celebrate the Spring Festival healthily? Experts come to support


What is Internet Addiction? Is it a disease now?

A: Internet addiction generally refers to the use of problematic computers, smartphones, game consoles and other network devices, medically also known as pathological network use. There are three core symptoms: First, the network behavior is out of control, that is, our individuals have uncontrollable time and degree when using the network. The second is to regard network behavior as the first need of life, and to be uninterested in life outside the network. The third is that cyber behavior has obvious negative consequences, such as affecting our learning and work.

If our online behavior has the above three core symptoms, consider that online behavior may have Internet addiction.

【Citizens' Mental Health School】How can teenagers stay away from "Internet addiction" and celebrate the Spring Festival healthily? Experts come to support

What are the common causes of Internet addiction?


1. Internet addiction is related to the reward center in our brains. When teenagers play online games, they will induce the secretion of dopamine in the reward center, which is a happy factor, which will make our teenagers feel happy during the game, and this pleasure will further aggravate the online behavior of teenagers.

2. From the perspective of personality, most teenagers who are addicted to the Internet have high impulsivity, low self-esteem, and a strong sense of loneliness.

3. The influence of family social and environmental factors. In a family atmosphere with a long-term tension in parent-child relationship or more quarrels and conflicts between husband and wife, children may become addicted to the Internet to escape conflicts between parents.

4. Teenagers may encounter some unhappy things in the process of life and learning. For example, if the test results are not satisfied, the teachers and parents criticize, and the tension in the relationship between classmates, in this case, the child may also be addicted to the Internet and look for some sense of achievement in online games.

【Citizens' Mental Health School】How can teenagers stay away from "Internet addiction" and celebrate the Spring Festival healthily? Experts come to support

What are the manifestations of the four stages of Internet addiction? As a parent, how should you properly guide and help your child?

The first stage: the child becomes addicted to games, and his study work is not significantly affected.

The second stage: the child's online game behavior may be a little out of control, this time can still insist on learning, but learning efficiency, work efficiency are reduced.

The third stage: children are diligent in mobile phone online games, learning work is seriously affected, while addicted individuals will also have some lack of energy, work efficiency, learning performance decline is further obvious.

The fourth stage: give up work and study, and indulge in games all night.

【Citizens' Mental Health School】How can teenagers stay away from "Internet addiction" and celebrate the Spring Festival healthily? Experts come to support

If the child is in the first and second stages of Internet addiction, parents pay enough attention to it and can play an important role. Parents should patiently communicate with their children, find out the reasons behind their children's Internet addiction, and take targeted measures to guide and intervene according to the reasons, so as to help children get rid of Internet addiction.

If the child's Internet addiction has developed to the third and fourth stages, and the degree of Internet addiction is more serious, only then do you pay attention to intervention, the difficulty is relatively large, you must seek the help of professionals.

How to prevent Internet addiction in teenage children?

1. Develop children's interests and hobbies.

In daily life and learning, parents should pay attention to cultivating their children to develop new interests and hobbies, so that children can participate in more realistic activities and do some things of interest. Replace Internet habits with new interests that are beneficial to children and break through the temptation of Internet addiction.

2. Improve parent-child relationship, do a good job of guidance and example.

Parents should do a good job of guidance when using the Internet, play an exemplary role, and try to control the frequency and length of time they use mobile phones online throughout the day. When children encounter setbacks or difficulties, parents should think from the child's point of view, understand and help children, and promote parent-child relationship. Under the premise of having a good parent-child relationship, parents can help their children to formulate Internet time and plans, and assume the role of supervision and guidance to help children develop good Internet habits. If the child's Internet time is limited to no more than 1 hour at a time, go to the internet at the point, do not make excuses; avoid surfing the Internet at night and affect sleep.

【Citizens' Mental Health School】How can teenagers stay away from "Internet addiction" and celebrate the Spring Festival healthily? Experts come to support

3. Give your child a warm family environment.

Parents should create a happy, relaxed and warm family atmosphere for their children, which is very important for the healthy growth of children, and many teenagers are addicted to the Internet because of the lack of parental feelings. Parents should have an equal dialogue with their children, communicate with their children frequently, understand their children's ideas, and be their children's mentors and friends. Having a sound family, having a sound father and motherly love, this is very important for children.

When parents can't solve their child's Internet problems,

Be sure to be proactive

Seek the help of a professional for individual consultation,

Counselors will help teens

Get out of the confusion of Internet addiction!

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