
Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

author:Recommended for tours around

Take your kids for camping in a motorhome

Get up close and personal with nature

Beautiful scenery, eating, drinking and having fun

There is also a lawn BBQ

Experience a "slow" pace of leisure and entertainment life

Shanghai Dream Source Caravan Tour

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life
Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

A motorhome hidden in a sea of flowers

As a dream source with nearly 40 motorhomes


It can be said that the fried chicken is big

Includes a lounge table and chairs, outdoor umbrellas

Wi-Fi is available throughout the camp

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life
Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

8 meters family room

Walking into the motorhome, everything in front of you is extremely well arranged

The ingenious designer will be a small home,

Moved into the motorhome in its entirety

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

I didn't expect that there were so many goods in this seemingly petite "body"

Bright lights make guests feel the warmth of home

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life
Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life
Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

(8m Family Room Interior)

8m double bed room

Air conditioning, bathroom, Xiaoice box, large bed, TV

There is also a ring sofa large enough to lie down for 1 person

This is the first impression of the editor when he sees the caravan

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life
Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life
Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

10 meters family room

Crisp white sheets

Log closet

Plain sofa

At a glance, it is full of warmth

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

Spacious bunk beds

Full of space design

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

(10m Family Room Interior)

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

11m VIP room

Look at this spaciousness, this décor style

It is the top match in the caravan seen by the editor

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life
Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life
Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

Supporting facilities

Each motorhome is fully equipped

For all your needs

It was also very comfortable to spend one night in a motorhome

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

"Although the sparrow is small, it is complete" is a saying

Used to consider the performance appearance of a qualified motorhome

That's perfectly fitting

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

The bathroom that you are more concerned about when staying in a hotel must be

Xiaobian has actually tested: non! often! dry! clean!

It's clean and textured compared to the hotel chains

Also kindly prepared bath amenities

In addition, dental appliances should be brought by themselves, and environmental protection is advocated

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

Elegant environment

High-grade service will surely be for you

Bring a new consumer experience

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

"Love to the depths" must click twice

Using the motorhome as a "shooting prop"

Envious of the sisters in the circle of friends~

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

Figure/DP image provided

Xiaobian thought that there would be fairies who were worried about the water flow of the caravan

Immediately tried it, Ann 100 hearts!

As large as home, hot water in 0.01 seconds

Wash your hands in winter and don't be afraid of the cold

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

Plus: Removable TV

Feel the 180° viewing angle

How comfortable how to come

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

The European-style decoration even carries a hint of Japanese style

Whether it's a couples love day or a vacation option

It is also a good place to shoot as a photo shoot

This motorhome is perfect for you to be satisfied

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life
Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

Outdoor BBQ

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

Of course, don't miss the oversized barbecue area

The whole family sat around, blowing the breeze and roasting the meat

Overhead the blue sky, sitting on the ground, from time to time wafting with the aroma of grilled meat

It's so much fun to eat and play!

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life
Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life
Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

(You will not bring your own barbecue stove and ingredients)

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

A night of dreams

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

Dream Quest Spring Festival Light Show: January 23 to February 16

Colorful light and shadow at night

Shock and glamour

A beautiful, creative and cool visual feast!

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

The world of light and shadow

It seems to be a dream of a teenager with ups and downs

Wake up and wander the world beyond the universe

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

Whether it's adults or children

You can all experience different kinds of fun here

What are you waiting for, punch the duck!

Let's camp with our kids! Get up close and personal with nature and experience a "slow" pace of life

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