
Everyone participates, everyone shines! Xiqiao Experimental Primary School held a special performance for grade growth

author:Eye-catching video

On May 17th, Xiqiao Experimental Primary School's special performance of "Be the Best Self" was staged on the school sports field, with passionate dance, majestic chorus, and beautiful musical instrument ensemble...... This wonderful audio-visual art performance, performed by all the teachers and students of the third grade of the school, focused on the school's implementation of aesthetic education to nourish the campus and cultivate the teaching achievements of the faithful teenagers with roots and dreams.

Everyone participates, everyone shines! Xiqiao Experimental Primary School held a special performance for grade growth

The atmosphere of the party was warm, and the fancy rope skipping performance "Descendants of the Dragon" opened with continuous cheers. The stage play dances charmingly, the choir sings passionately, and the Chinese dance is full of enthusiasm...... On stage, the energetic performance of the students quickly ignited the enthusiasm of the scene.

Everyone participates, everyone shines! Xiqiao Experimental Primary School held a special performance for grade growth

Wonderful programs one after another, like sparkling lights in the night sky. Reciting the Book of Commandments, words of wisdom echo in the air; "Scholarly Boy" shows the children's love for reading; "Praise China" praises the greatness of the motherland; "Ode to the Past and the Present" allows us to travel through time and space and feel the charm of Chinese poetry; "Chasing Dreams" pursues ideals in classic melodies...... In addition to the wonderful performances brought by each class, the evening also included solo performances such as violin, guzheng and guitar, in addition, the school's language arts, choir and other clubs also brought wonderful programs, showing the achievements of the school's art education.

Everyone participates, everyone shines! Xiqiao Experimental Primary School held a special performance for grade growth

One minute on stage, ten years off stage. In this unforgettable special performance, the children of Xiqiao Experimental Primary School showed their versatility, and at the same time, the school also demonstrated the school's practice of the integration of five educations and the implementation of the characteristic educational concept of "everyone is interested, everyone has a specialty" in the special performance of growth.

Text, photo/Wang Weinan, reporter of Foshan News and Media Center

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