
1 kind of "hemorrhoids grass", the elderly will think of it when their buttocks hurt, and its value is like native ginseng, which is too precious

author:There are traces of time to talk about popular science


In the rural and mountainous areas of the mainland, wild Chinese medicinal herbs are common, such as stone olive, golden clematis, etc., these wild Chinese medicinal herbs not only have medicinal value, but also have a certain ornamental value, so people pay more attention to these wild Chinese medicinal herbs.

There are also some wild Chinese medicinal herbs because they are relatively common, and people do not regard them as Chinese herbal medicines, but as weeds, such as hemorrhoids grass, hemorrhoids grass is a very common wild Chinese herbal medicine, and its distribution is also very wide, so let's take a look at this wild Chinese herbal medicine, how valuable it is.

1. Wild Chinese herbal medicine.

In the rural and mountainous areas of the mainland, because people's understanding of Chinese medicinal herbs comes from local plants, people's names of Chinese medicinal herbs are also the names of the locals themselves, so the names of the same Chinese medicinal herbs may be different in different places.

Moreover, in different places, the distribution of the same kind of Chinese medicinal herb may not be the same, so there are many kinds of Chinese medicinal herbs wild in the mainland, and their value and function are also different.

Wild herbs can be divided into several different categories according to the different environments in which they grow, such as the herbs that grow in mountains and hills, and most of these herbs prefer to grow in sunny environments.

The other is the Chinese herbs that grow in the plains, and these herbs mostly grow in humid environments, such as rivers and ponds.

There is also a kind of Chinese medicinal herbs that grow in mountains and forests, and these Chinese medicinal herbs like to grow in a cool and humid environment, such as under the woods, rocks, etc.

1 kind of "hemorrhoids grass", the elderly will think of it when their buttocks hurt, and its value is like native ginseng, which is too precious

In these environments, the herbs that grow will form different characteristics depending on the environment.

For example, in a sunny environment, the growing herbs will be more lush, and they will be relatively thick, and the leaves will be larger.

Just like the golden clematis in the mainland, the golden clematis grows in a sunny environment, it grows very fast, and the flowers are also very beautiful, so the golden clematis not only has medicinal value, but also has great ornamental value.

In a cool and humid environment, the growing Chinese medicinal herbs will be relatively short, dense, and the leaves are relatively small, just like the stone olive in the mainland, the stone olive is a kind of Chinese medicine grass that grows in a cool and humid environment, but the stone olive also has ornamental value, because its fruit is very delicious, so in people's daily life, the stone olive will also be eaten as a fruit.

1 kind of "hemorrhoids grass", the elderly will think of it when their buttocks hurt, and its value is like native ginseng, which is too precious

2. Wild Chinese herbal medicine "hemorrhoids grass".

In the mountainous areas of the mainland, there is a wild Chinese medicine grass, this Chinese medicine grass is what we call "hemorrhoids grass", there are many common names of hemorrhoids grass, such as whirlwind grass, wild mint, fish flavor grass, etc., the distribution of this Chinese medicine grass is also very extensive, it mainly grows in the area below 1500 meters above sea level, and in some Chinese medicine villages, there will be people who specialize in planting hemorrhoids grass.

And the hemorrhoids grass we often talk about is not really lychee grass, but a plant called lychee grass, because its seeds are about the same size as lychee, so people call it lychee grass.

Lychee grass is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant, its stem is erect, relatively thick, and the stem is relatively large, so when it blooms, it looks very lush.

1 kind of "hemorrhoids grass", the elderly will think of it when their buttocks hurt, and its value is like native ginseng, which is too precious

In the process of growth, lychee grass will continue to spread, so in a place, as long as there is a lychee grass, then soon this place will be full of lychee grass, so people will call it hemorrhoids grass.

During the growth period, lychee grass will continue to bloom, and the flowers are very small, but they are very beautiful, so people will grow it as an ornamental plant when they are not using it.

In the production process, lychee grass also has a certain toxicity, so in daily life, people will also use it to make some pesticides to prevent and control the invasion of some pests.

Therefore, in rural areas, when people do not use it, they will also use it as a pest to clean up, but after using it, people will find that it has a lot of medicinal value, which is also its value.

3. The old man will think of it when his buttocks hurt.

For example, in Heilongjiang, there is a plant called lychee grass, its leaves are very large, so people call it lychee grass.

In Hubei, people will call a plant called vitex grass lychee, and the leaves of vitex are relatively small, so people call it lychee grass.

In Hunan, people will call oleander grass because the leaves of oleander are similar to the leaves of lychee grass, so people call it lychee grass.

In daily life, people also use lychee grass to treat hemorrhoids and other diseases, so in life, if the elderly have a pain in the buttocks, they will say, "When the fart hurts, I think of lychee grass".

So in life, people will also think of it when their buttocks hurt, which is another name for this Chinese herbal medicine.

1 kind of "hemorrhoids grass", the elderly will think of it when their buttocks hurt, and its value is like native ginseng, which is too precious


Wild Chinese medicinal herbs have a very important value, so we should protect wild plants more in our daily life to prevent them from becoming extinct due to people's overexploitation.

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