
Parents and schools work together to educate elegant teenagers towards the sun - Kaifu District Experimental Primary School 2024 "Mental Health Month"

author:Hunan newspaper culture

Education is a beautiful encounter, witnessing the growth of children, and also engraved with the common expectations of the school and parents. In order to build a bridge of communication between the home-school-community and help parents understand the growth dynamics of students, on the occasion of the 2024 "Mental Health Month" and the first "Home-School-Community Collaborative Education Publicity Week" in Kaifu District, Kaifu District Experimental Primary School held the 2024 Spring Parent School Training Activity on the afternoon of May 17.

The event was presided over by Ms. Zhao Xingzhi, the director of academic affairs, and Xiao Lijuan, the vice president, delivered a lecture. Principal Xiao's speech was warm and vivid, she expressed her gratitude to the parents and friends who have been supporting and cooperating with the school's work, and then discussed and communicated with parents from four aspects: the basic situation of the school, the development of school education, the school's attention to children's comprehensive literacy, and the importance of family education.

Parents and schools work together to educate elegant teenagers towards the sun - Kaifu District Experimental Primary School 2024 "Mental Health Month"

Subsequently, Kaifu District Experimental Primary School, together with Kaifu District Women's Federation and Hunan Practice Sinology Public Welfare Foundation, jointly carried out the "Sunflower" action, and invited teachers from Hunan Provincial Social Psychology Association and family education lecturer Shi Jinjin to give parents a family education lecture with the theme of "Parents and Children Grow Together". Teacher Fu introduced the relevant knowledge of "how to face children's negative emotions" and "identify the laws behind emotions and true dynasty" to the parents in an interactive form, introduced the relationship between cognition and emotion and learning to parents with examples, and guided parents to guide their children to learn with positive emotions, pay attention to giving children positive evaluations, and lead parents into the family education hall of scientific parenting in simple terms.

Parents and schools work together to educate elegant teenagers towards the sun - Kaifu District Experimental Primary School 2024 "Mental Health Month"
Parents and schools work together to educate elegant teenagers towards the sun - Kaifu District Experimental Primary School 2024 "Mental Health Month"

Finally, each class organizes the parents of the class to have a class exchange. Based on the class situation, the homeroom teacher analyzed the class culture and learning atmosphere, reminded parents to pay attention to their children's growth at all times, and also paid attention to mental health, emphasized the importance of safety education such as anti-bullying, anti-sexual assault, and anti-drowning, and made a detailed report to the participating parents on the class activities and students' performance in school since the beginning of this semester. Teachers of various disciplines analyzed some problems existing in students' learning, gave parents some specific and targeted family education suggestions based on the curriculum standards of the disciplines, and communicated and exchanged with parents on how to correctly guide children to cultivate good learning habits and behavioral habits, so as to achieve close cooperation between family education and school education.

The lantern leads the way, nurtures dreams into light, and works together to empower and promote growth. This activity is a heart-to-heart warm exchange, a beautiful gathering of love and trust, which effectively shortens the distance between parents and the school, and also provides strong support for the growth and development of real school students. I believe that in the real primary school campus where teachers and students work together and home and school cooperate, the children of Kaifu District Experimental Primary School will be able to ride the wind and waves on the road in the future, overcome obstacles and write the most beautiful chapter of youth! (Correspondent: Zhao Xingzhi)

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