
137 people referenced, 41 people reached the undergraduate line, and the Gaochun Secondary School Comprehensive High School Vocational Education College Entrance Examination passed the good news again

author:New glamorous campus
137 people referenced, 41 people reached the undergraduate line, and the Gaochun Secondary School Comprehensive High School Vocational Education College Entrance Examination passed the good news again

137 people referenced, 41 people 达本科线高淳中专校

Gaochun Secondary School Comprehensive High School Vocational Education College Entrance Examination Again Spread Good News

01 Light chasers will eventually become light

The years have become poems, the youth is fragrant, and the wind of early summer has heard the good news of the college entrance examination from time to time. On May 16, with the announcement of the 2024 vocational education college entrance examination undergraduate admission score line and candidates' results, the comprehensive high school of Gaochun High School has created another glory and made new contributions in the new round of college entrance examination journey - 137 people from the comprehensive high school participated in the 2024 vocational education college entrance examination, and 41 students reached the undergraduate line. The number of undergraduate students and the undergraduate completion rate both hit new highs, and the overall advancement rate ranked among the top in the city.

After three years of perseverance and hard work, we have successfully completed the student training goal of "low entry and high exit, high entry and excellent exit" with solid and powerful actions and gratifying results, so that many students whose high school entrance examination scores have not reached the general high admission score line have successfully reached the undergraduate admission line, and have achieved the jump from the bottom 20% of students in the city to the top 20% of the province in the college entrance examination. In that year, all the students who enrolled in the comprehensive high school of Dapu High Line reached the undergraduate line and handed in a satisfactory college entrance examination answer sheet to the society.

137 people referenced, 41 people reached the undergraduate line, and the Gaochun Secondary School Comprehensive High School Vocational Education College Entrance Examination passed the good news again

Gaochun Secondary School 02 has a letter in the wind and a period of flowers

Holding a five-color pen, ambition to write youth, hard work is always the best witness of youth, so the college entrance examination honor list has these dazzling names. All the way through the ups and downs, all the way to the flowers like a song, they take blood as the foundation, work hard as the ink, and strive to write their own different youth, so that the value of life shines in the college entrance examination.

In the past three years, under the guidance of Kong Jianmei, Li Wenting, Chen Zhen, Liu Liren, Chu Kailuo and other teachers, the students have forged ahead, diligently sprinted, sprinted towards the vocational education college entrance examination, and worked hard to open up the field of youth with hard sweat and selfless spirit.

Every season can not be disappointed, every day is shining, along the new track of the vocational education college entrance examination, they are attentive to every stroke, indulge in the depiction of their own youth scroll. Yangzhou University, Changzhou University, Suzhou University, Jiangsu Ocean University, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing University of Physical Education, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Jiangsu Institute of Technology, Huaiyin Normal University, Changzhou Institute of Technology, Jinling Institute of Science and Technology, ...... The palaces of the province's public undergraduate colleges and universities are opening their gorgeous doors to them.

137 people referenced, 41 people reached the undergraduate line, and the Gaochun Secondary School Comprehensive High School Vocational Education College Entrance Examination passed the good news again

Gaochun Secondary School 03 new track, very different

Go to college, study undergraduate, 90,000 miles of wind is moving. The vocational education college entrance examination has comprehensively built an application-oriented talent training system that connects secondary vocational education, junior vocational education, undergraduate vocational education, and professional degree graduate education, breaking the single-plank bridge pattern of the ordinary college entrance examination, forming a dual lane of vocational education and general education, and building a direct upward channel for more and more vocational education students to go straight to undergraduate colleges and universities, and fully meeting the needs of more and more candidates to receive higher-level and higher-quality education.

Keyword 1: What is the vocational education college entrance examination?

The vocational education college entrance examination and the general college entrance examination are two different types of college entrance examinations, and their status is equally important. The vocational education college entrance examination is an important way for ordinary colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province (public undergraduate universities in the province) to recruit students from our secondary vocational schools.

Keyword 2: Who can take the vocational education college entrance examination?

The policy of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education clearly stipulates that all classes in our secondary vocational schools can participate, whether you are a "vocational education college entrance examination class" or an ordinary employment class, as long as you are willing, you have a way to sign up. If you are interested in getting a bachelor's degree, a comprehensive high school will be your first choice.

Keyword 3: What is the vocational education college entrance examination?

Cultural Examination: 150 points in Chinese, 150 points in Mathematics, 100 points in English, 300 points in professional comprehensive theory, 300 points in the Professional Skills Test, total score: 1000 points. (There is no professional comprehensive theory test for the majors in the art subject group, and the total score is 700 points)

Keyword 4: Why do you have to take the vocational education college entrance examination?

The vocational education college entrance examination is the only way for our secondary vocational students to enter a full-time unified university, and it is the same as the training method for ordinary high school candidates after they are admitted to the university.

The vocational education college entrance examination course is not very difficult, so the difficulty of the vocational education college entrance examination is not the exam, but that many of our students and parents are not clear about the policy, the registration method, and the learning method, resulting in the missed admission opportunity due to the lack of information channels and the excellent undergraduate opportunity to pass by.

Keyword 5: Which students are most suitable for applying for the comprehensive high school class?

Pu Gouda students of the line.

If your child's high school entrance examination score is in the "waist" range, or close to the three-star general high school entrance score, the chance of being admitted to a public university in the province will be very high.

Knock on the blackboard and highlight the points.

Four differences: the vocational education college entrance examination and the general college entrance examination enrollment objects are different, the examination time is different, the proposition unit is different, and the difficulty of the examination is different (the difficulty value of the vocational education college entrance examination is only 60% of the ordinary college entrance examination, which is an excellent opportunity for candidates with medium high school entrance examination scores to realize their dreams and overtake in the corner).

3. The same graduation certificate and degree certificate obtained, the same academic system, and the same treatment after further study.

137 people referenced, 41 people reached the undergraduate line, and the Gaochun Secondary School Comprehensive High School Vocational Education College Entrance Examination passed the good news again

Gaochun Secondary School 04 to youth, fight together

Raising the white clouds and the sky is far away, youth always contains infinite possibilities. Choose the most suitable education method for yourself, open the college entrance examination in another way full of expectations, and also open up the surging youth of your gold list title.

We look forward to every student continuing to follow the growth channel paved by the vocational education college entrance examination, working hard for youth, and sailing for dreams. Gaochun Secondary School warmly welcomes students who are interested in pursuing their dreams in the college entrance examination to apply for the school's comprehensive high school, and go to a new round of shining youth and realizing their dreams of undergraduate three-year covenant with us.

137 people referenced, 41 people reached the undergraduate line, and the Gaochun Secondary School Comprehensive High School Vocational Education College Entrance Examination passed the good news again

Gaochun Secondary School

Written by | Pan Guyu

Edit | Pang Hao

Audit | Zhang Zhihui

Issue | Principal's Office

Editorial Board: Zhou Jie, Yuan Jinghan, Li Qian, She Chun, Sandy

Editor-in-chief: Zhou Jie

Video production: "Famous Schools" column group


Guangming Daily "Educator" Jiangsu Division

Jiangsu Education Channel "Education Weekly" Famous School Famous Column Group

Nanjing TV Niuka Video "New Charm Campus" column group

Jiangsu New Charm Campus Financial Media Center

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