
How big can your baby understand you? If it is earlier than this age, it is most likely a "smart embryo"

Each baby speaks differently, some earlier and some later. But in fact, before they can't speak, they can already understand the adults, but many parents don't know, so they miss the golden period of communicating with their babies.

How old is the baby who can understand what adults are talking about? Studies have shown that babies are actually very eager to communicate with the people around them, but because they do not have language skills, they can only seem powerless to babble a lot of times.

How big can your baby understand you? If it is earlier than this age, it is most likely a "smart embryo"

However, they can still read the love of their parents and family members for them from the expressions and words of those around them, of course, sometimes contain some bad emotions. Therefore, parents and families must pay extra attention and do not complain or dislike them in front of the baby, because the baby can feel it.

Xiao Li always thinks that his child looks ugly, so when there is nothing to talk to the baby, he will point to his small face and say with a little disgust, how can you look so ugly? I didn't inherit my good genes at all, and I was really a clown treasure.

Every time she said these words, the baby would look very unhappy, and even sometimes deliberately avoid her, and would keep pedaling her calves to express dissatisfaction. But if she says something cute or smart to the baby, the baby will show great joy and keep waving her little hand.

How big can your baby understand you? If it is earlier than this age, it is most likely a "smart embryo"

If babies earlier than this age could understand adults, they might be smart

Normally, babies can read the meaning of adults at about one year old, and even if they can't respond with words, they are already able to follow the adult's instructions. This shows that the baby's brain development is good, and parents don't have to worry at all.

But if babies can understand adults when they are less than one year old, it is likely that they are smart babies, which means that their brains are developing very well.

Of course, whether you can understand the adult's speech is only a measure of the baby's brain development, parents should fully observe the baby, so that they can determine how the baby's brain is developing.

How big can your baby understand you? If it is earlier than this age, it is most likely a "smart embryo"

What methods can promote your baby's brain development?

1. Insist on breastfeeding

Now many mothers will breastfeed their babies, because breast milk contains various necessary elements for the baby's growth and development, which is very beneficial to the baby's health. More importantly, breast milk can promote the baby's brain development and make the baby smarter.

Of course, for those mothers who do not have enough breast milk, choosing formula is also a good way, because the DHA contained in milk powder can also make the baby smarter.

How big can your baby understand you? If it is earlier than this age, it is most likely a "smart embryo"

2. Exercise more and exercise more

Parents should often help the baby to do some simple exercises, such as making the baby lie on the bed, helping them move their limbs, and doing physical exercises. This is not only a good way to communicate with parents and children, but also good for the baby's brain development.

For those babies who already have a certain degree of independent exercise ability, parents can guide them to exercise on their own, because exercise requires hand-brain-eye cooperation and other aspects, which can effectively promote the baby's brain development.

How big can your baby understand you? If it is earlier than this age, it is most likely a "smart embryo"

3. Do more puzzle games

If you want your baby to become smarter, parents naturally have to think more. If parents can take some time to accompany the baby to do puzzle games, so that the baby's left and right brains are developed, then the improvement of the baby's thinking ability will be of great help.

Of course, parents can also buy some puzzle toys for the baby, through the way of companionship or guidance, so that the baby in the process of playing with toys, intelligence is developed, so as to become more and more intelligent.

How big can your baby understand you? If it is earlier than this age, it is most likely a "smart embryo"

4. Touch more and feel more

Parents should consciously let the baby accept stimuli such as language from the outside world, or hearing. Let the baby look at more colorful pictures, touch different objects, feel different touches, or listen to some different sounds, which can make the baby's perception ability develop.

How big can your baby understand you? If it is earlier than this age, it is most likely a "smart embryo"

Every parent wants the baby to be smarter, so it is better to act now, talk more with the baby, do games, and believe that there will be something in return.

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