
"100-year-old tangerine peel, 1000-year-old ginseng", do you know these "magical" effects of tangerine peel?

author:Kamiki Garden

Traditional Chinese medicine often says that "a hundred years of tangerine peel, a thousand years of ginseng", many people may be familiar with ginseng, and people also treasure tangerine peel. About the flavor of tangerine peel Chinese medicine, I believe that needless to say, everyone has a certain understanding, and in many Chinese medicine prescriptions, there are about the use of this flavor of Chinese medicine, and nowadays, people often use this herb to maintain health.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the use of tangerine peel is also very long, as early as the ancient "Shennong's Materia Medica", there is a record of this flavor of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine doctors believe that tangerine peel is hard in medicine, has warmth, and is classified into the lungs and spleen meridians in the body, in terms of efficacy, it has the effect of regulating qi and strengthening the spleen, drying and dampness, and dissolving phlegm, so it is often used for the improvement of spleen and stomach qi stagnation syndrome or chest paralysis and other diseases.

In the "Compendium of Materia Medica" by Li Shizhen, a great doctor in the Ming Dynasty, it was mentioned that tangerine peel has three major functions, one is to derive the cold evil in the chest, the second is to break the stagnation, and the third is to nourish the spleen and stomach. In daily life, if you use tangerine peel correctly, these 4 benefits may be "in your pocket".

"100-year-old tangerine peel, 1000-year-old ginseng", do you know these "magical" effects of tangerine peel?

1. Regulate qi and remove flatulence

Tangerine peel is a bitter medicinal material, with warmth, and is also a representative of aromatic medicinal materials, good at regulating the normal operation of the qi machine, because it is mainly classified into the lung meridian and spleen meridian, so it has a good relieving effect on the qi of the middle and upper coke.

In life, there are some people who always feel bloated in the stomach, and they can't burp if they want to, so at this time, tangerine peel is very applicable, tangerine peel is relatively mild, and it can often be compatible with other traditional Chinese medicines.

Here I would like to share with you a classic prescription for using tangerine peel to regulate the spleen and stomach, that is, from the "Taiping Huimin and Pharmacy Formula" in the Pinggao San, which is mainly composed of four taels of Atractylodes atractylodes, two taels of tangerine peel, three taels of magnolia bark and one or two of boiled licorice, which has the effect of drying and dampness to transport the spleen, qi and stomach, and is often used for the improvement of abdominal distention, nausea and vomiting and other diseases caused by the stagnation of spleen and stomach qi in the middle of the cold and dampness.

"100-year-old tangerine peel, 1000-year-old ginseng", do you know these "magical" effects of tangerine peel?

2. Anti-nausea and hiccups

As one of the common diseases in modern times, spleen and stomach disease is the most common manifestation in addition to indigestion and poor diet, as well as vomiting, hiccups and other symptoms, commonly known as "hiccups".

For example, Zhang Zhongjing's orange peel and bamboo soup included in "Jin Kui Yaolu" is a combination of tangerine peel and tangerine peel with ginger, bamboo ru, jujube and other Chinese medicinal materials for the treatment of vomiting, hiccups and other diseases, of course, if it is due to the patient's spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, you can try to use ginger orange soup to alleviate it, which can dispel cold evil and stop vomiting in warmth.

"100-year-old tangerine peel, 1000-year-old ginseng", do you know these "magical" effects of tangerine peel?

3. Depressive

Nowadays, due to the increasing pressure of people's lives, emotional abnormalities are also very common, and they often feel irritable and even depressed on weekdays, and Huang Yuanyu's "Changsha Medicinal Solution" mentioned that tangerine peel can start with the Taiyin Lung Meridian to play the effect of qi stagnation and diarrhea, that is to say, tangerine peel can relieve the depressed qi in the chest, and in clinical application, it is often paired with malt to improve the disease.

4. Treatment of lung cold cough

Cough can not only be the "product" of the disease, but also become the key to the doctor's identification of the disease, for the cough caused by the invasion of cold evil into the lungs, the main clinical manifestations are nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing and other symptoms.

At this time, most of the diagnosis and treatment ideas are to dispel wind and dispel cold, and the traditional Chinese medicine of tangerine peel not only has the effect of drying and dampness and dissolving phlegm, but also warms cold phlegm, and the medicinal properties are hard, which can promote lung qi and stop coughing. In this regard, the most commonly used prescription is the Erchen Tang in the "Harmony Formula", which combines tangerine peel and banxia, which can be used to improve damp phlegm cough and is also beneficial to the body.

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