
The two doctors walked into the Lixian Experimental Primary School to give popular science lectures

author:Red Net
The two doctors walked into the Lixian Experimental Primary School to give popular science lectures

Dr. Ni lectures.

The two doctors walked into the Lixian Experimental Primary School to give popular science lectures

Dr. Fan interacts with students.

Red Net Moment News Changde, May 18 (Correspondent Fu Xianhua) On the afternoon of May 17, Dr. Ni Xianggui, a senior engineer at the University of Science and Technology of China, and Dr. Fan Xiongwei, an associate professor at the School of Life Sciences of Hunan Normal University, walked into Lixian Experimental Primary School to give a lecture on popular science.

Dr. Ni Xianggui told the children about the three major dreams of human beings with the content of "To the Sky, Into the Earth, and Into the Sea: To the Sky, To the Earth, and To the Sea". He used a cordial tone, and the language that primary school students could understand was from Chang'e-1 to Chang'e-8; from "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" to Jiaolong entering the sea; From entering the ground without a door, talking about "Chinese mainland scientific drilling project"; Finally, he talked about the "space-ground integrated wide-area quantum communication network". The children listened with relish. After Ni Xianggui finished explaining, he interacted with the children and answered the children's questions one by one.

Dr. Fan Xiongwei used "A Zebrafish That Wants to Shine" as the content to tell the children the story of a zebrafish that wants to shine, Youyou, from not being able to shine to being able to shine. Fan Xiongwei used the "animated story video" to show the children the wonder of biological genetics. In the process of narration, Fan Xiongwei is fully integrated into the story, and starts a dialogue with Zebrafish Youyou, Firefly Liangliang, Fruit Fly Feifei, and Spider-Man, helping Youyou to fulfill its dream step by step. Fan Xiongwei brought the children into the wonderful biological world, gave the children a preliminary understanding of genes and genetic engineering, and gave the children a vivid and interesting science lesson.

The two doctors walked into the Lixian Experimental Primary School to give popular science lectures

The two PhDs were photographed with some of the students.

It is reported that this popular science activity is jointly sponsored by the Central Science Popularization Committee of Jiusan Society, the Hunan Provincial Committee of Jiusan Society, the United Front Work Department of Changde Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Changde Municipal Committee of Jiusan Society, and the Changde Science and Technology Association. This event was also strongly supported by Academician Sun Heping's Science Popularization Studio and the Spring Equinox Project of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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