
Menopausal mental health needs attention, and expert guidance can help you get through it smoothly

author:Medical science popularization class

In people's minds, menopause seems to have always been an exclusive topic for women, but in fact, men also have a similar stage, which is called "male menopause". Unlike female menopause, male menopause does not have obvious physical signs, but is more psychologically and emotionally. During this period, men often face various challenges and changes, and mental health issues are particularly prominent. This article will explore the importance of menopausal mental health issues, as well as expert guidance and practical advice to help men navigate this phase smoothly. Let's take a closer look to help you cope with the challenges of menopause!

Menopausal mental health needs attention, and expert guidance can help you get through it smoothly

Manifestations of andropause

Andropause refers to a series of physical and psychological changes that occur in men during middle age, as they age, their body's hormone levels change. Physiologically, men may experience problems such as decreased sexual function, osteoporosis, obesity, etc. On the psychological side, the manifestations of male menopause are more complex and diverse.

Psychological symptoms

Mood swings: Male menopause is often accompanied by mood swings, and mood problems such as irritability, irritability, and depression may occur.

Anxiety and nervousness: With the increase in life stress, men are prone to feel anxious and nervous, feeling lost and uneasy about the future.

Self-identity: In the face of physical changes and adjustments in life conditions, male menopause may also have problems with self-identity, doubting and confusion about their own value and role.

Social problems: Some men may become withdrawn during menopause and lose interest in social activities, affecting relationships and social functioning.

Menopausal mental health needs attention, and expert guidance can help you get through it smoothly

Impact of mental health issues

Mental health problems during male menopause can not only affect an individual's quality of life, but may also have an impact on work and family.

Decreased quality of life: Mental health problems can lead to a decrease in the quality of life of menopausal patients, affecting productivity and well-being.

Family relationships: Mental health issues can affect the relationship between men with menopause and their families, leading to family conflicts and disharmony.

Work stress: Mental health problems can increase work stress in menopausal patients, affecting career development and work performance.

Social functioning: Mental health problems can also affect the social functioning of menopausal patients, making them less effective in social situations and affecting the establishment and maintenance of relationships.

The above are some of the manifestations and impacts of menopausal mental health problems, and we hope to help men better survive this special stage through correct understanding and effective coping measures.

Menopausal mental health needs attention, and expert guidance can help you get through it smoothly

Expert guidance

Causes of menopausal mental health problems

Experts point out that mental health problems during male menopause are often closely related to changes in hormone levels. As we age, testosterone levels gradually decline, which can lead to symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, and depression. At the same time, changes in social roles, declining physical functions, and family and occupational pressures can also affect men's mental health.

Ways to cope with mental health issues in menopausal periods

Experts suggest that in the face of the psychological stress of menopause, men can alleviate it by:

Exercise regularly: Moderate physical activity can help release stress and boost mental health.

Stay social: Maintaining good communication and socialization with family and friends can help relieve feelings of loneliness and stress.

Regular work and rest: Developing a good routine and getting enough sleep can help stabilize your mood.

Counseling: If necessary, seek the help of a counsellor or psychologist for counselling and therapy.

Menopausal mental health needs attention, and expert guidance can help you get through it smoothly

The importance of family support

Experts emphasize that family support plays an important role in menopausal mental health. The understanding and support of family members can help men better cope with the challenges brought about by menopause and develop a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.

Practical advice


Increase foods rich in vitamins B, C, and E, such as green leafy vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

Limiting your intake of high-sugar, high-fat foods and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption can help maintain physical health and mental balance.

Sports and health care

Getting at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise a week, such as brisk walking and jogging, can help release stress and boost your mood.

You can try yoga, tai chi and other exercises to help soothe the body and mind.

Social interaction

Participate in social activities, keep in touch with friends, family, and share life and emotions.

Participate in interest groups, volunteer activities, etc., to enrich your life and increase social interaction.

Psychological adjustment

Learning relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, etc., can help relieve tension and anxiety.

Cultivate hobbies, find ways to relax that suit you, such as reading, painting, etc., to regulate your mood.

The mental health problems of male menopause cannot be ignored, but through scientific methods and family support, men can smoothly get through this stage and maintain good mental health.

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